The Empress / Comments

  • Thank you for the lovely comment you left on my story(:
    I appreciate it so much.
    November 14th, 2009 at 01:44am
  • 18 hours total for your time in college. Typically, you take 12-18 hours a semester. Classes usually count for 3 hours, meaning you go to class for 3 hours a week (either an hour 3 times a week, an hour and a half 2 times a week, or all 3 hours at once). So 18 hours for your minor would mean you take 6 classes for your minor. Sometimes classes count for 4 hours because there's also a 1 hour lab, but a large majority are 3.

    No, my mom just had hers pulled while most people nowadays get theirs sliced out. I definitely would not want to be awake. I don't know of any cases where people haven't gotten enough oxygen, but I've heard of people who had their nerves messed up from the cutting or dry sockets from not cleaning out the holes.

    It's called Greek Traditions. It's the study of the reception of Greek antiquity (especially literature) after 1945. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm not getting anything higher than a B.
    November 7th, 2009 at 03:26am
  • I'm definitely doing NaNo, by the way. One step at a time, or rather, 1,667 words a day.

    Your credits will transfer over. Minors usually only require like 18 hours. Even if none of your credits will count towards your minor, you can easily get a minor your junior and senior year of college.

    Are you having your wisdom teeth surgically removed? Mine were, so they knocked me out for that. The braces thing sucks. That happened to one of my friends. I definitely do not envy you!

    It's really just this one class that I'm taking. I'm constantly pulling all-nighters or getting only an hour of sleep, and the sick thing is, I can work all night and still not be finished. All my other classes are no big deal. They're not [i]that[/i] different from high school. The biggest thing is that you aren't required to keep up with the reading or studying because there aren't day-to-day assignments, but every test is worth 20-25% of your grade and papers are usually 5-10%. The other sucky thing is that my university is on the +/- scale. It really, really blows. If I get a 90% in a class, that's an A-, and it [i]will[/i] lower my GPA. Now I have to try even harder to get at least a 95%.
    November 4th, 2009 at 12:49pm
  • Actually, I won't be taking my first Psych classes until next year. In general, minors are really easy. Everyone I know has one unless they're double-majoring or premed majoring in something like English.

    I'm sorry you're so stressed! Use Common App. It makes everything less difficult, and your driving will get better eventually. As for your wisdom teeth, well, I never had any problems with getting those out.

    I miss home a bit, mostly because it's like a constant blur of schoolwork. It's so strange living where you go to school. The work can be a bit nightmarish at times, but everything else is wonderful. I have two roommates, so it's like a perpetual slumber party. I've had amazing success getting along with them; we've started finishing each other's sentences. xD
    November 3rd, 2009 at 03:28pm
  • pls write again soon i miss ur stories
    October 21st, 2009 at 08:10pm
  • Sounds like a plan. I'll probably wait until sometime next week though since I have a couple of mid-terms coming up. (At least one of which is guaranteed to kick my butt.) I don't think I'll succeed at NaNo this year either, but I'm going to at least try.
    October 14th, 2009 at 05:48am
  • Alas, I have not. Then again, you haven't updated the Vampire Prince's Servant either.
    October 12th, 2009 at 07:24pm
  • I don't think we're allowed to have hotplates, which is tragic. We've already made oreo balls and peanut butter/ butterscotch bars. We'll make it work. I wish there was a kitchen in our dorm! And I have no idea how to make clothes. I have no sewing machine anyways.

    Well, it takes practice. I love driving. It makes me feel free. If I ever don't have access to my car, I feel trapped and isolated. It's great to be able to go wherever you want whenever you want, and there are few greater pleasures in life than speeding down the highway alone (or with friends) with your music blasting.

    The last opera I went to see (can't remember what it was), I recognized the hot guy who played one of the main characters. He had come to my work the previous night and winked at me even though he was with his girlfriend. Ooh, Cinderella! If that's the version I'm thinking of, you have to go! It's very good!

    Thanks. I slept all day, so now I have to stay up all night to catch up on homework. How counter-productive! I feel like my cold might be meningitis because my neck and back really hurt, I'm exhausted, I have no appetite, and I have a mysterious red spot on my skin that just appeared. I think those are all just signs of stress though. No fever, unfortunately. What do you have to do to get a reason to miss class? I feel like crap! It's not fair! -whimper-

    All right. I'm done whining.
    September 28th, 2009 at 08:16am
  • Sorry, forgot to add this!

    I love the opera, and good luck on your driving lesson! I'm sure you'll do fine. It doesn't take too long to get the hang of it.

    I'm not really doing anything fun. I'm sick this weekend, so I've just been laying in bed reading [i]Omeros[/i] by Derek Walcott for one of my classes. (Don't read it. It's awful.)
    September 27th, 2009 at 05:00am
  • That sounds awesome! I think I'm going to be Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, if I can find a costume that doesn't make me look like I'm going to be in a porno.

    Scary movies are okay if you're in your home with friends. They're terrifying in theaters though. I know what you mean. I usually end up reading the summary on Wikipedia instead of watching if I'm curious how it ends.

    We're going to decorate our dorm room and make Halloween treats (if it's possible with only a microwave). One of my roommates wants to go to a haunted house. I don't know if I'll be able to do that! I hate the whole things-jumping-out-of-no-where shock.
    September 27th, 2009 at 04:39am
  • Its my brothers football game. He will be sweating and I'll be laughing my ass off x]
    And its true we were the first to get dates no brag =]
    Have fun at your dance!
    September 26th, 2009 at 12:36am
  • Oh yes. My roommates and I already have extensive Halloween plans. I've very excited. How about you?
    September 25th, 2009 at 12:36am
  • Let's see... our life is so boring I actually need time to think of something x]
    Be for real now.
    There is the homecoming party... cause it is actually a party lol. What else... Blakes first game of the season and ... thats all. I will go to both. Me and Blake got dates from the first day they announced it x]
    September 23rd, 2009 at 01:46pm
  • I don't know... School started so we aren't really into it.
    What's up with you?
    September 22nd, 2009 at 02:51pm
  • Actually, most of my grades have been coming from papers, which totally sucks. I'm awesome at tests. Really, I am. For some reason, I tend to work well under pressure. Papers, on the other hand...

    I have no idea what the requirements for keeping financial aid are. I didn't qualify for any because my dad makes too much money. I wish college understood that even though he makes a lot of money doesn't mean that I'm getting it!
    September 20th, 2009 at 11:49pm
  • I got my scholarships just from applying to the school. I think they were based on my high school GPA, my test scores, etc. One is an orchestra scholarship from the audition I played for them. I have to keep a 3.75 GPA in order to keep my scholarships. It's harder than it sounds. There aren't as many assignments, so it's hard to bring your grade back up.
    September 20th, 2009 at 10:13pm
  • Me and my brother have a unique relationship x]
    If you actually even you say one word a day to your sibling its good ^^
    September 17th, 2009 at 06:16pm
  • well it is a weird shade of blue and purple so yeah XD
    Am I being a bad brother that I'm laughing at his pain? >.>
    September 16th, 2009 at 02:33pm
  • Well, maybe on my worstest enemies, but only them.


    Sorry, quick break while I imagined gleefully what that would be like for them. Anyways, I wasn't originally taking this many hours. It started out as 15. And then I was informed that I was required to take two more classes. Hip hip hooray.
    September 16th, 2009 at 07:00am
  • Blake has that it so freakin funny XP
    He goes all blue x]
    September 14th, 2009 at 12:57pm