my idol; / Comments

  • rachel weisz

    rachel weisz (100)

    United States
    It is great. I just know that gee and lyn-z will make great parents. Though I don't know how they'll work out the whole 'We're both musicians on the road' thing. That is gonna be difficult. Because like you can't really take a baby on the road with you and do concerts all the time.
    November 30th, 2008 at 11:17pm
  • rachel weisz

    rachel weisz (100)

    United States
    happy thanksgiving
    and nothin much excpet I just pissed my fuckin pants bcuz GERARD AND LYN-Z ARE HAVIN A BABY!!!!!!!!!! I"m so happy for them.
    November 30th, 2008 at 10:51pm
  • TheRibbonOnMyWrist

    TheRibbonOnMyWrist (500)

    United States
    lol, i totally understand. ask for tickets as a birthday present!! i asked for linkin park tickets for christmas and got them in february, lol. but i still got to see them! it was just...a late present, lol.

    lol, aw, i sorry. what's your project?
    November 30th, 2008 at 06:32am
  • TheRibbonOnMyWrist

    TheRibbonOnMyWrist (500)

    United States
    lol, yeah he does! i haven't seen them in concert but i'm dying to!

    happy early birthday!

    i'm good. i'm finally getting a chance to write! i haven't touched a computer in ages until this weekend, lol. my school's play is next weekend so we've been staying until 8 or 9 :P

    howz are youu?
    November 28th, 2008 at 10:28pm
  • rachel weisz

    rachel weisz (100)

    United States
    Ahhh ur gonna be 14....that's like WOW!!
    Thanks...and IDK it's weird. I mean like it doesn't really matter what your friends look like I mean apparently she thinks it does. But I love my friend and that's that.
    November 28th, 2008 at 07:11pm
  • rachel weisz

    rachel weisz (100)

    United States
    I know they are.

    But old will you be? And sorri you had drama with your friend...that happened to me once...but it was really bad so we ended up not being friends...and the reason she started fighting was bcuz I like 'emo/goth kids' and I had friends like that and she just like hated me for it. I just think that's stupid to hate someone for that reason.
    November 27th, 2008 at 10:12pm
  • TheRibbonOnMyWrist

    TheRibbonOnMyWrist (500)

    United States
    heyz. your icon caught my attention, lol. how are you?
    November 27th, 2008 at 06:07am
  • i cried the verse.

    i cried the verse. (100)

    United States
    i'm glad to hear that things are going greattttttt !
    you are super lucky with that guitar lol
    my parents would never ever EVER, do that.
    they'd be like, get it yourself.
    oooooo, i like the name cyanide. cleverrr.
    i would be really stupid and name my guitar something retarded.
    but i can't think of a good example right now lol

    ahhh. your parents have just been treating you so well lately.

    at least your room seems better
    having a cool room is always amazing lol
    i wish my room was cool...
    its not at allll.
    my dad always makes me clean it even though there' nothing to clean o___0
    i love my friends rooms because they seem so lived in, you know?
    like it has that comfortable feel where you can hang out in there all the time.

    i hope you have fun with your friendsssssss.
    i think a new bed and guitar is a big consolation for not going to a concert lol
    there will be other concerts most likely :]

    so, yeah.
    have a happy thanksgiving!
    HAPPY early BIRTHDAY !!!!
    November 27th, 2008 at 04:22am
  • rachel weisz

    rachel weisz (100)

    United States
    I knooooow we haven't talked in forever.
    I missed you too.
    And I'm fine. Got myself a boyfriend of six weeks and one day. I counted. lol
    he's amazing...sorri I'm bragging. anyway How are you?
    November 26th, 2008 at 11:02pm
  • i cried the verse.

    i cried the verse. (100)

    United States
    ohhhhh. yeah.
    if its on a school night, thats hard.
    my mom wont even let me go on school nights sometimes lol
    cause then you wont get back home until really late
    and then youre practically dead in class. hahah
    but sleeping in class if fun sometimes :]

    ooooo, amusement parks are fun.
    i would choose disney because obviously you have some days left on your passes.
    but that's just my stingy side saying that lol
    ive been to disneyland in LA, but not universal
    so i cant really compare lol
    buttttt, butch gardens seems pretty cool too.
    just pick one that works for everyone.
    then not a lot of people will be complaining about how they wanted to go to the other place, ya know?

    i have to say im pretty jealous that you are thinking about going to an amusement park.
    but then again,
    my friend and i are planning a 'surprise' party for my other friend in december :]
    we're going to try and got to knotts berry farm.
    yeahhhh. its fun.

    November 19th, 2008 at 02:26am
  • i cried the verse.

    i cried the verse. (100)

    United States
    haha. i replied quicker this time :]
    go me !

    your mom said :[ ?
    it might just be my tiredness that made me not get what that meant hahah.

    i think if you have a chance to go to an a7x concert, you should take it.
    actually, not a lot of people camp out.
    at least i dont think. unless they are hardcore/die-hard fans.
    just show up an hour before the doors open.
    unless you're looking for a spot at the bar/barrier, it doesnt matter where you are in line lol
    eventually everyone gets jumbled up.
    inside the arena, most of the time i start in the back, and end up near the front a few feet away from the performers.
    i guess you just need to know how to push through the crowd lol


    oh, btw, if the venue says no cameras. dont bring a camera.
    my friend made that mistake once, and we had to call my dad to come back so we could give him her camera.
    unless, you have a sneaky person who can shove it into their pants or something and get past metal detectors hahah.

    nothing is more fun on a birthday than a concert.
    especially when you get to meet the people you are there to see.

    i also like surprises on a birthday.
    but i cant exactly call up your friends and tell them to surprise you and attack you with silly string and little popper things. haha.

    i would say go to an amusement park, but you probably have a kinda large group
    and you just recently went lol
    so yeah, im still out of ideas haha

    November 15th, 2008 at 07:31am
  • i cried the verse.

    i cried the verse. (100)

    United States
    im super late with this reply :/
    actually its only been like five thats kinda good i guess lol

    i like the layout change and the icon change.
    the gerard icon is pretty sweet :]

    thanks for the happy birthday :]
    it was literally the best birthday i have ever had.
    my two best friends were surprising me left and right.
    what was really funny was that they wrapped a one pound chocolate bar in two days worth of newspaper.
    it took forever to get to the chocolate hahaha.

    then i went to two concerts over the weekend
    i saw lovehatehero&ice nine kills on sat night
    and artist vs. poet&a change of pace for the second time on tues :]
    they were both pretty funnnn.

    its almost your birthday toooooooooo !
    hopefully ill be online closer to your bday so i can say happy birthday :]
    hmmmm. what to do.
    well depending on how many i would say bowling or mini golfing.
    those are both entertaining for the most part if you have outgoing people there.
    if someone has a camera, it makes it ten times more fun
    cause then you can take tonsss of pictures.
    or you can go to a restaurant for dinner
    but thats not fun hahah.
    i cant really think of anything else at the moment :/
    you'll be...fourteen, right?
    November 14th, 2008 at 02:02am
  • i cried the verse.

    i cried the verse. (100)

    United States
    i HATEEEE being busy.
    grrrrrr. it makes me very mad.
    i like to have free time. lots and lots of free time
    haha, don't we all though?

    the concert was AMAZINGGGGG :]
    all time low is awesome.
    those guys are entertaining as hell.
    and mayday parade are amazing as hell.
    i've seen them three times now :]
    and they are still mind blowing.

    when you get older, like sophomore year.
    i say you should go to a concert.
    maybe even freshman year
    but at that age your parents [or you friends parents] might want to go with you or something
    and that's just embarrassing though.
    and then at that age you should be able to push other people well without being pushed over yourself hahaha :]

    haha. 'busy social crap'.
    that's a great way of putting it.
    i LOVEEE hanging out with people
    but then sometimes you just get sick of it lol
    all the planning and running aroundddd.
    ...or maybe that's just me hahah :]

    i'm turning 17 on tues :]
    im so excitedddddddddddddddd!
    November 7th, 2008 at 03:01am
  • i cried the verse.

    i cried the verse. (100)

    United States
    AHHHH. im am super sorry about the extremely late reply.
    i was busy all last week.
    and even when i did get on the computer i didn't have time for mibba :[
    so, yeah, i'm really sorry.

    i think i might make a dA account later.
    when i have more time to actually do things with it lol
    like, december i'll probably make one.
    hopefully i will not be as busy then.

    i realllllllllly wanted to go to any horror night.
    but of course i couldn't
    so it was sad :''''''[
    but i'm glad that you had fun when you went :]

    but yesterday i went to an all time low concert.
    it was frickin awesome.
    but ive never been so sore after a concert ahaha.

    how have you been?
    <3 :]
    November 3rd, 2008 at 06:52am
  • Hitomi1995

    Hitomi1995 (300)

    United States
    thnx for the comment! I understand what ur saying and yes I mean in Hannah Montana all their doing is complaining that a girl is a rock star and she's having issues with it. Sure kids can dream because I'm a HUGE dreamer but really? I mean how about a show that talks about a kid struggling to be famous or something. Or how about, just an average kid???
    October 28th, 2008 at 10:10pm
  • i cried the verse.

    i cried the verse. (100)

    United States
    i'm glad you've been feeling better.
    it's healthy to be happy lol

    i might have ADD.
    but not have it at the same time
    cause i only get distracted when it comes to schoolwork and stuff.
    other things i can concentrate easily on.

    i always love it when i get comments from youuu
    they are one of a kind :]
    i also love it when i log on and theres something in red on the homepage.
    that makes me happy too :]

    i might make an account.
    i'm still deciding :]

    bleh. i wasnt in a talkative mood today :/
    October 20th, 2008 at 12:12am
  • i cried the verse.

    i cried the verse. (100)

    United States
    haha. yeah, that kid cracks me up.
    he's always doing something funny.
    or doing something that i can laugh at :]

    yay for being better :]

    oh no. for your trip.
    that sucksssss. i hate it when plans all of a sudden change.
    and especially when that change is not for the better.

    ohhhhh. i want to go to one of those things.
    i've never been there, but my friends really want to go and stuff.
    i think im going to get scared too easily though lol
    actually, no. my friend will get scared faster than me,
    then i can laugh at her :]

    nothing is really up with me.
    man, i REALLY need to start these stupid essays.
    i literally was going to start a couple of minutes ago,
    but then i was like 'Mibba...' hhahaha.
    i really wish that i didnt get distracted on the computer so easily lol
    how about you? what's going on with you?

    awwwww. -hugs-
    i feel special now :]
    i'm glad that my comments make you happy and shizzz.
    your comments make me smile :]
    i like logging on and finding that you left me a comment :P
    i have a few friends online.
    not a whole bunch cause after a while i get tired of replying a billion times to ten billion people
    cause then, for some reason, i dont feel as close with some of those people.
    especially when i see one someone who has like a million different people commenting them lol
    like theyre trying to talk to EVERYONE.
    i'll stop my rant now hahha :]

    i was thinking of making a deviantArt account
    even though i dont have any art,
    but my cousin has an account lol
    maybe i should...
    hmm i dunno cause then it'll get me distracted too hahah :]
    October 17th, 2008 at 03:14am
  • i cried the verse.

    i cried the verse. (100)

    United States
    OMG haha, btw something funny happened yesterday with that new friend i was talking about from my music theory class.

    i saw him walking in front of me, like a few yards, and all of sudden he opens up the GIRLS bathroom door and walks in. and i'm like 'he knows that's the girl's bathroom right?'
    then then seconds later he comes out and tried to play it off like he didn't do it
    and some girls walked by from the other direction an were like 'did you just come out of the girl's bathroom?'
    then today i was like, 'so how was the girl's bathroom?'
    then he was like 'oh my god that was so embarrassing. i don't know why i did that. i was so tired and didn't know that it was the girl's bathroom.'
    yeah, that that's my pointless story of the day :]
    hope you enjoyed it.
    October 15th, 2008 at 03:39am
  • i cried the verse.

    i cried the verse. (100)

    United States
    wow. that blows.
    you 'friend' is stupid.
    that reminds me of one time when this one girl pretended to be someone else just to get onto this RPG site when everyone on that site hated her, and she hated us.
    that might not have made sense, but those type people always get caught.
    there's no way around it.
    it's just easy to find out who someone is.
    yeah. she's just plain stupid. haha

    ooooooo. funnn. :]]
    i can't wait for christmas :]
    last saturday i left my house, and it was really cold.
    colder than it has been for months and i started thinking
    'hey, it's almost christmas time' ahhaha
    even though its like three months away lol

    its cool that you're close with your cousins.
    my cousins and i/my siblings aren't close at all.
    it's kinda weird when everyone's like
    'my cousins are so cool blah blah blah'
    and then i'm like 'i saw my cousins six months ago...' haha
    i wish i was close with my cousins :/

    you get to go by yourself????!
    my parents probably wouldn't let me do anything by myself :[
    October 15th, 2008 at 03:34am
  • i cried the verse.

    i cried the verse. (100)

    United States
    that's cool :]
    about the no awkwardness thing.
    i want new friends.
    actually i've made new friends with this freshman kid...sorta.
    i sit next to him in my music theory class, he's weird and funny :]
    hmm...then theres a few kids i have just met and stuff.

    i love all the artistic stuff on deviantArt.
    especially all the photos and stuff.
    gorgeous stuff.

    ehhh. nothing is really new with me.
    i have to start writing my college essays :/
    but i'm getting too distracted by other things lol :]
    i get distracted easily on the internet.

    how about you?
    besides the cool new friendsssss :]
    October 10th, 2008 at 04:06am