my idol; / Comments

  • ahhaha.
    people laugh at my sillyness all the time.
    i tend to say/do some weird things sometimes :]
    like smacking people in the head would be fun for me.
    it would also help take out some aggression too haha.

    ahhh, yay for new friends :]
    they are always fun.
    except for the awkwardness.
    i hate the awkward stuff that comes up with new friends.
    unless they are those types of friends who you click with automatically.
    i'm happy for youuuuu :]

    uhhhh. dA?
    is that deviant art?
    wow, this is the first time someone has asked me something and i do not know what it is haha
    unless you actually do mean deviant art, which i don't have one.
    i go on there from time to time though.

    btw, i'm sorry if my response time has gotten slower.
    i've been trying to reply back as soon as possible :/

    so yeah :]
    October 8th, 2008 at 07:29am
  • BLAHHH. sorryyyyy.
    i've been massively busy all week :[
    i missed my computerrrr. haha.

    -hugs back-
    well, i'm glad that my little rant helped you out.
    and i hope that by now that you are close to being over all of this.
    or maybe you are, but i think its hard to get over things in just a weeks time.
    but if i could smack that girl in the head, i would :]
    it would be very fun, i believe.
    now, i hope that soon you'll find some lovely people to be friends with :]
    cause everyone deserves friends.
    well, at least most people do. some don't haha.
    October 3rd, 2008 at 06:18am
  • nothing much, other than my bf breaking up with me and having a huge innability to write any of my ideas on paper without thinking they suck ass
    September 29th, 2008 at 06:39am
  • eeeeew Nasty I'm sorry
    September 28th, 2008 at 07:49pm
  • aw, thanks. i spent about an hour doing all that stuff to my profile.
    it took me like twenty minutes to change the font type xP
    i hate codes. they're so complicated.
    but again, thanks for the complement :]

    good job on that A :]
    you did it with only two people instead of four.
    i have to do a video project on madrid.
    i hate spanish lol

    wow, you have a really shitty 'friend'.
    if she even deserves that title.
    you know what? she doesn't deserve that title,
    cause friends dont do that to each other, period.
    i remember reading you profile a while back and you said something along the lines that you changed and that's why people didn't like you anymore.
    people are stupid and don't learn to accept people for who they are.
    and if your best friend, like the others, doesn't accept you for the way you are, then she doesn't deserve to be friends with you.
    you are way better than her for staying true to yourself.
    friends will always come and go.
    when you get older you'll meet other people who will not turn your back on you and accept you for who you are and actually realize that you are a human being, like everyone else, who just wants to feel like they belong :]
    so, fuck your best friend, she doesn't know what the hell she's doing.
    if i went to your school, i'd probably would want to be friends with you.
    and i'm not just saying that.
    i bet there probably kids like me at your school who would be friends with you but are just to chicken-shit to go against the crowd, or are just too shy to approach you or whatever.
    but i hope you feel better soon :]
    feel free to message me if you want,
    if you do i'll try to reply asap.
    September 28th, 2008 at 06:17am
  • I'm good, tired and trying to read a story telling myself I can't post anything knew
    September 27th, 2008 at 07:34pm
  • How are you?
    September 27th, 2008 at 12:07am
  • Hey I know I'm probably late with this but life's been pretty hectic so,
    Awesome profile ^^
    September 26th, 2008 at 06:34pm
  • =D Iyay
    September 26th, 2008 at 06:27am
  • i'm not feeling too type-y today, so this comment is gonna be kinda short :/

    you might be done with your project now
    but i hope everything went/is going well :]
    do you have to present it in the front of the class?
    cause i hate presenting things in front of people.

    hahha, you're using the antagonizer?
    a fitting name for dumbass projects, no? lol
    its cool that you guys are calling it that.

    uhh, i'm pretty tired actually.
    i couldn't go to sleep last night :[
    other than that i have to force myself to do more college stuff. bleh.
    and i'm in marching band -grumbles-
    and we have practices twice a week for three hoursw after school,
    and there i'm stuck with a lot of people who annoy me real easily.
    so yesterday i was VERY annoyed at people haha.

    how about you?
    September 26th, 2008 at 02:19am
  • sorry this took so damn long, but I'm glad you liked the story ^^
    September 25th, 2008 at 06:42am
  • Thank you for the comment! I'm glad you like the article ^^
    September 24th, 2008 at 03:14pm
  • as much as i'd hate to admit it.
    school is actually very good for you.
    cause then you can become very smart, and then in turn, you can become wealthy
    AND THEN at your ten year reunion, you can boast to everyone how filthy rich and happy you are :]
    you can shove it right into their faces and be like HA i'm better than you :]

    ohhh. i remember doing something like that in 8th grade.
    it was a rube goldberg project for science.
    i hated that project with a passion.
    my group called our project 'the antagonizer'
    because it pissed us off so much :]
    i hate science too. it's my weakest subject out of all.

    boys are stupid.
    believe me, they don't get too much better when they get older.
    when they get older and there are girls in their group,
    they just expect the girls to do all the work.
    then they sit back and just say 'good job you guys'
    you learn to accept these things over time.

    i hope you and nicole do well :]
    show those losers up lol
    September 21st, 2008 at 07:04am
  • I KNOW. i wanted to be like 'aww, look at them.'
    but then i didn't want them to give me a weird look or anything.
    haha, cause that would have been kinda embarrassing.
    and besides my dad was there and he's not too big on the whole gay thing :/
    [he's a narrow minded douche bag >[ ]

    but, yeah, i also hope that i find someone like that too :]
    someone special.
    i'm pretty sure we both will and we'll both be extremely happy :D

    wow, i'm glad that i've been making you feel better
    even if it might be just a little, it's still a nice feeling for me :]
    i'm actually a very huggy person,
    but i don't think other people know that so i dont get hugged a lot hahaha.

    but i probably don't want to go for different reasons.
    school is never fun, so just hang in there ;]
    i'm here for you :]

    oh, and i'm going to add you to my friends right now :]]]]
    September 19th, 2008 at 04:47am
  • AWWW !
    -hugs back-
    this was my face when i read your comment ---> :D
    that was sweet to say :]]]]

    i like talking/chating or whatever with you.
    you seem really nice,
    even if you don't write millions of words like me or others to express/show it,
    i don't really care cause i know you're nice :]

    in real life i'm not talkative; just to let you know.
    so i guess that's why i write so much.

    OH. i just have to tell someone this.
    cause i remember that you were bi and at the end you may be like wth, but i just HAVE to tell someone hahah
    SO. i went to this chinese restaurant on sunday and before my family got up to leave. i saw this gay couple. it was one white guy and one buff black guy.
    and it was really cute cause i saw a small bouqet of flowers on the seat and i guess the black guy gave it to the white guy. and, yeah, that's it.
    i just thought that it was really cute :]
    the story was very anti-climatic, but who cares ahahaha.

    oh yeah, i'm still jealous :P
    ahhahah :]
    September 17th, 2008 at 06:19am
  • gah, i'm SO jealous. i wish i could sing.
    like really badly, so i'm always jealous of people who can sing hahaha.
    if i had met you in person, i would have demanded you to sing for me lol
    but alas, this is a computer. so, whatever.

    anywho. you could soooo teach yourself how to play those instruments if you have the drive too.
    my brother taught himself how to play the bass
    and my sister had a little help with learning the guitar.
    you could learn both and be extremely versitile :]

    there's a lot of down time as musicians i believe,
    so yeah, being a writer at the same time is probably very do able :]]]

    geez i'm still jealous.
    September 17th, 2008 at 02:43am
  • ah, i've ALWAYS wanted to be in a band.
    but i very quickly found out that i have very little musical talents.
    i can't keep a steady enough beat for drums, i'm not coordinated enough for my arms and legs to be moving at totally different tempos/times,
    my fingers can't stretch far enough for the guitar/bass,
    and i can't sing. so that whole 'i wanna be in a band' thing flew out the window for me
    the only thing i can sorta think of doing in a band is maybe playing keyboard or something. dunno haha.

    i bought this book called 'king dork' and it was written by this guy in a band.
    i forgot what band it was.
    so if you ever get into a band, you could still totally write whatever the hell you want.
    the book isn't about his band or whatever, it's fiction, so you could do that :]

    have any musical talents?
    September 14th, 2008 at 03:06am
  • yeah, boredom is... boring lol
    September 13th, 2008 at 09:12pm
  • Nothing much, just getting annoyed with my mums dickhead of a boyfriend.
    Hows you?
    September 13th, 2008 at 08:50pm
  • No problem, I liked it
    September 13th, 2008 at 08:16pm