Wonderlandslost / Comments

  • Siren.

    Siren. (115)

    You're welcome =]

    That's alright. Oo, how are you writing the Norse god story? I may be interested haha. I'm looking forward to the next part of "The Angel's Plight". But the part about your laptop would be annoying XP

    I'm well, thank you (found out it's two words). I'm not going out today to my knowledge so I think I'll just focus on some writing and hope my muse will call haha. How are you?
    January 6th, 2011 at 03:06am
  • Siren.

    Siren. (115)

    Well, I'll probably decide on the relation later when I have more details, but they don't exactly have an amicable relationship.

    My brain feels a bit stuffed with Immortal info. at the moment, after reading the editted part 4. I liked how the last question was thrown in about the woods. Unexpected and suspicious haha

    I loved the raid, but it was so sad how so many of them died. Caspian was my favourite character. I also liked Trufflehunter (crazy name) the badger. I just wanted to give him a cuddle, he was soo cute. What were you're favourites?? Oh and I found this the other day, it's quite funny

    I didn't really make one, but I have a general hope to do well at school this year and to get fit. Nothing very original =P

    Sorry I'm copying the spacing, but good idea, it makes it easier to read =]
    January 2nd, 2011 at 07:57am
  • Siren.

    Siren. (115)

    So you are going to re-write it?
    Yes, I was going to have the boy be a guardian. I thought that maybe he could have a demonic (not sure if it's a word) brother/cousin that wanted revenge for something or is just downright bitchy. Cliche but I thought I might throw a witch into the works too. Maybe the brother's love interest or something?? And there's a twist towards the end (I think) but I won't ruin the surprise for you haha.

    CASPIAN YOU BABE XD I also liked it better though because there was more fighting and conflict. Wooooo conflict!
    If I had been a bystander I probably would've found it funny too. WOW that is TALL. What did he do? Happy new year by the way =D Made a resolution??
    January 2nd, 2011 at 05:39am
  • Siren.

    Siren. (115)

    Yes, I was not impressed >=l
    I noticed that chapter 4 went missing. I shall re-read the different chapter.
    Guessing you like Nathan because it's often short for Nathaniel? I LOVE my Greek mythology!! One of my many interests haha. Do most angelic names end in "...iel"?
    Yay, thank you =D Well, I have almost NO ideas apart from girl meets boy, typically like each other and know it, but can't be together for some reason, and yeah. THAT'S BASICALLY IT!! So it needs a lot of work from me XP
    I actually like the second Narnia movie better than the third, just because I'm someone who doesn't really like quests, where one thing leads to another and another, which is basically what happens in 'Voyage of the Dawn Treader'. It's still a good movie though =] I have the first two on DVD, I watch 'Prince Caspian' more than the other, though. You can guess why ;D
    I like to go ice skating on the (very) odd occasion. Haha your poor boyfriend, you made him fall over!! How mean XD
    January 1st, 2011 at 03:30am
  • Siren.

    Siren. (115)

    I was just about to hit submit when my finger touched the "back" button so I lost my comment >=[ So forgive me if I'm brief and somewhat unenthusiastic because I don't want to write everything again.
    I liked the chapter, and I'm glad Eleanor didn't die or turn into an immortal (if that's possible??). And at the beginning I was like "Azreal is being such a d***" and then I was like "Oh".
    Apart from Lucian, Alec and Hugo, I like Jason, Jasper and Nathan. And for girls I like a lot but Alexa, Hera, Phoebe and Thea are some of my favourites. Perhaps you noticed that a few were from Greek mythology?
    Oh yes, that'd be wonderful if you could help me. If I write anything with your help, I'll credit you =D
    I still cannot draw his mouth!!! I watched the third Narnia movie tonight (this time illegally ;). Have you seen the movies??
    Thanks. Ooo ice skating! I can barely stray a metre from the barrier XD For fun or sport??
    December 30th, 2010 at 03:21pm
  • Siren.

    Siren. (115)

    So excited for chapter 4!! I hope you haven't killed Eleanor off this early ;) Do you have the whole plot set up or are you just sort of going with the flow??
    Yeah, I suppose. Still, I prefer the holidays to school =D
    Aww, how sweet haha. Thankyou (I always get confused, is it one word or two??).
    Yes, it does.. maybe a reason why I like it ;D Really?? I only have a few guys names I really like, and like more girls' names. I like some somewhat uncommon names like Hugo and Alec. If I do write a story, keep an eye out for those names!! What names do you like, then???
    That'd be cool. I've thought that maybe the "bad" demons might try to stop the guardians. Thankyou (again, one word or two?), I just think my plot has too many holes in it. I thought that there would be this girl and she mets this boy (set in a fantasy land, most probably) and later finds out he's a guardian and events happen before and after. The problem is I don't know what haha. That's the problem with most stories I think of >=[ So frustrating!!!
    Right now I'm trying to draw Prince Caspian ("how random" thinks rachel :) and I CANNOT draw his mouth. I swear it is actually impossible!!! But he's so hot... Yeah, as you can probably guess, I fancy Ben Barnes =D
    And I feel like this message is getting long so I'm going to go make dinner

    P.S. Did I mention I'm excited for chapter 4??!!
    December 30th, 2010 at 08:39am
  • Siren.

    Siren. (115)

    Just read chapter 3!!! I'm really getting into this story, Rach =D
    December 30th, 2010 at 05:04am
  • Siren.

    Siren. (115)

    Yeah, I'll try my best to nag you after that =] I think I go back early Feb. but I'm not sure. Ew year 11. Not looking forward to that XP
    Oh and if I ever post a story and you read it, would you mind being my personal nagger?? Please =D
    Yeah, I like Azreal. A name I like for a boy is Lucian. I felt proud when I thought it up when I was like 14 and then I found out it was already a name. I thought I was being original!! XD
    Well I thought up Guardians not that long ago. I haven't got my ideas set in stone but I have a few ideas about them. They are demons or fallen angels who want to be good and live in the Heavens. To do this though, they must live on earth and protect a mortal's soul and life.
    I'm not too sure about them though. I just think my ideas are a bit sketchy =/
    December 30th, 2010 at 04:16am
  • Siren.

    Siren. (115)

    Glad I'm not the only whiney one then =]
    ... or unwhiney one =/
    I would be honoured to be your personal nagger for updating. How often do you think you'll post?? Just so I don't bug you too much about updates ;)
    Eleanor is a pretty name and Azreal is damn hawt ;D Yeah, I base stories off names too (even if I never write them). I want to write this story I have in my mind about these things called Guardians. Like angels but not.
    Wow, Eliza. What a great description of guardians!! XP
    Nice to meet you, also =D
    Thankyou, even though it's night here haha
    December 29th, 2010 at 12:05pm
  • Siren.

    Siren. (115)

    Hey Rach, I'm Lyzy =]
    I just barely finished reading chapter two of "The Angel's Plight" but please post another soon!! (Sorry to sound whiney but you can tell I'm excited haha)
    December 29th, 2010 at 08:09am