tyler farr. / Comments

  • catch 22

    catch 22 (100)

    United States
    you probably won't believe me, but I did have one originally.
    I was updating my profile and I'm just seeing now that I accidentally deleted it, now that you mentioned it.
    so sorry I did that, I hope you're not too upset :/
    June 1st, 2009 at 10:25pm
  • Adie Delonge

    Adie Delonge (100)

    United States
    You're welcome ! ^_^
    Nothing really. (:
    Getting ready for school, wearing my new badass Green Day shirt, wearing my aviators, and listening to Theory of a Deadman.
    June 1st, 2009 at 01:19pm
  • Adie Delonge

    Adie Delonge (100)

    United States
    Yes, yes. (:
    It's on my other computer. Dx
    I'll send it to you once I get back on there.
    June 1st, 2009 at 03:24am
  • Adie Delonge

    Adie Delonge (100)

    United States
    I love your username. (:

    Jason White. <3 <3 <3
    June 1st, 2009 at 12:19am
  • gloria.

    gloria. (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Days like that make me sad:(

    It's very annoying, and I swear it takes longer to type like that then it does normally.

    Drag me to hell or star trek?
    I'm gonna take a guess and go with Drag me to hell, it's was really good, one those films that make you jump. A lot. If you have the chance to go see it, then you should.

    I think its split, there evidence of it being real and then there evidence of it being fake.
    May 30th, 2009 at 01:22pm
  • gloria.

    gloria. (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I watched the film couple days ago, and was it just me or did it have a slightly blue tint to it? Kinda like a rainy day. It was wierd.
    Haha, I know so many people who type like that, either they don't do it right and look retarded or they do it right and still look retarded.
    I've only read Red Dragon and Hannibal Raising, both amazingly good.

    They're really annoying, my last day is coming up and every single year all the year 11 boys go completely crazy, they tape people to gates and all that shit, I just want to get out of there as quick as possible.

    Same, it is easier to feel sympathy for sad stories characters.

    It wasn't that bad, the ending was a bit messed up though. And we snuck into the last hour or so of Star Trek, which turned out to be really good.

    This is a bit random, but I stumbled upon it on youtube, do you think 9/11 was planned by the goverment?
    May 28th, 2009 at 08:22pm
  • gloria.

    gloria. (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    He will have to do it eventually, or just not.

    The film was good, Clairce Starling was BAD, and Hannibal the Cannibal was just amazing! The Hannibal Lector books can kick Twilights ass any day!
    I'm working on my accent, trying to make less Indian and more German.

    That’s kinda the point of being teenaged, do it all now, cause you ain't gonna get another chance.
    16 is a bit young, and most of the boys are still in the fast and furious thing.

    You should defiantly try it, it's the big cans that you can fill a big cup about twice with.

    I find sad stuff easier too, I think it's kinda cause’ it's easier to get the reader to connect, if that makes any sense.

    I'm gonna watch Drag Me to Hell tomorrow/today (depends when you get this message).I am shit scared.
    May 27th, 2009 at 12:31am
  • gloria.

    gloria. (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Oh wow, we make Billie Joe jealous, thats pretty impressive, considering it's Billie himself.

    Thats true. Some just show it more then others.

    It's really annoy, I watched Silence Of The Lambs, and the lady had an Taxes accent, and I kept think 'oh my god, shut up.' Yep that is when you it's bad, it's like politics, you don't need to know much, but you know your countrys messed up once the citizens start writing songs about how it sucks.
    Germans good, but every time I try it, it comes out Indian. :(

    Ahhh, boo for you, but the cool thing is in America you can drive at 16, but here its 18. In Britain it's okay for you to drink if your 15 but only at home with your parents, is it the same in America?
    Cause lets face it, in this day and age, kids are going to do that kinda stuff one way or another, so I've thought it's better for them to do it with their parents, where they some one keeping an eye on them, and can stop them if they start to get out of hand, instead, of lying and going behind their parents back and doing it with their friends on the streets, where they can get into trouble and danger.

    Relentless is the best one, I had it today, it's goes forever. Have you tried Relentless?

    oh my god, same, i wrote one where Billie and Tre switched bodies, kinda like freaky friday, and it was meant to be funny, but it got like depressing cause Green Day broke up and Billie got divorced. I read it all for the first time, and i thought it was a bit of bummer.
    Depressing stuff is kinda easier, in one way or another.
    May 25th, 2009 at 09:37pm
  • gloria.

    gloria. (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    We're so cool, we're hot! It's makes sence to me...

    Wouldn't you've been kinda embrassered?
    I know, french and american are the best. No offence, but, the Taxes and country/southern accent in america bugs me so much.
    Exams suck, tests are okay, but exams, lets never do them!

    I was really close to doing that, but I like 'breathe, breathe' If someone else was awake all they would've heard was:
    'Billie Joe is scary
    footsteps, thumpthumpthumpthump.
    Are you okay?
    shuuuu upppppaa'
    I couldn't stop laughing, she'd just turnt eighteen was taking FULL advantage of her drinking was now legal.

    We have something else in common, but, it's mostly redbull and energy drinks that do it for me.
    Haha, super slap happy, I like it!

    It's probaly something to do with the connection...

    If you want insperation to write funny/happy stuff just watch Friends, or a bunch of drunk people. <
    May 21st, 2009 at 10:13pm
  • gloria.

    gloria. (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Thank you, I always get awkward when i try to write it. I love slash too, just suck at writing it.

    hhahaha, What would've you done if he read it?
    Just smiled, waved and looked innocent?

    Talking about it is encrouging me to do it! It's the little voice in my head, you see. I joke, I joke, I won't do, I'm not that evil, although, I did start some thing in my school that scared the living shit out of everyone, no one knows it was me!

    My mum dosn't see doing wierd stuff either, but, i thought my parents were sleep, it was really early, and their bedroom door was open, so I moonwalked past it, and my dad just said, 'have you completely lost your mind?' I thought he was asleep.

    He has really nice legs, though.

    Finding Nemo is classic without a doubt. I couldn't stop laughing when went to watch Elf, and I surrounded by four year olds and they all gave me evils. >.<
    May 18th, 2009 at 11:04pm
  • gloria.

    gloria. (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Yahhh, I was kinda wondering, I'm writing this story, and in it, theres a few sex scenes, and I was wondering if you could like kinda write them for me, since you're amazingly nice and talented and you love me and everything=]=]=]

    They were assholes. No one likes them.

    Ohh my god, I did that with my teacher and Billie, and then I couldn't really look him in the eye for a while, and is that where that showalter story came form, that was hot.
    We'd totally get the attention if we were the only ones standing up and the only ones who had eyebrows.

    Nah, it's not like serious, or anything, it's in a payfull way, we 'break up' friends alot, it's fun.
    It's fun to be odd. I'm immature according to my dad.

    He is a migdet, and you know in the promo pictures for the new album, I love all the tricks they used to make him look taller, like putting him closer to the camera then the others. I gave him dwarfish in my story.
    Elf is like finding nemo, you know you're too old for it, but you love it anyway. Wall-e is also amazing.
    May 17th, 2009 at 04:05pm
  • gloria.

    gloria. (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I know it's just nearly as sexy as the DJ dude, I just met. hehe

    Hehehe, slash, you're really good at writing that, don't you feel awkward when do write it?

    Good point, they both just make really angry, I don't them. No one deserves to be put through what their victims went through. It's basic human rights!

    If someone can make algebra fun, then they've got some talent. I'd say bigger then Mike's and he has like blonde hair with highlights, he's cute, I'm really sad that I don't have for any lessons, cause I just found out he doesEnglish aswell.
    But still, if the girls passed out then I could like shave of their eyebrows, then I could I'd be the prettiest girl there!

    She's still pissed of at me. haha. I will check German starbucks for one.

    Yes you're very nice. I watched the clip of it and Billie looks short next to Will Ferrall, who I have to say made one on the greatest comedys EVER. Elf kicks ass!
    May 17th, 2009 at 12:38am
  • gloria.

    gloria. (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I proberly will be in my own little world, while they blabber on in German.

    Being born evil dosn't mean you don't know the difference between right and wrong, cause lets face it, if you can up with something like what they did and keep it hidden for so long, then you must've known that it was wrong. It's wrong to try and kill a whole religion of people, and it's wrong to rape and kidnap your own daughter for 24 years. Simple as.

    If he really enjoyed teaching you guys then he'll proberly come back to visit. Made algebra worth while did he?
    The one in my school wears a tight grey jumper, so you see his chest and all his muscles, he's soooo buff. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who thinks so. I call him 'pretty boy.' Why can't I have him for P.E?!?!?!

    I might actually do that, but it wont be the same!!
    Yeah, by the time it gets here it'll be all green and mouldy, and not orangy. Green & Mouldy Mocha Frappicino. Dosn't have the same ring to it. :(

    Haha, I pissed off my friend, cause I watched their one night stand on 4 Music and she didn't have the channel, so I called her and kept saying 'Oh I love this song' and 'Oh my god, look, it's Tre Cool' and 'You should've seen what they just did, it was soo cool.' She hung up on me. It was a fun thing to do.

    Most things do end up on youtube anyway.xD
    May 15th, 2009 at 07:51pm
  • gloria.

    gloria. (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I'm going to visit them this summer, and I just don't know how to start a convo with them, I get so awkward. You do looking like a idiot, just sitting in the corner, looking confused and smiling at random people. How fun.

    Hitler was just fucked in the head, and honestly, I don't think any one would ever be quiet as messed up as him. Apart form Josef Fritzl, he should just burn, alive.

    You should, you should, you should. but you can't:'(, I hope he does visit you. I call the one at my school "pretty boy" cause Fiona said I should. =] They're freaks, but whatever. Miss him? What lesson did you have him for?

    No they don't have any, I went to like 4 different ones and they all said they don't have any. I'm not going all the way to America for a Orange Mocha Frappicino, so I got a Mocha Frappicino and put a orange in it. No, i'm lying, I wanted to do that, though. Have you wanted Zoolander?

    I'm begining to see Green Day more and more on tv and mags, yay! They're going to be on Saturday Night Live, can you like watch it and tell me what happens?
    They're going to be on Live Form Abbey Road too, fina-fucking-ly!
    May 12th, 2009 at 08:55pm
  • gloria.

    gloria. (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    We're amazing.

    Wow, we both have some sort of German relation. How cool.
    I don't what their saying most of the time either.
    I find it's better to just smile and nod, then they don't try to explain what they said in English.

    Germans are fun.
    You know what I find really weird and scary about Germany, is that Hitler went into power with Germany was having a resession, and we're in a resession now, so whose to say that another Hitler wont come out of this one.
    The thought scares me.

    Jason Whites twin he could be Green Days replacement, if they ever lose the real one, I dare you to ask for an autograph..
    My friends a bitch, she squeaks and giggles everytime he walks past. And he always looks around at me, it's not even me.
    Plus the dud has cool hair and socks, they're like all cartoony and everything.

    I'm good, ta.
    Just a bit pissed off at Starbucks, since they don't do Orange Mocha Frappacinnos in England. ): It's a bummer.
    May 11th, 2009 at 08:27pm
  • gloria.

    gloria. (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Yerrppp, my dad gets mad when I mess up his laptop too. ☺

    It’s all about Joel and Nicole, he lost even more rock credibility with Nicole then when he dated Hilary Duff. I liked Benji and Paris, though, they were so mis-matched. So in other words they’re hypocritical sell outs.
    We’re nice people, aren’t we.

    I wanted to learn German too, but, I’m shit at it, even though my dad’s side of the family is German. :S, I feel like such a outcast some times.
    Spanish and French aren’t that bad, they’re a lot easier then German. We got German, Spanish and French, but the most we could take were two of them. So German it was then.
    I have a weird obsession with Germany…….

    There’s a new maths and P.E teacher at my school and they’re both just……*drools*
    They hang out together at like lunch and break so it’s like double hotness. I’m not sure about whether they have girlfriends.
    My friend was eating a cookie in class and he walked in, she choked. I laughed.
    Older men are smexie, unless their too old, then it’s just weird…

    Ohhhh, I get it now.

    How’ve you been? ☺<
    May 10th, 2009 at 09:16pm
  • Mike Dirnt.

    Mike Dirnt. (100)

    United States
    *huggg* *smush* Your comment made my day. Like, srsly made my day.

    And your profile kicks ass. I stole all the Billie avas and saved them. >:D
    May 10th, 2009 at 07:21pm
  • gloria.

    gloria. (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    So sorry for the late reply. Mibba was being quiet the dirty little whore....

    Anyway, on with the convo!
    It's not like as untrustworthy if you know someone whose bought something safely of there, then you wont worry about getting ripped off. Unless you have a virus or something..

    hahaxD Don't worry you're not the only one whose not quite sure

    GC were the people who sung Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, and then they just became such hipacrits(sp). And they turned into everything they apperntly 'hated.' It's the same in Fall Out Boy, almost every video is based around Pete. It's just bugs me. A lot.

    It's what my German teacher told me, and I've always wanted to like have my business, so I thought I'd take for my Year Nine Choices...Have you ever had a crush on a teacher....?(random)
    Do you do that in America where you get to pick what lessons you o or dont want to do?
    May 8th, 2009 at 11:32pm
  • Emmacakes

    Emmacakes (100)

    United States
    I mean a bit ^^;
    May 6th, 2009 at 04:30am
  • Emmacakes

    Emmacakes (100)

    United States
    I have to say that of those six songs, 21 Guns is my fave. I got this emotional wave when I was listening to it. Amazing! Absolutely amazing. Billie's so talented. :) And is that Mike who sings a but in American Eulogy? o.o
    May 6th, 2009 at 04:29am