abs171910 / Comments

  • Well long time no talk :)
    January 26th, 2011 at 11:17am
  • So since I'm bored and decided to procrastinate on my homework I have decided to post on your mibba acount and then possibly post another chapter of love and war because I miss Rose and I'm feeling (insert word for having ideas here).
    January 18th, 2011 at 08:07pm
  • Hello.
    That is all.
    January 9th, 2011 at 01:11am
  • Whoa, okay. Totally wrote a response to your comment, forgot to post it, and now here we are a month and a half later. Whoops. And you probably forgot everything you said. I am so sorry. D: Here’s the comment I wrote, like, three days after you commented back (I like writing things in Word before I post so that’s why I still have it):

    Me? Experienced? Not really, haha. You started way before me! I was nowhere near confident enough to act in elementary, so I admire you for that. And playing the part for the lead on last notice? Wow. Even if you didn’t do a good job it would have still been admirable to suddenly take the part. And jeez, look at all the plays you’ve been in! I’m sure whatever you did, whether it was standing in the background or playing the lead, you did an awesome job.

    I also felt the same way when I started helping out/acting in high school plays. Everyone was much more experienced, and there was a lot more effort put into the background/lights/sound. I’m glad it inspired you even more. :) Good luck on The Music Man. (Or, ya know, I hope you had an awesome performance doing The Music Man! I’m guessing since it’s been this long that you’ve already done it…)

    Psh, I’m a fast reader so this took like fifteen minutes overall to read and start my comment. No wasting of my life. I find it fun to talk to others who have similar interests and are so passionate about something. And thank you! I had an awesome birthday. Now I just have to worry about driving without accidents… (Okay, so I deleted my response to the “what are you up to” since I’m obviously not doing it anymore. Here’s the new improved!) Currently, I’m in school. Ugh. Uh…but not right at this moment I mean. ‘Cause today’s Saturday. Ya. Have you started school?
    August 29th, 2010 at 01:38am
  • LOOK LOOK LOOK LOOK LOOK! (there's two new chapters upppp)
    August 27th, 2010 at 04:17pm
  • ME TOO! I loved all the slow motion and anti-gravity!! How did you feel about the end?

    August 11th, 2010 at 08:01pm
  • Lately, I've been much more of a reader. I can't for the life of me stick with a story. But! I have gotten my inspiration back, so that's good. And thanks (:

    Sorry this came so late! Life has been hectic!
    July 29th, 2010 at 07:29pm
  • It's all good. I'm not on super frequently either. (As you can probably tell).
    My summer's being going alright. I'll have to see if the rest of it goes as well.

    I've read that book (Graceling)! I quite liked it also. I read [i]The Hunchback of Notre Dame[/i] fairly recently. It was a bit odd.
    When do you start school again?
    July 26th, 2010 at 07:56pm
  • Sorry it's taken me so long to get back XD

    My favorite books are five and seven. And I've been rewatching the HP movies too...except I stopped after the second one because I can't find my PoA...lol.
    I'm planning on watching the sequel while I'm here at my sister's, so you might have someone to talk to about it soon!
    July 24th, 2010 at 04:33am
  • haha thats ok xD Im 17 with my first boyfriend :P
    Its good! I went on a vacation to Hawaii lol
    July 18th, 2010 at 07:22am
  • Hahah no not at all! I like never read :(
    July 14th, 2010 at 05:20pm
  • Ooh piano lessons that sounds like fun! And wow Broadway you must have it all figured out, that’s good for you=)

    Me, well I want to be a doctor (a Pediatrician to be exact) I hope I get in thought because I worked really hard, my results come out next month I really hope I get excepted…

    Yeah it was loads of fun =D hmm, Graceling I’ve never heard of it but I’ll check it out.. I’m a [i]huge[/i] HP fan (who isn't?) I just finished rereading all 7 books you know because of the movie=P
    July 14th, 2010 at 02:54pm
  • Lordy lou, things are going far too fast it feels like.

    College wise, I'm looking at the East Coast. Like Sarah Lawrence and Marymount of Manhatten in New York, Hampshire College of Amherst in Masachusettes, Kenyon College in Ohio, and my fallback is Willamette Univerisity here in Oregon. I plan on double majoring in vocal performance (music) and English education. One of my biggest dreams is to be on Broadway and to get to originate a role in a new musical or to be cast as Fiona in Shrek or Natalie in Next to Normal or Elphaba in Wicked pr Mama Rose in Gypsy and the list goes on... :)

    Assignment wise, I have an IB paper that I need to start writing on the symbolism of the mocking bird in To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee. It's supposed to be 10 pages long so that should be lots of fun. Haven't even started that one yet... Ugh. :P

    I feel like sticky noting books is probably my favorite form of note taking when it comes to reading. Half of the time, I just stick them into the book to make it look like I've been paying extremely close attention to it. Just don't depend too much on SparkNotes. Those teachers catch on quick to that, although it is quite helpful sometimes. :)
    July 14th, 2010 at 07:49am
  • I hope you get in some of my classes. And yeah, it is kinda weird, lol. I've just been working on my stories, talking to ben, and learning how to drive. I've gotten to actually drive the car out of the driveway, around a corner, around a dead-end circle and into a back driveway! Wohoo! I just got a 'rules of the road' book so I have to read that. :P I still gotta do my english reading homework soon. I'm not getting back to Connecticut until, like, the 20th or 21st. So what else is going on with you?
    July 13th, 2010 at 06:05pm
  • Let's see, strings and chorus, spanish 3, A english, A algebra 2, A history, H chemistry, gym, health,...i think that's it. What about you? And man, I had a sunburn on my whole body since I had worn a two piece. At least it's getting better. And what musical are you rehersing for?
    July 13th, 2010 at 05:00pm
  • No. You must wait. I'm still trying to outline and stuff and figure out what's going to happen in the long run, since I never have that and that's why I never finish a story haha
    July 13th, 2010 at 04:18pm
  • thanks :) and summer's been great for me haha I have a bf now! How's yours?
    July 13th, 2010 at 04:34am
  • Its good you're still alive, haha. And I like your comments - they're nice and long with good commentary on writing/plot, so I think it's worth the wait. :)

    Oh let's see...I started acting late so I've only had parts in about five plays. In my first play I only had about four lines, but I still had fun since it was my first. In the second I was a last minute replacement, but it was also fun because I got to open up the play and 'kill' someone (plus it was my first high school play). In the third I wasn't a major character (have you ever heard of the Grimm Brothers Spectaculaton? It's absolutely hilarious - I got to play the witch in Hansel and Gretel who gets thrown into the oven), but I loved just being a part of it. The fourth play was a student directed and made play, and I got choosen as the lead. It was about the greek warrior Persus (whom I played) killing Medusa. My fifth play was just this fall and I got to play Sarah Lynd (I think that's how you spell her name...) in Anne of Green Gables. I've been in tech a lot too, and that's how I got to be the replacement in my second. How about you? Hm...I'm so sure I've heard the Music Man before, but I can't think of a plot. Time for google again! It's great that you want to be an actress, acting is so fun. I've gained a lot of confidence since I started acting. :) For me though it's kind of a fun thing to do - I have other plans for my future. I hope you have lots of success with your acting!

    Not failing is very good! Finals can be so stressful. And I dunno about you but I was just ready to be done with school so it was hard to study for me. Hm and my summer is starting to pick up. I finally get to go on vacation next week and see a ton of my family. Plus I will be turning sixteen tomorrow. :D How are you? I hope your summer is going well. Sorry for the long comment, haha. Don't wanna spam you. :p
    July 13th, 2010 at 01:59am
  • The Olive I saw was really great. I was really impressed with the entire cast, they did amazing work!

    Musical Theater Intensive is this two week camp where about thirty high schoolers go and create a recital at Portland Center Stage. We do a couple group numbers and some individual pieces and then, on the final Friday of the intensive, we do a big show for family and friends. We also play games and do acting, dancing, and vocal workshops too. It's so much fun.

    Other adventures? Hmmm... I'm probably going up to Seattle to see the Broadway Preview of a new musical about cowboys (the name escapes as of right now) and see a Mariners game. I'm heading down to see my best friend this weekend and will be making a big tour de college when the school year rolls around. So that's about it for the summer...

    What's your English project about? It's so much fun to have homework over the summer. :P
    July 13th, 2010 at 01:35am
  • I will be soon. I bleached my hair by the way, it looks rather awesome. I wiss church too, so I'll be there soon.
    July 13th, 2010 at 01:24am