Its 2am and I need my friends.

None of them would be awake though. And even if they were, I don't think they'd be willing to help. I need a friend whose shoulder I can cry on, who I can finally break down to and let them know I'm not ok. I need to tell them the truth, and stop pretending I don't care anymore.I miss my baby, and it hurts more than anything. I miss laying in bed at night rubbing my belly and talking to her. I...
December 14th, 2010 at 04:15pm

Those 2 little lines that crush your whole world

Yes, I'm talking about the lines on the end of a pregnancy test that let you know your oven has been bunned. Make that 6 lines, seeing as I felt the need to do 3 just to confirm that I am doomed.I've only told one person yet, my best friend not the father, and soon as she comes back to town we're recreating that scene in Knocked Up where they frantically buy hundreds of pregnancy tests and spend a...
August 5th, 2010 at 12:16pm

Please help!

I'm researching "emos" and all that for my school research project, and I'm having trouble finding people to do my survey! (it's due tomorrow, oh god help!)So please click here'll take about a minute if that, and there are no hidden contracts or messages to annoy you, just the satisfaction of helping a complete stranger with no benefits for yourself!PLEASE...
June 8th, 2010 at 11:12am

I figured out what was wrong with me!

I was thinking TOO much about everything!I just went through my old journal posts and realised I haven't written/ thought like that in a while. I worry about everything I write, how others will perceive it, so much that it's affected my writing ability. And that sucks. I used to just write whatever was on top of my brain and now I'm censoring my own brain spasms for everyone else!Well bugger that....
May 9th, 2010 at 12:34pm

Losing my boyfriend...

To the army D:He's been wanting to join the army for a few years now, as long as I've known him, and we've been together for over a year now. Now he's gone through with half of his interviews, he just needs to go have his physical and whatnot. The main thing he wants to do involves being right in the middle of all the action...Honestly, this is killing me inside. I'm trying to look happy and...
May 8th, 2010 at 01:09pm

I'm back back baby. Properly this time.

I took a long leave of absence due to ... laziness is really the only reason I can cite.But now I'm back! Had a nice spring cleaning of my profile since I had grown up a wee bit in my absence.And all but two of my stories have been deleted due to sudden realisation of the poor quality in which I had written them. They epitomised everything I despised about other fiction. And my Firefox...
May 6th, 2010 at 02:08pm

I was on stage with Green Day!! (no joke!)

(It's pretty late since it was December last year but...)I was invited on stage by Billie Joe himself during one of their concerts here in Australia!!!He gave me a watergun and told me to spray the crowd.IT. WAS. FUCKING. AMAZING.Here's one shot of me:As you can see... THAT'S BILLIE !!!!!And me spraying the crowd :My life is fucking awesome.Sorry if I made some of you blindingly jealous. Billie...
April 12th, 2010 at 03:33pm

Read my blog guys!

So I have not been on Mibba for bout a year!Hi, what have I missed? Is everyone still writing fanfics bout MCR or whoever?Sorry to offend anyone, but I donut really care.Anyway, I've started a new blog, it's the same kind of shi- I used to dribble in these journals before. It's only new but I'm a frequent updater, and I have had no readers whatsoever, which is kind of sad. So I've been shamelessly...
April 12th, 2010 at 03:28pm

Sunday Morning Maaaaan

They haven't texted to ask me to work yet!!Usually, that would make me the happiest little cupcake on the baker's shelf, but on Sunday's I wanna work because it gives me something to do other than sit in my room all day.Oh well, I guess its all good. The Simpsons are on, bless them =D And I've got my laptop with internet and my music, and Guitar Hero 3 on the Wii. Oh man, Guitar Hero is the...
October 26th, 2008 at 02:04am

Ode To a Popcorn Ball (Or why I am torn between happy and annoyed)

It's the first day of the spring school holidays.I've been almost surgically attached to my bike ever since the weather changed from freezer to oven almost overnight. And I haven't ridden my bike for 5 years because the chain broke and the tires died and I eventually forgot I had it.. And now I ride it everywhere. No helmet of course. I'm a rebel O.oAnd I'm happy simply because of the warm...
September 27th, 2008 at 01:44pm . Oh it is good =)

Well that was completely irrelevent!Warm weather! How I missed thee!How is everyone? I've been ignoring Mibba a bit lately. Probably because I've fallen back into the Neopets phase. I have a Shoyru named ruuushuu and a Uni named Mixxie_Bob.(you have to be very creative with your names because most of them are all used up.)I got my bike back and I've been riding like crazy! I like bikes. They are...
September 17th, 2008 at 01:53pm

Oh my life is eventless

I know I really shouldn't be encouraging my ex boyfriend who is still madly in love with me...Oh yeah, my ex boife told me I was the first girl he'd ever been in love with and still is(we broke up four months ago.)which would explain why he's always still hanging off me and always coming to work and hanging around me for hours.Well, I'm not really encouraging him, he's just taking my effort to be...
September 7th, 2008 at 12:49pm

Oh my goodness!!

On my usual website cruise, I found a link to this site and went to it.And I was shocked!!I don't wanna cause any fuss or controversy in case there are some Christians on this site or whatever, but when I read this I was sooo shocked!I won't go much into it or give my opinions on it, but l'll give you the links to the sites and you can make your own decisions about what you think.But personally?...
September 3rd, 2008 at 02:08pm

Oh my god! Wow!

In one night, after about maybe two hours of it being posted, one of my stories has gotten more readers than any of my other stories have gotten in nine months!!If you haven't read it yet, please do.It's a parody of emo stories and the stereotyping of emos and whatnot. And it's gotten a very positive response from everyone else.So go and check it out, it'll take like five minutes of your time just...
September 2nd, 2008 at 05:47pm

So I'm sitting here, drink disgusting motel fridge water..

Because it's the only thing in here to drink besides equally foul tap water. For once I don't have six bottles of Coca-Cola sitting beside me. Must be why I actually feel tired tonight.Oh, and if you're wondering why I'm in a motel? Because I live in one. Not bad eh?I just posted yet another new story.Shit I can't keep up with all these stories.It's basically a satire of emo stereotypes / people...
September 2nd, 2008 at 03:44pm

One-Shots (please comment I need help I have no idea what I'm doing)

Ok, I've decided I want to write a one-shot, which I've never done. And I read something that said we can't write one-shots in the stories section. Which brings me to my point, if I want to write a one-shot, do I have to go to where it says collections, just above stories?Because yes. I am confused. And I don't want to break any rules, heaven forbid I break some rules!!But yes. A little help would...
August 21st, 2008 at 12:04pm

Grow up! Or stop expecting me to!

Something that is getting on my nerves a lot more than people realise...l don't like getting called retarded/stupid/freak and other such names.Just because l don't like to be quiet, and while everyone in class is bitching at each other l like to sing and dance around and lighten the mood. Does it work?No. Instead they direct their bitching at me.Now calling someone retarded as an insult is pretty...
August 18th, 2008 at 08:46am

Journals & Comments. Oh, & my bitch for today.

Now l know l can't be the only one that gets annoyed when people don't comment my journals.Call me a bit vain if you will, but l like to know what people think when they read my journals. IF they read them at all. Especially if its about something important that l need people to give me a response on. There's a comment box down there for a reason. I'm not a hypocrite, l comment every journal l...
August 12th, 2008 at 10:47am

This is really important

Haha. Not really. But no one ever freaking reads / comments journals these days. l needed to capture attention somehow.Well there actually was a good reason for this journal.l just posted a new story called "This Is Everyday Life?" click here for story and I really need feedback, constructive criticism, etc, as to whether I should continue with it.ALSO.I am looking for characters.Yes. Characters....
August 11th, 2008 at 04:51pm

BEFORE I DIE!! *or get old & boring*

I came up with a list of really weird things l'd love to do before l get old and forget how to have fun.You're only young and crazy once =P1. Stand on the roundabout with a sign saying "Honk if you like tacos"2. Walk everywhere for a whole day backwards.3. Sit in the middle of the footpath with a sign saying "Ninja's killed my family. Need moneyfor kung-fu lessons", and see just how many people...
August 11th, 2008 at 03:04pm