xSilentlyxFallingx / Comments

  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    No, well, I don’t honestly remember, haha. Yeah, me too. I’m really sorry about taking forever. I actually barely finished all of my homework, and what is next? more homework!! Yah, joy! Yay, well I was jk but I’m glad that you’re not dead or gone from Mibba.
    Dang, there a few I can’t completely recall. It’s been that long :/. And oh, so the house is done already?! That’s great! How’s it look?!
    And well, yes, I believe that nothing too major will truly happen, but out of fright, we will probably make something happen. Yeah, that’s how most of the astronomers “predicted” the future. They were the most advanced at such reading the stars, one can’t even accentuate just efficient they were with it. There never was mention of the end of the world. Some believe that it is simply the start of a new era, which I think is exactly the case, some once in a lifetime event will happen with the stars that will mark the dawn of a new era. This is only my opinion, I seek to make positive of such dismal predictions, not go along with madness. Well, I think it was the sun aligning with the milky way and it will make this image of it rising along side with it, like some blade piercing through it or something.
    Hah, I think the fact that I slept as a job is awesome enough. Well of course, it never is good to do something bad at a bad moment, haha. I wouldn’t say the f word when in an interview. Haha, well yeah, it can’t be helped. Well don’t worry about that now, I have you in my face book (which I rarely use), so you go cuss all you want with your porky mouth hahaha.
    I’m still craving some sushi, mmm, sushi. I think both apply haha. Well, yeah, I get tired of it since I have it all the time though. Haha, yeah, stomach of steel, exactly. Nothing can hurt, but we hurt the toilets later thanks to it, lol. Haha, yes, duly noted haha. Ill be careful. Haha yeah, which is why we always need a in for a yang.
    That is very true. You’d make a good hot librarian or weather girl, haha. Oh, well, certainly. I would only say any nickname to people im already close to. It would be weird meeting a guy for the first tme and calling him chipmunk, though the fact that I called a guy chipmunk or most of all gave a nickname is completely weird in itself.
    Oh ho, really? A memorable lady, eh? Haha, that sounds awesome. My mom is fun, for oh the cost of it for me, gah! But yeah, she does do crazy stuff, but my father ends up being the memorable one since he has done crazy stuff, like walk around in a muscle shirt, short shorts, and cowboy boots around town. I still remember that, it was a bet.
    Haha, wow. That sounds awesome. “Which one is which? Ah heck they both the same.”
    Yippee, but if you ever do go bald, let me know, I know a place that sells wigs for a great price. Haha, jk jk.
    How’s the calligraphy been going? School according to people I know is about to end, so it must be at it’s most advanced stage. And oh, well I do speak Spangles. It actually does interfere with my English and Spanish. I know some words in Spanish that I don’t know in English, believe it or not, and vice versa with English, so I have to resort to it sometimes.
    And yeah, Ill speak to you next time. See you later, muneca, take care.
    May 12th, 2011 at 11:29am
  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    Hye, Im really sorry that I'm so incredibly late I have been insanely busy lately. Too much stuff, anf I just recently learned about how I'll still be at school till I'm 19, so i'm being given so much much much more homework. i don't have time for much. So sorry. I'll reply soon in time, but I won't expect it to be early. :/

    And oh! Well, ah!! Ill check the msn!! :D But well hmmm... the facebook.... umm.. well the name always works..... but wel.. ah oh!! Ok! Well I know your email, i can find it like that. Well, if i find yours, ill send an invite XD

    well.. its goodbye for now.. i promise ill reply to the comment next time.
    April 28th, 2011 at 10:24am
  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    Oh.. and about the msn invite thing... i guess if it continues to act really stupid, then i guess.... well do you have facebook? I think it might be better and there would be no worries of spam or anything now. I just recently got a facebook haha so i've just began asking people.
    April 15th, 2011 at 06:56am
  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    HaReally does sound like an awesome fun person. Oh god, that type of person as well, eh? Haha. Sort of. She just always comes up with some clever jokes when it comes to the subject matter dealing with me.
    Hmmm…. Yeah, that is so true. My little baby girl twin cousins pictures involve both of them in the same clothes with their names somewhere near them to show who is who. Hah too bad they are unable to complain all night due to their young age.
    Aww, that would have been awesome to see. But I understand. I don’t think people love the idea of having their picture up in the web, especially if it’s mibba, and even more if it’s without their permission. And yeah. It’s a shame that the libraries have been empty lately. I used to love going to it all the time. I wish they would be a bit less vacant. IN fact, be full. heck yeah they would, so yah, more hot librarians please! Whew, no baldness, haha jk. Yeah, it really does have a nice look to it, no real big reason to change it. Haha, awesome. It sounds to have come out pretty.
    And ohho, no, not at all. It’s fine. You didn’t imply anything bad. Eh, yeah, it’s pretty cool. Some people beg to differ and say there are better places but I think it’s a great place to be. Haha, of course it would.
    And oh, no, I didn’t throw my pen at class but at the safety from my teacher in my own room. It’s been a while though. How’s your progress with the calligraphy been going? I haven’t done phooey lately. And those are beautiful color combos, hope it came out great. Oooh! Gothic! And yeah, I’ve seen my teacher do Islamic calligraphy (Persian style, etc) and it looked so difficult. It made gothic look easy.
    I did, it’s been acting so stupid lately. And : ) thanks. Well ok, thaat would be awesome. And oh, that sounds awesome! I never took classes, I had to learn from watching my Spanish speaking family members communicate with each other. Because of that reason, I always have to pardon myself for speaking it all mixed up. Ah haha, well as long as you understand, that’s all that matters. Some people don’t even exactly know it, understand it, or speak it well, but a few words and phrases and it becomes a known language in their arsenal. And well I guess ill see you next time. Sorry I was a bit late. And haha, will ok, good to know you promise to be late next time haha. Cya next time, muneca.
    April 14th, 2011 at 12:04pm
  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    Haha no, it’s okay. The thought that you died did cross my mind. Then I thought you maybe left. Then I thought nah. Hah, it’s fine though. I actually lost my internet for quite a long time, so I would have been incredibly late had you replied earlier.
    Yay, awesome! And oh that. It was a while, but hah, I’m sure It apologizes. It was nice and dandy. It actually is! I actually managed to think of a decent short story that I would need to use for homework. Oh, well that sounds rough. But I can understand the whole arguments of what color to paint the rooms and such. Hah, that’s very normal. It took like a whole month and a half to finish painting my house. Just being around the stench of paint nearly caused me to faint sometimes. Tan colored hair actually sounda a bit cool, to be honest.
    I am one to think it is something that big that isn’t some sort of dooms day that will happen when that time comes around. People will tell you the calender just ended because the Spanish invaded, but it’s dumb information that know-it-all people grossly thought up in their mind or just simply googled up from an unreliable source which is sometimes all of the internet. Lots of historians boldly believe that the calender which everyone claims is ending was just abruptly stopped for some mysterious reason way before the Spanish came ‘round to destroy everything and had lots of documentations of their significant society banished.. They were astronomers. And I believe they did predict something, but not what we believe. Just something that deals with the sun, or stars. But who knows? There is more to it than that..
    Yeah! I’m aware of that job. But it could be a short lived job. In order to accurately study things, you must have multiple different subjects all the time. And “subjects” do get old really quick. So you’d have to enjoy it while you can. But there’s always finding another company for more sleeping jobs : ). Haha, well sometimes it’s better to cuss at the right times instead of having it force out in the wrong moment. I once, got the need of saying F*ck in class simply because I hadn’t said it in a while. So I actually do so at the amount that I would say is just enough. Hmm… is that so? Haha, you’d have to try me, because I have heard it all. Hahaha then you get banned from Mibba haha. Oh yes, possibly the best way to wake up energized? Better than waking up half-assed and lazy with no energy. You puts the static back in the batteries like that. It was, but possible a fluke since everyone was lazy that day haha.
    OMG Ive been craving Italian food as well! Mexican not so much though since I have it all the time. It really is! I go there all the time for the sushi, or teriyaki, or stuffed jalapeno. It is a great place for me. I actually do too according to my mom. Plus I eat chips and jelly with anything so it might be true. Then you should try it out haha.
    Wow, that sounds so amazing. I’ve tried archery once and my arrow couldn’t even travel a few feet away. Whoa-hoa, remind me to never cross you whenever you are angry or with a bow. Hah, of course. Like they (and I) always say, you get the yin to your yang. Loud people need quiet people to listen and listen to their blabber. If there wasn’t, everyone on earth would either be too loud and it would explode.
    Hhmmm…. Yeah, that makes sense. Either that, or the north simply always has colder climates because that’s the only part of California that I think really gets snow. Hmm… well yeah, that makes sense, haha. Wow, you sound like some weathergirl, hah.
    Hahah, well yeah. Well I mean, it doesn’t become stupid until after a few minutes when the diver is already running out of breath. Well I suppose the really young ‘uns are ther to….. Make the really really old people look simply old? Definitely a combo.
    Well I understand if people think it’s weird, but only if you say it out of the blue on like first meeting. Other than that, it’s not really weird tbh.
    It sounds awesome. Really does sound like an awesome fun person. Oh god, that type of person as well, eh? Haha. Sort of. She just always comes up with some clever jokes when it comes to the subject matter dealing with me.
    Hmmm…. Yeah, that is so true. My little baby girl twin cousins pictures involve both of them in the same clothes with their names somewhere near them to show who is who. Hah too bad they are unable to complain all night due to their young age.
    Aww, that would have been awesome to see. But I understand. I don’t think people love the idea of having their picture up in the web, especially if it’s mibba, and even more if it’s without their permission. And yeah. It’s a shame that the libraries have been empty lately. I used to love going to it all the time. I wish they would be a bit less vacant. IN fact, be full. heck yeah they would, so yah, more hot librarians please! Whew, no baldness, haha jk. Yeah, it really does have a nice look to it, no real big reason to change it. Haha, awesome. It sounds to have come out pretty.
    And ohho, no, not at all. It’s fine. You didn’t imply anything bad. Eh, yeah, it’s pretty cool. Some people beg to differ and say there are better places but I think it’s a great place to be. Haha, of course it would.
    And oh, no, I didn’t throw my pen at class but at the safety from my teacher in my own room. It’s been a while though. How’s your progress with the calligraphy been going? I haven’t done phooey lately. And those are beautiful color combos, hope it came out great. Oooh! Gothic! And yeah, I’ve seen my teacher do Islamic calligraphy (Persian style, etc) and it looked so difficult. It made gothic look easy.
    I did, it’s been acting so stupid lately. And : ) thanks. Well ok, thaat would be awesome. And oh, that sounds awesome! I never took classes, I had to learn from watching my Spanish speaking family members communicate with each other. Because of that reason, I always have to pardon myself for speaking it all mixed up. Ah haha, well as long as you understand, that’s all that matters. Some people don’t even exactly know it, understand it, or speak it well, but a few words and phrases and it becomes a known language in their arsenal. And well I guess ill see you next time. Sorry I was a bit late. And haha, will ok, good to know you promise to be late next time haha. Cya next time, muneca.
    April 14th, 2011 at 12:03pm
  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    different yet has some awfully similar features like you? Haha, I think I can imagine that. Yeah, she was one of a kind. Not usual to get librarians like that. If so, libraries would be crowded all over the world by now. :] no problem. That might be the case which would explain the whole thing, but I wonder why it is common with women. Haha, and oh, don’t worry. Baldness does not really occur to females. If it does, it’s not all the way bald. : ) sounds weird but your hair is actually nice, it actually fits you very well. Would be a total shame to go bald.
    Those places attract me, but people would probably also go there because of good business opportunities. But people can be brainwashed, if they hear something and it becomes a common thing, they believe it, automatically like it and just go with the flow with absolutely no independent thought to it at all. Media and a bunch of mainstream things speak so greatly of new york so I don’t doubt just because of mention would people want to go. Things becomes overrated that way, though then again, California is mentioned a lot as well.
    Wow, it sounds like I just said something bad. It’s a very pretty city imo, with cool people, I absolutely love the arch with the river next to it. It’s pretty peaceful. Plus, my favorite baseball team plays there. Not to mention it has a well spread out city so the tall building don’t even feel suffocating to me. It would have been nice if California had a city like st. louis. Then it’d easily be the best place on earth.
    I always throw it on my wall because it oddly enough helps stop the bleeding sometimes. Oh wow! That sounds so awesome! But difficult! It is very beautiful. I think Gothic calligraphy is an incredibly beautiful one as well. I could not do it at all. But islamic calligraphy has come out to be the most beautiful style to me lots of times.
    I did send the e-mail, twice in accident to be honest. Tch, my msn has been pretty dumb lately, as well as I have. :/ I guess it follows the master. And oh wow! You took Spanish classes? That’s awesome! I never took any class so I suck at Spanish, but I would at least suurvive in Spanish speaking countries. Thanks. And im so glad I could be of some help : ). Well, ill be talking to you next time
    March 25th, 2011 at 12:48pm
  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    Yeah. : ) No problem. And thanks for understanding as well. And haha, yeah. It’s not me that should apologize, it should be Oceanside that should apologize! I had a pretty nice time. Though I was deprived of technology, it was probably for the better of me. I seriously needed to go out and smell the flowers. And going to the beach and park was a pretty nice way to do that. It is actually so nice and mind soothing, it just makes technology feel obsolete sometimes. Haha, well painting houses is hella fun. And I could imagine the house all messy. Hopefully the paint rubbed off, if not…. Then hopefully it looks cool. No, it’s actually fine hun.
    And that’s just what some people say. I have no idea what will truly happen though. Maybe nothing and the glamorousness will stay on the surface away from the glam of Atlantis. And heck yeah we will! And yes, no wises for them! It’s probably the best part of the whole thing ;). Hah, maybe. Maybe.
    And I would so want that job. Not the bum one, the sleeping one. If they paid me 12 an hour, id be a multibillionare in a few decades time. of course that is definitely true. Why would some guy who isn’t in need beg for a job? It really wouldn’t make sense. Even those highly persuasive ones who always have a beer can in their hand. Well it’s good to know I can say ass without worries even though I shouldn’t be saying it. Because I usually write ass, or holy ass when something shocks me. Well, maybe, but I’m sure I’d still phase you : ).
    Actually, it sort of was. I awoke smarter and energized and I was the best in PE that day. It was cool. MM-HMM, yeah, not unless they have been behaving bad, then you use the cold water and have them clean up.
    And dang it, ive been craving sushi. Especially even more now. I know a cool place which cooks the shrimp and other stuff for the sushi which comes out so amazing. Hahaha, yes, thank you. Blame your bladder/intestines for not adapting to such foods. Yeah, it goes to prove that there are plenty of people around the world that you would be considered amazing to. You really are a cool person. And it does suck getting picked last in gym, but hey, I’m sure those who were first in gym would be last in ping-pong ..and well wow archery, while you’d be first at those ;). Yeah, that’s one thing we can completely relate to, the quietness. But haha yeah, we do listen more. There needs to be heavy listeners for those heavy talkers.
    Oh wow! I didn’t know florida didn’t get any snow! California isn’t know for snow but Big Bear is quite the attraction for when snow arrives there… Wow… haha so at least when the snow is acting so incredibly weird… it can be good weird, for a change at least. And haha, yeah, bowl is what they invented, or should I say used underwater. At least it’s what I remember reading. Hah, well of course. Breathing back in your own air could kill a man. And haha, yeah, give a hillbilly anything and they make a weapons out of it.
    Oh wow, so you’re saying WV is filled with either young people or insanely old people? Hmm… sounds like quite a unique combo. Oh, haha, you’ve met an old hillbilly before? How are they like?

    It’s fine though, trust me. I doubt ill be bothered but k, ill let you know if it ever does occur.
    And yeah, there is always that party pooper in the family. It varies of course, sometimes the mom, sometimes dad, sometimes both, maybe the brother/sister, heck of even a grandma/grandpa. Hah, so your mom is that type of person (minus the betting) eh? Haha she sounds fun. My mom surprisingly enough will say some really funny stuff, but it is always ends up as a diss towards me. Nothing bad but embarrassing. And yeah, hah, we definitely should. We never know, but you’re right though. It’s best to not think of that, but instead think of a bright future.
    People just love that thought of having a boy and a girl, so why not have both at the same time? But oh, haha, I never thought that dressing and naming alike would be the case.
    Oh ok, haha. You say you think she looks completely different yet has some awfully similar features like you? Haha, I think I can imagine that. Yeah, she was one of a kind. Not usual to get librarians like that. If so, libraries would be crowded all over the world by now. :] no problem. That might be the case which would explain the whole thing, but I wonder why it is common with women. Haha, and oh, don’t worry. Baldness does not really occur to females. If it does, it’s not all the way bald. : ) sounds weird but your hair is actually nice, it actually fits you very well. Would be a total shame to go bald.
    Those places attract me, but people would probably also go there because of good business opportunities. But people can be brainwashed, if they hear something and it becomes a common thing, they believe it, automatically like it and just go with the flow with absolutely no independent thought to it at all. Media and a bunch of mainstream things speak so greatly of new york so I don’t doubt just because of mention would people want to go. Things becomes overrated that way, though then again, California is mentioned a lot as well.
    Wow, it sounds like I just said something bad. It’s a very pretty city imo, with cool people, I absolutely love the arch with the river next to it. It’s pretty peaceful. Plus, my favorite baseball team plays there. Not to mention it has a well spread out city so the tall building don’t even feel suffocating to me. It would have been nice if California had a city like st. louis. Then it’d easily be the best place on earth.
    I always throw it on my wall because it oddly enough helps stop the bleeding sometimes. Oh wow! That sounds so awesome! But difficult! It is very beautiful. I think Gothic calligraphy is an incredibly beautiful one as well. I could not do it at all. But islamic calligraphy has come out to be the most beautiful style to me lots of times.
    I did send the e-mail, twice in accident to be honest. Tch, my msn has been pretty dumb lately, as well as I have. :/ I guess it follows the master. And oh wow! You took Spanish classes? That’s awesome! I never took any class so I suck at Spanish, but I would at least suurvive in Spanish speaking countries. Thanks. And im glad I could be of some help : ). Well, ill be talking to you next time muneca, adios! ^-^
    March 25th, 2011 at 12:46pm
  • celestial_royalty

    celestial_royalty (100)

    United States
    Hi! I just posted a story called Smile When Your Heart Breaks, a Paul/Twilight fanfic and I think it's worth checking out, so please take a look at it! ;] I also have stories posted for Avenged Sevenfold, Vampire Diaries, Harry Potter, Original stories, and other Twilight. :] Thank you for your time and happy reading!

    Smile When Your Heart Breaks:
    March 17th, 2011 at 11:14am
  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    time and I have a hard time picturing double you.
    : ) yeah, no problem. Haha, yeah. That was the only librarian hot though. But I’m speaking to a potential one right now as well though, hah : ).
    It is a mystery. I think it might have to deal with the hormones maybe? Can’t say. But don’t rule that out just yet, women get bald too you know? Hahaha, it just isn’t talked about a lot. Niagara falls and the statue of liberty are the only things that would attract me there. Yeah, that’s the only thing too that would make someone want to go over there. St Louis is probably the place I want to go to the most.
    Omg, Ive experienced that before. I was doing pretty well and then that happens, and had to start all over again. I wanted to kill my pen.
    Oh no, don’t worry love, hah. I understand. I would be pissed off if someone broke my trust and gave off my e-mail like nothing. Ahh, I think I sent it already. My Msn tends to suck. I can’t receive mail or send mail properly for some reason. I have another e-mail just in case. Ill try again. And Ill send my email, if I already havent to you. Oh, hah, sorry, I thought maybe it would seem like jibbersih 2 u. :P
    And yeah! That’s good to hear. Sorry. I could have been much more help than that. It might have helped a lot if I had Im’d you, sorry. But im happy to hear I helped you, muneca. Thanks. Well, ill be seeing you nest time amor.
    March 11th, 2011 at 05:07am
  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    Oh hah, don’t worry about it at all. You have to do what you have to so. : ) I actually would like to apologize for being late as well. I had to go with family in Oceanside for a week. Absolutely huge internet dead zone over there with my auntie. Hope things get less hectic for you though.
    Haha, that probably was the case with them, hah! They were too glamorous for this world, so I decided to glam out in the sea. But I recently went into some research, and supposedly, in no time, we’ll all be alongside atlantis in the sea. Pah, well at least Cali would win most glamorous in the sea.
    Haha, yeah, exactly. No wishes for them. But well, the great bonus of it all, is that it’s you. : )
    Of course. Doing nothing. That is the most beautiful job, second to sleeping which I sure as heck know I would earn a great profit in. I do exactly think that exactly. They some actually ask for jobs to make a bit of money. Unfortunately, those are the ones that you can tell have no other option and are truly homeless. Hah, yeah. The guy has some serious persuading skills even with that beer can floating around in his hand. Oh, haha, well that’s good to know…. In a way. I do know and sometimes say curse words from time to time. It’s just how everyone around me have always talked. But oh really? Well, that is good to know. I may be the one to phase you with curse words tbh :P.
    Ugh, jeez, don’t remind me. My mom used to wake me with ice cubes whenever I didn’t want to wake up for school. It didn’t feel pretty, and it worked like a charm every time. Hah, use ice instead, having to clean up after the wake of the water is such a hassle. Sushi with soda? I do that a lot as well. MMM OMG, im so jealous. I want to eat sushi so bad. I haven’t done so in a while. Now, I have only heard of such a pickles, the taste I am unsure of, so please don’t blame me when you end up taking a crap for hours brcause of it. Hah. Hmmm…. Yeah, that does make up almost all of the population. Hmmm, I do I do. There’s nothing wrong with that. I think reading and the history channel has been getting heavily overlooked nowadays. And it isn’t mandatory to be able to play sports. It’s no biggie :] Plus I tend to be quiet as well.
    Well, I do fing it amazing a place known more for their erratic windy climate would have such high temperatures. Hah, yeah, exactly. And meanwhile you get the wind, we get the heat today. And opossite on other days.
    I think those atlantis people I think did in fact invent such a thing. A bowl. They go underwater and stick their heads in them, according to something I read so long ago. But I’m pretty sure that only worked for them for 2 minutes after they sank.
    Hmmm…. Maybe. You know them hillbillies, always making a gun out of something. A slingshot would in turn be their weapon of choice if a rock and hands is what they have. Yeah, thanks for agreeing. It did sound weird but it’s what I tend to think. Oh! So the old people rumors is true!! That the old overpopulates the young there. Never heard of a old hillbilly though.
    Panda, Humbug, Ducky, caveman, etc. Haha, I suppose so, baby doll. Thanks. Oh no, it’s fine dear. I’m fine with things like that. Though it is a bit weird when I call you muneca [moon-yecka] in turn because of it. Hmmm…. It’s opposite with me. Mom is part-pooper and dad is crazy one. He says and does some of THE most ridiculous things ever. He’ll do any bet, cause that’s how gullible and proud he is. But they both say embarrassing stories about which sucks so bad. And cheese cake is the best. Maybe we should have that for the next valentines day : ) haha jk. I mean, well when you think about it, for all we know, though rumours get out of hand sometimes, it might be the last valentines, and last of most things next year.
    I think twins are every man’s dream. Twins are cool. Anf some people actually love the idea of having twins, for babies I mean. Especially that old, boy and girl twin. Yeah, really big difference. But look0alikes you’ve said. I haven’t seen some in a long time. Can I see you both? Hah, never mind jk jk. It’s just I haven’t seen twins in a long time and I have a hard tim picturing double you.
    : ) yeah, no problem. Haha, yeah. That was the only librarian hot though. But I’m speaking to a potential one right now as well though, hah : ).
    It is a mystery. I think it might have to deal with the hormones maybe? Can’t say. But don’t rule that out just yet, women get bald too you know? Hahaha, it just isn’t talked about a lot. Niagara falls and the statue of liberty are the only things that would attract me there. Yeah, that’s the only thing too that would make someone want to go over there. St Louis is probably the place I want to go to the most.
    Omg, Ive experienced that before. I was doing pretty well and then that happens, and had to start all over again. I wanted to kill my pen.
    Oh no, don’t worry love, hah. I understand. I would be pissed off if someone broke my trust and gave off my e-mail like nothing. Ahh, I think I sent it already. My Msn tends to suck. I can’t receive mail or send mail properly for some reason. I have another e-mail just in case. Ill try again. And Ill send my email, if I already havent to you. Oh, hah, sorry, I thought maybe it would seem like jibbersih 2 u. :P
    And yeah! That’s good to hear. Sorry. I could have been much more help than that. It might have helped a lot if I had Im’d you, sorry. But im happy to hear I helped you, muneca. Thanks. Well, ill be seeing you next time amor.
    March 11th, 2011 at 05:06am
  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    Uh hum... now about that collage. I had looked for this old project I did but remembered my mom threw it away. So well.... the help will be..... bland. My teacher said I can do a collage on anything. Now if this is the case, I would do one that would describe my life, or better yet, describe me, or in this case you. I had mines takes place in a room. Since im homeschooled and am usually at home. Then I just mixed a bunch of thing in a scrambled order. He said it was decent. Now, you are most definitely a different case. i don't know much of you, so i can't say what to put on it. Only you know. I'm sure you already know this and it wasn't much help, but well, it was the only thing I could say. i couldn't take a picture of my collage project since it was thrown away. Sorry.
    February 28th, 2011 at 10:49pm
  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    grand canyon. Denver and it’s wild nature scenes. California and it’s beautiful beaches and cities. Or maybe underrated seattle. Most of east hasn’t attracted me TBH.
    Calligraphy is probably my favorite class. OMG, I know how you feel. I hate starting all over, I just want to strangle something when that happens. Haha yeah, good OMG! Oh cool! : ) I actually have MSN. I don’t know if that will pose any problems. And ah, don’t worry. I won’t give out your screen name. I promise. I really don’t see what I would win doing that. I only see what I would lose. : ) yes, muneca? It’s Spanish. And well this is goodbye for now then. Cya next time. Take care muneca.
    February 28th, 2011 at 05:42pm
  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    Wow, really? That’s good to know : ). Hmm… I guess that is your interpretation of how Atlantis would be? Maybe was also like Glamorous, totally. And haha, totally. Glamorousness isn’t a job or an act. It’s just natural. If it’s one of these for you, then you are N-O-T glamorous, totally.
    And yeah! You see? Exactly! Who wouldn’t want to be with one? Serves them right, no wishes for them if no.
    It beats me. I ask the same thing. But hey, for them, why work when you can make a living standing on your ass? That’s called a bum. Bums don’t like work. And well hey, like I said, they make a living doing nothing. Though I will say some do need money, many of them get too used to that lifestyle instead of in the meantime also trying to look for a job. Hah, it’s not the disbelief with the beer can, but what it tells you, his ass ain’t gunna buy some essential items but instead will buy beer. I hope you don’t mind the word ‘ass’. It has become overused around me that it has become a part of my vocabulary. I guess you can say, I love ass. I mean, well the word.
    And hmmmm…. Maybe. That is true. But then again, that’s just the girls putting pressure on their own selves. Haha, that always does the trick. Oh trust me, it is a horrible combo. Not to mention I drank soda as well. And I actually think there is pickles dipped in chocolate. Hah, It’s a promise then. Aww, don’t say that. I’m sure that’s not true. I really doubt everyone is ignorant over there.
    And oh wow!! That high!!? But that’s like a record heat around here!! Yeah, the temperature differences are extremely polar. Hell yeah!! That puny island wouldn’t hold a candle to us. But who knows…. Like we said, they might have been more glamorous than us, and if so, that would be bad.
    Yay, that sounds great, master!
    Yeah, completely true. Take the guns away from the hillbillies and you leave them with nothing. Yeah. Though I have a belief that anything can be beautiful at times, well, almost anything I guess. I did hear that, but I also heard there are so many old people in West Virginia and they going out quicker than the babies are coming in. Well that is good news that that isn’t the case where you live at. Well yeah, sometimes you can’t do much. And what you have is always n many ways enough. Hah, of course not. What would wes Virginia or a zombie apocalypse be without them?
    Doll? Hmmmm… well love, it’s official. Everyone I have spoken to online has given me a nickname. Haha, dad? Well that’s something. It’s usually mom’s in those cases spoiling with embarrassing stories of your childhood. Oh, cheese cake is awesome! I especially love the ones that have that raspberry filling or whatever you call it atop of the cake. It is so delicious.
    Yeah, I guess I might have at such an age. It is absolutely tragic on not being able to have both : (. Hah. Ehh, oh well. I can always pursue other twins anyways :P. I actually hear it’s the dream having twins, and Hugh Hefner I think has some. Not kids, well actually sort of kids but his women. And I guess that’s just the twins trying to be complete opposites so people won’t confuse them all the time. Oh? Well that’s sounds like a definite difference. I supposedly used to be considered a possible great singer for choir, don’t know what happened there. You definitely are one of the special ones. And of course not, but they like hot ones.
    Thanks. And I wonder why women have a higher possibility of getting bad eye sight. Well better that than bald heads : ). I guess that is the case since none of us has been to either side of America. Thanks so much for the suggestions : ). I can’t imagine living east though. Everything I like is in the west or Midwest. I love nature and all that wild nice stuff and the east doesn’t really provide that all that much. Expect me to never live in crowded New York, unless they have nice natural places. Massachusetts or North Carolina maybe. But I like the idea of St. Louis with their nice pretty city and river. Texas is too wild for me. Arizona and the grand canyon. Denver and it’s wild nature scenes. California and it’s beautiful beaches and cities. Or maybe underrated seattle. Most of east hasn’t attracted me TBH.
    Calligraphy is probably my favorite class. OMG, I know how you feel. I hate starting all over, I just want to strangle something when that happens. Haha yeah, good OMG! Oh cool! : ) I actually have MSN. I don’t know if that will pose any problems. And ah, don’t worry. I won’t give out your screen name. I promise. I really don’t see what I would win doing that. I only see what I would lose. : ) yes, muneca? It’s Spanish. And well this is goodbye for now then. Cya next time. Take care muneca
    February 28th, 2011 at 05:42pm
  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    Double Happy Birthday!! :D Have fun today!!! ;D Hope the cake was awesome.
    February 27th, 2011 at 01:12am
  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    of the women in my family have bad eyesight for some reason especially my mom as well. I'm just amazed I haven't gotten it...... yet. The glasses are totally cool though. Besides making look like a total librarian, i think it makes you look cute. Well, cuter than what you already are. It seems like i never have dreamed of living in anywhere east at all. Except maybe boston, massachusetts or maybe, just maybe, New Jersey.
    Yeah, i love that class! I always seem to do decent but I always screw up, plus my pen really sucks. OMG yeah, i saw it. Yay, more, more of both things ;D. yeah, :/ damn XBOX being used by everyone i know.
    And oh! I don't know if i asked you this before or not. Ummm... heh i tend to say this... but well.... I like... really like you.... and i was wondering if you had a messenger or something? :/ I tend to ask this to people ive spoken to a lot which i guess i would say has been ..... a few few.
    Thanks muneca (don't know if thats the right word to say). But well... ahh I guess this is till next time. If i don't see you by then, well have fun on your birthday! :D Ciao! xoxox
    February 24th, 2011 at 01:55pm
  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    Haha, yes. Chicken with feathers, bad. Naked chicken on grill, good! ^_^ ahh that does sound like a bad notion though.
    And oh yeah, definitely. He's a diva. And haha, yes, exactly. Chicken fire? Sounds good.

    Coffee probably has some addictive ingredients to it maybe.Not sure if it's the caffeine. Same with alcoholic beverages. I once tasted it, and simply tasted some stuff I didn't what it was but I knew what was in it, I tasted and immediately was like, "blegh why you like this shit" to my brother. I'd say the same thing with coffee though it does taste pretty good at times if mixed with caramel or it's iced, but I totally hot chocolate. Way better. Oh wow. It's that bad? I'd say I have some tolerance to it taking my grandmas have been total freaks for it. Oh wow! Have you ever, like, scared anyone during that phase?
    :( I've looked around for that tea and I can't find it. :) Yeah, you're welcome. And don't worry. I hear it does, but only with low concentrations of it.
    Another idea? Did i give you an idea already? I can't remember. :/
    Paha, yes, more glamorous. And I don't even have to try.
    Of course! Sure, why not? And what? Hell yeah you are! And i'm sure there probably is something better but not really. Who doesn't want to be with a wishgiver?
    And haha, yeah. I've seen that before. People can actually make a living like that. And just today, I had a guy asking for change saying he hasn't been able to buy food whilst he has a nice beer can in his hand. :/ Pretty sure he hasn't been able to buy food since he blows it on beer.
    And hah, sure guys always have the pressure on that day. They are always the lazy ones in a relationship. What better way than to wake their asses up on that day? Well that sucks. I was my own valentines as well i guess i can say. Treated ma self to chocolate and sushi. Horrible combination. And yeah ^-^! i promise then, if you don't have a valentine's by next year, i'll be your valentine's. Just... keep in touch, ok? yess.... mmm i want see's candies now.
    Oh jeez... that's the highest the temperature gets? That sucks. But i guess i prefer that over 100. I can imagine it looked pretty. And haha, heck yeah! Atlantis ain't got nothing on us. No movies or anything.
    And ah yes, I will learn to eat tomatoes under your leadership master!
    Yep unfortunately. And yeah! i wonder how they couldn't multiply 2x2 even if their life depended on it (unless they found some little way to do it by thinking guns) yet when it comes to guns, they are like masters at it. And yeah, especially not at that caliber.
    And oh the nature setting to it sounds nice. but oh! I've heard of a slight pandemic that it is a dying state. People are leaving the place, i think the mining jobs that once flourished there has been perishing, and that the death rate has been higher that the birth rate. I hope things are going good over there. How would ya'll survive a zombie apocalypse if ya'll ain't surviving without one?!
    haha, yeah! ^_^ in two days, love. I'm thinking i won't be able to talk to you by then, so i just want to wish you a great day on your day of all days in the year. And you should totally try it or get some for your birthday. I liked it. Don't know how west virginia makes 'em though, hah.
    Ive known a twin before. Martha and Cynthia in elementary school. I would get teased that Martha was my girlfriend though we didn't even talk that much. But if I could actually think back then..... i could have been like gone for it, and would have been like, yes! Two for one. Ahh yes, I know of that. There is always that one twin that looks intelligent, and the other that looks like a rebel. So the ketchup is the gran difference between you two!
    ^_^ hah, yeah, it really is. And you do look prefect for it. Except if you wanna go all out, have that hair in the back sort of style. She was nice. She got replaced by a mean old lady and the people all of a sudden stopped going to that library. Yeah, you're welcome :). OH wow. All of the women in my family have bad eyesight for some reason especially my mom as well. I'm just amazed I haven't gotten it...... yet. The glasses are totally cool though. Besides making look like a total librarian, i think it makes you look cute. Well, cuter than what you already are. It seems like i never have dreamed of living in anywhere east at all. Except maybe boston, massachusetts or maybe, just maybe, New Jersey.
    Yeah, i love that class! I always seem to do decent but I always screw up, plus my pen really sucks. OMG yeah, i saw it. Yay, more, more of both things ;D. yeah, :/ damn XBOX being used by everyone i know.
    And oh! I don't know if i asked you this before or not. Ummm... heh i tend to say this... but well.... I like... really like you.... and i was wondering if you had a messenger or something? :/ I tend to ask this to people ive spoken to a lot which i guess i would say has been ..... a few few.
    Thanks muneca (don't know if thats the right word to say). But well... ahh I guess this is till next time. If i don't see you by then, well have fun on your birthday! :D Ciao! xoxox
    February 24th, 2011 at 01:54pm
  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    ? So its true! That is so cool!!!! Haham I understand the annoyance. Oh, and she isn’t quite the librarian? Gasp!! Wait, how do I know that pic isn’t her! Hah, jk. I would presume she isn’t half the tomato lover that you are. Oh heck no! Why would I? you’re awesome. And thanks, that is really soothing to hear from you.
    And of course….. You are the perfect librarian. Haha, yeah, the glasses maybe. Oh of course, librarians can be cool. This old librarian of mine was so hot and cool, she actually brought people who didn’t even read to the library. :/ She had glasses as well. And they actually do fit you. They don’t take anything away from you. And haha, I didn’t notice a weird face. Trust me. OMG, you’re blind? I mean, heavily blurred vision?
    I might have guessed Massachusetts.
    Yes, he was such a DICK (excuse my Japanese). Omg, I love that class….. Are you good at it? My teacher said I was decent at it. Can you post some up? I think I’ll post some to show just how I was at it. :D And ahh, well if you ever have to do research and you don’t wanna do it, I can always send you the research paper I did, if you want.
    Yay!! Im no big nerd! :D Thanks. Yeah, I really do wish I could have played you. It would have been fun. I’d show ya and stuff. And haha yeah, suppose, like my friend says, “I would have creamed your ass”. But I wouldn’t do that, I’d have you on my team so that wouldn’t have to happen : ) . Well, it was great replying you, cya next time dear. Ciao.
    February 17th, 2011 at 01:02pm
  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    Hahaha, gasp!!! What? Of course not! I love them!! Especially with barbeque on them. Mmmmm…..
    And yeah, the chicken is bigger than my Chihuahua. Hah, yeah. Haha, yeah, it was frickin funny. I pick him up, he tries to bute me cause he’s a demon, so I release him, and the chicken resumes chasing. Little bastard got what was coming to him, haha. You don’t mess with a chickens fries. Ahh, J that’s good to know.

    Pshh, yeah. They think they so good, drinking their coffee and looking so jolly in the mornings. Yeah, I never understood the whole addiction to it. Hot chocolate is way better. It’s also kids thinking they are so mature for drinking coffee and all. OH, really? It sounds bad. But caffeine is bad for anybody I would say..
    I have never tasted any of the Earl Grey tea’s, but thanks so much! I’d be sure to get some when I do. The lemon tea mixed with honey is said to really help sore throats. Oh, and vinegar. And sure! I feel I concentrate better when I have a nice cup of tea. But be careful dear, tea is known to have caffeine as well.
    Oh really? Cool! Well if you by any chance want help with ideas, I can always try my best to help! J
    And I hope people don’t act all glamorize. Hmph, none more glamorous than me, I was born here, baby.
    And oh cool! I would totally to wish an awesome career, no! An infinite amount of wishes! No, I think its against the law. Yeah, hmmm…. I’d sell my soul for you. I’ve always wondered how it would be like to be with a genie. It’d be cool.
    Ugh, yeah. And there wll always be about 5 people passing by asking for change while the bus never comes. Not that I have a problem with it, but I do when I see the same guy coming out of a liqour store with beer. Well, it Is horrible, but I’s always the guys giving themselves the unnecessary pressure. And oh!! Happy late valentines!! Hope you had a good one. Hashanah, so true. No candy for them makes good formula for angry people. Haha, really? That’s fun but is that day really supposed to be like that. More chocolates if you have a valentine. It’s a crime not to get candy. I would totally be your valentine if no person [idiots only] doesn’t do it. : ) chocolates! :D y cousin works at see’s candies. I can get chocolates for cheap, we could totally share em, especially caramel chocolates. Delicious.
    And wow, really? Warm? We just finally got the cold rainy weather! We traded our sun for your snow, but since it was too warm it became rain. Haha tell me about it. Winter for us is summer for them. Summer for us is winter for them, which still doesn’t really change their hot temperatures. The raining side sounds pretty. Haha, that would be perfect!! Not one Californian left out! It would totally be the coolest place on earth. Fames land of movies on an island, yay!! And we immediately got beaches all around. Pfft, for all we know, we’d probably just drown. We’d be cooler cause we’d be new atlantis and atlantis aint got nothing on us.
    Of course, mustard sort of sucks. Well, compared to ketchup. Wow, I should totally learn from you how to love tomatoes. Haha, we sure do. Ahh yeah, they aren’t exactly mathematicians. And Omg, yeah!! It would suck to not be a hillbilly in a zombie apocalypse! You are so lucky! Haha, im jk jk jk. You’re too pretty of a librarian to even apply as a hillbilly. A hillbilly…. Far from librarian or pretty… though I have once seen an incredibly pretty blonde hillbilly. She could have easily been a supermodel, for one, the amazing green eyes that were noticeable even from far away. The lucky would totally survive from zombies.
    Maybe…. I think that state is safe to be exact. Best place to be it zombie apocalype (if what you say off hillbillies there are true. Hmm… so the place Is very uncity like, is it now?
    Wow…. Hmmmm… I guess all dads work and eat and sleep (and restroom) only. Ahh, 9 days!! And omg, dear!!! You should totally get Red Velvet cake!! It is probably the greatest cake ive ever eaten. Strawberry is second to it… I love it I love it!
    Identical? So its true! That is so cool!!!! Haham I understand the annoyance. Oh, and she isn’t quite the librarian? Gasp!! Wait, how do I know that pic isn’t her! Hah, jk. I would presume she isn’t half the tomato lover that you are. Oh heck no! Why would I? you’re awesome. And thanks, that is really soothing to hear from you.
    And of course….. You are the perfect librarian. Haha, yeah, the glasses maybe. Oh of course, librarians can be cool. This old librarian of mine was so hot and cool, she actually brought people who didn’t even read to the library. :/ She had glasses as well. And they actually do fit you. They don’t take anything away from you. And haha, I didn’t notice a weird face. Trust me. OMG, you’re blind? I mean, heavily blurred vision?
    I might have guessed Massachusetts.
    Yes, he was such a DICK (excuse my Japanese). Omg, I love that class….. Are you good at it? My teacher said I was decent at it. Can you post some up? I think I’ll post some to show just how I was at it. :D And ahh, well if you ever have to do research and you don’t wanna do it, I can always send you the research paper I did, if you want.
    Yay!! Im no big nerd! :D Thanks. Yeah, I really do wish I could have played you. It would have been fun. I’d show ya and stuff. And haha yeah, suppose, like my friend says, “I would have creamed your ass”. But I wouldn’t do that, I’d have you on my team so that wouldn’t have to happen : ) . Well, it was great replying you, cya next time dear. Ciao.
    February 17th, 2011 at 01:02pm
  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    horribly creative when it comes to things like that. Really?!?!! OMG!!!! You are so dead on set up to survive a zombie apocalypse hahaha. Hmmmm…. I actually talk to somebody online who is also from West Virginia. It must be a state on the rise.
    : ) Thanks. Hmmm…. Yeah, you’re completely right. Its 8 hours of sleep or you screw yourself out of free time when hard work comes around. My dad pretty much works then sleep, only to be awake from time to time, primarily to make something to eat. Haha, cool! 14 days! Oh that’s so cool! My mom also makes the cake for me. Strawberry, like always cause it’s the only cake I truly like besides banana. Twin? Identical? :D. Well you know what they say, double the trouble, double the fun, double the cake. :D
    Yeah, I’m sure it will. Nah, she won’t. I was just kidding. Well, at least…. I hope she doesn’t.
    Ahh!, Sigh, that’s great to hear. : ) . No, you weren’t being creepy at all, or mysterious. But it’s like I’ve mentioned, it really is odd that I don’t know how someone whom I like, looks like. Actually, sorry if I was being the creepy one. It’s cool being cautious of yourself, I actually am like that a bit too but because of certain people that force me to be cautious. Really? Aww cool! Hah, thanks! <3
    You look like….. The perfect librarian (no offense). Haha, the glasses I suppose. Weird face? I didn’t notice one. You looked cute with those librarian style glasses. More, more!! Haha, jk jk jk. I’d have never guessed West Virginia.
    Art class is always fun….. But not when your teacher is Mr. Gaither. He is a big asshole. All he ever did was put a painting or portrait up, and have us try to replicate it as best as possible. We couldn’t talk, and would scream a lot. Plus I never would eat at school or in morning, and the douche always happens to be eating Chinese food or something he got out of school that looked good, and ate in front of us. He killed he fun in art class. And calligraphy?! Oh, I used to LOVE that class!! I used to be a bit decent. Really? Is it a research project or an actual calligraphy one. I did two, history of it which I can probably give to if I can find it/you need it. And two, I have to write some card of anything (wedding, baby, birthday, etc) in a calligraphy form. Haha, yeah. We’re all a bit of nerds. My brother I guess you can say is a big nerd when it comes to sports or rap. Me with games/manga/movies/history/anime/music so I guess….. I’m a bit too much of a nerd. :/ Awwwwwwwwwhhhhh, that sucks. Would have been cool to play you. :D Tch, everybody online always has 360. Tch :/. And ahh, don’t worry. I like the long messages from you. I mean, I just finished doing the same thing. : )
    February 13th, 2011 at 12:15am
  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    Ugh, trust me, you really wouldn’t. Roosters and chickens are one thing: bad news. They are evil. Sooner or later, you will have wished to have never known someone with a rooster/chicken. They are normal when being fed, but evilllll when not. Actually… a bit of both depending on what you give them. I once gave the chicken a French fry, and all of a sudden she turned into a dog who didn’t want anybody to mess with her fry. Well, my doggy was near it, and the chicken unleashed hell on him and chased him. Haha, for a supposed “tough” Chihuahua, he sure did run for his life. Heh, he was so scared he ran funny, as if he had roller skates…. I might have mentioned this before, sorry, I think I have Alzheimer’s. :P And yeah, always having their fun doing the opposite, haha.
    Oh, it’s the worst. Your head hurts, you don’t really know where you’re at, you can’t think, all you want to do is have peace, drink water, or punch somebody. :P Haha, same here. People act so high and mighty because they can wake up all jolly from their beauty sleep when I can’t. Coffee? Bleh, I’ve always disliked coffee, but love <3 hot chocolate or tea in replace of it. Tea actually really soothes the mind. I would suggest drinking some whenever you need an open mind like homework. : ) Haha, I think we would always have to keep in mind not mess with each other in the morning before our cereal or tea, haha. : )
    Hmph, yeah. But well…. Not only that, just the whole glamorous life to it people are making it out to be there and people out want to be so “glamorous” and would think what better way than to live here? We actually get many surfer people in California too. Oh yea, sure, I’d be sure to let him know that, ;). Haha.
    Hah, wow. What things would have gone had they never announced it, haha, you’d probably look silly along to a few other arriving at a empty closed school. It’s actually happened to me once already. Was pissed I had to walk back home alone. I think it’s just all the people that actually don’t want to have anything to do with it that feel pressure to do valentinesy things and they in turn end up making a big thing. Plus you have your single people that hate on it. :P Oh, I love caramel!! I don’t even buy the chocolate, just the caramel. The thought of it almost makes me drool as well, guhhhhh. Haha, I suppose you love your caramel! Well, people always get annoyed when they get a lot of something. I know I get pissed when I get too much sun. And I might actually get pissed if there id too much rain or cold. :/ But more towards sun since we get that more. Hah, imagine living in Australia or in Saudi Arabia. Wow!!! That is so freaky!! Hah, which side did you prefer? It was like some sort of gateway. And yeah, it would be awesome to be an island, then we would totally no questions asked be the coolest place on earth. But it isn’t exactly going to be a perfect traced cut out of California, a big piece might stay behind, heck it might break half of US, and it might not even be an island but an underwater city like atlantis. Haha, yeah! Then people won’t leave Hawaii alone and taint us even more! :D Hollywood in an island, how cool. Yeah, my dad denies being scared even though my cousin witnessed it.
    Ahh, sorry, did I say only mustard? Let me clear myself out. People go chimpanzee with the ketchup, so it runs out sometimes and all we’re left with is mustard or hot mustard with relish and onions. :/ Yeah, even then it’s still hard for me to eat. It’s the seeds I suppose. I hate the feeling/taste of them. I guess I just have to cut them into teeny pieces mixed with lemon or oil. Haha, you love tomatoes so much Whilst I love me potatoes….. And jelly.
    Oh wow, lol yeah, totally. And actually create a point system by how creative you kill em: style points ( one shot kill etc ) . Though they are probably too incompetent in the math system to even do that. Boy would it suck to not be a hillbilly once a zombie event crisis comes around.
    Hey, but you imagined first, so :P nnnn! Tied. And I can do worse for I can be horribly creative when it comes to things like that. Really?!?!! OMG!!!! You are so dead on set up to survive a zombie apocalypse hahaha. Hmmmm…. I actually talk to somebody online who is also from West Virginia. It must be a state on the rise.
    : ) Thanks. Hmmm…. Yeah, you’re completely right. Its 8 hours of sleep or you screw yourself out of free time when hard work comes around. My dad pretty much works then sleep, only to be awake from time to time, primarily to make something to eat. Haha, cool! 14 days! Oh that’s so cool! My mom also makes the cake for me. Strawberry, like always cause it’s the only cake I truly like besides banana. Twin? Identical? :D. Well you know what they say, double the trouble, double the fun, double the cake. :D
    Yeah, I’m sure it will. Nah, she won’t. I was just kidding. Well, at least…. I hope she doesn’t.
    Ahh!, Sigh, that’s great to hear. : ) . No, you weren’t being creepy at all, or mysterious. But it’s like I’ve mentioned, it really is odd that I don’t know how someone whom I like, looks like. Actually, sorry if I was being the creepy one. It’s cool being cautious of yourself, I actually am like that a bit too but because of certain people that force me to be cautious. Really? Aww cool! Hah, thanks! <3
    You look like….. The perfect librarian (no offense). Haha, the glasses I suppose. Weird face? I didn’t notice one. You looked cute with those librarian style glasses. More, more!! Haha, jk jk jk. I’d have never guessed West Virginia.
    Art class is always fun….. But not when your teacher is Mr. Gaither. He is a big asshole. All he ever did was put a painting or portrait up, and have us try to replicate it as best as possible. We couldn’t talk, and would scream a lot. Plus I never would eat at school or in morning, and the douche always happens to be eating Chinese food or something he got out of school that looked good, and ate in front of us. He killed he fun in art class. And calligraphy?! Oh, I used to LOVE that class!! I used to be a bit decent. Really? Is it a research project or an actual calligraphy one. I did two, history of it which I can probably give to if I can find it/you need it. And two, I have to write some card of anything (wedding, baby, birthday, etc) in a calligraphy form. Haha, yeah. We’re all a bit of nerds. My brother I guess you can say is a big nerd when it comes to sports or rap. Me with games/manga/movies/history/anime/music so I guess….. I’m a bit too much of a nerd. :/ Awwwwwwwwwhhhhh, that sucks. Would have been cool to play you. :D Tch, everybody online always has 360. Tch :/. And ahh, don’t worry. I like the long messages from you. I mean, I just finished doing the same thing. : )
    February 13th, 2011 at 12:14am