xSilentlyxFallingx / Comments

  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    are maybe from …. Connecticut. Sorry, it’s just that I’ve gone through some horrible stuff with anonymous people, so I tend to be bugged about it. Plus I once talked to a guy who posed as a girl. But I overlooked it when I found out because he was funny. Plus it would be great 2 see the hair before the lady possibly messes it up. :p jk.
    Oh wow!! That sounds so cool!! Like a Pandoras box? Wow.. Your class sounds so awesome. Yah…geh…. Thanks. I love history yet hate my history class. And oh!!!! Really?!! That’s great!! I love games!! Im a nerd I guess you can say. What games? Not Mario on super Nintendo I hope. Do you have Playstation 3? Its what I have….
    February 9th, 2011 at 12:05am
  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    Haha, I was just kidding. There was nothing to be sorry for.
    And ahh, that is good that the dark side has milk. Very good. No milk means no strong bones. Oh yes. My uncle has a rooster and chicken. They’re… like whatevers. At least I amuse myself by feeding them bread. Sometimes…. But at the times I want then 2 wake me at that time, they wake me at 9. Little bastards. Of course, and that’s great you do. I would be angry as well if you didn’t.
    Yeah… I woke up wasted. I guess that was how ot must feel like to have a hangover. I did not enjoy one bit of it. I actually get like that too. If im awoken with less sleep than I need or im exhausted, I just want my space and am not looking to entertain or anything. Even cereal wont help me unless I get my sleep. Haha, duly noted. I’ll be sure not to mess with you if you havent gotten your sleep or cereal.
    Yes, too much tourism. It’s like Hawaii is losing what made Hawaii…. Well Hawaii. To many foreigner there polluting it by moving there thinking they are so cool. OH, well I beg to differ for I know someone who would. Well for 3 days I mean. Oh wow, yeah, ive heard of someplaces giving valentines day off. It’s actually cool because then people won’t feel the dumb valenines pressure at school. Haha, oh yeah. Of course…. The sun. But then again, you would despise the sun if you lived in florida. And it actually rains too much over there. Well sure.. They say California might ne day break apart because of earthquakes. It would be cool being a huge ass island. Tornados are just horrible. My dad went through one in St Louis. He loves acting tough but my cousin said he nearly wee weed himself. Ahhh!! Well at least now you see what I see haha!
    Haha, me too!!! Well actually hot dog might be fine because sometimes that’s all they have at baseball stadiums. I’ve actually tried eating it with crushed mozzarella cheese. Didn’t work. The only way I could even eat it was an insane amount of lemon, or ranch. Bleh, blue cheese I dislike a bit. Haha, it’s jelly…. Made out of apricot. Oh hell yes… I could not live without them. Though chips are unhealthy and kill brain cells (according to friend) I cant live without them. And jelly, I just love eating as many different kinds of jellies. Oh yeah, or turkey sandwich. I actually mix the two with some muenster cheese. Ghhh… I just drool over sandwich with muenster cheese and chips. Haha, of course. Whaats a hillbilly without their sheep, beer, and guns. Something tells me hillbillies would do magnificent in a zombie apocalypse. Hell they would enjoy it.
    Gah!!! Now I have a image of a retirement house turned strip club! Eh!!!!!! But I am posotive many wrinkles and skin is involved in nursing homes. Well… yeah/… some take a day to be insane…. And the day after, a part of a city is left with plenty of bullet holes and some casualties. That’s an already insane person, just letting people know how insane they are, or rather just letting it all out. Ah! New Hampshire?! I just have to make sure it doesn’t ruin me. And maybe it was probably set up. If we work 8 hours, and scientists say we must sleep 8 hours.
    Wee!! 18 days to go! Cake sounds like fun. Means gifts and people!! :D Always means fun!! Really … new hair cut? That sounds cute. ^_^ I hope she doesn’t mess up your hair, or give you a bald spot, haha. Well… I forgot about it until now. I remembered my password. Pfffft, it’s still like the way I left it…….barely signing up for face book. It sucks having to go through all that when forgetting password.
    And actually… ehh speaking about all this…… ehm…. How do I say this? Ummmm…. Well… I’ve been speaking with you for quite a while and you’re a awesomely cool person. And I like talking to you…. But ehm… well heres the thing. There’s this pet peeve of mine. I get a bit …. Well anxious when the people I really like talking to online go on so mysterious or anonymous. I get a bit wary. Is it….. Ummm…. Possible to know how you look? Hah, I would probably like totally figure you out and guess immediately that you are maybe from …. Connecticut. Sorry, it’s just that I’ve gone through some horrible stuff with anonymous people, so I tend to be bugged about it. Plus I once talked to a guy who posed as a girl. But I overlooked it when I found out because he was funny. Plus it would be great 2 see the hair before the lady possibly messes it up. :p jk.
    Oh wow!! That sounds so cool!! Like a Pandoras box? Wow.. Your class sounds so awesome. Yah…geh…. Thanks. I love history yet hate my history class. And oh!!!! Really?!! That’s great!! I love games!! Im a nerd I guess you can say. What games? Not Mario on super Nintendo I hope. Do you have Playstation 3? Its what I have.....
    February 9th, 2011 at 12:03am
  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    Aw, it’s alright. I’m just really glad to be talking with you again. But since you have been online again, you are forgiven for your lateness. Haha jk. No need for that. J it’s really nice to hear that. Yay, the Liz!
    And good. Because they were not persuading me with lack of cookies. If no milk, man, I would’ve been like “oh hell nah, no milk. This is the dark side, ain‘t ya‘ll supposed to be flourishing with goods like cookies and milk? I‘ll be damned to discover that there ain‘t no cows in the dark side.” I’m sure roosters and chickens are in the dark side, little demons always wake me up at 6AM when I told them 9am! And that’s good that there are good crazy people that are great friends. I would have been pissed if it was just weirdos all around. You deserve better than that. Well, that is my normal sleep time at the moment. I was so exhausted by the time I first took the pills and I slept 16 hours. Haha, I would be more of a “don’t talk to me” if I don’t get my sleep. Yeah, probably. But I also remember hearing about this part of the bible of he flooding the world to cleanse it of sin. Hahaha, yeah. Too much tourists is the problem. And sure… one day of school off is a god-send. 2 is a miracle. 3 is pretty much a “did I sell my soul for this?”.
    Mountain? …………………. Florida and Delaware is out of the question already for they have no mountains. Hmmmmm…… wow though!! Isn’t there a risk of an avalanche?! I’ve heard of the warnings. That’s why the east sucks, haha jk. Instead of weather, we get earthquakes which is so equally bad. But at least the weather behaves. And no tornado’s unlike the center of america. Egh, that’s quite a traumatizing sight. Eghhhhh…… all that old wrinkly skin……… getting tangled up on that pole. That is completely worse, even compared to a midget.
    Egh, I hate the seeds, everything. I would only eat it if it was hidden within other food. Hmmm… that sounds like a good idea. Thanks, I’ll probably try that. And hahaha, with jelly? I love jelly. I habe blueberry jelly, strawberry jelly, apricot jelly, cherry jelly. I eat toasted peanut butter and jelly a lot. But my wildness comes with potato chips. I eat them with absolutely almost anything. Especially with sandwiches. Can’t eat them with out them. I would die If I was ever told I can’t eat chips or jelly. Hmmmmmm……. Wonder if they are a good combo. :P Haha, you should try hot mustard. Some folks seem to love it. Yet I don’t see it. Haha really? They have sheep? Awesome!
    And haha, yes!! I just need the adress to her workplace, haha! Ah wait, it’s at the east coast. Some day then, some day. I hope she doesn’t turn into a senior citizen mini stripper by then. Eghhh!
    And it’s because they are insecure I suppose? Some people take you giving them advice as telling them what to do, and their supposed evidence that you think they are hopeless with things. Haha yes, I suppose. But I possibly just gave an excuse to be crazy, hahaha.
    Umm no boston? Well.. Massachusetts? Vermont? Rhode islan? New york? ………… can’t figure it out. They all have mountinas. maine?! Hmmmmmmmmm………..
    And it is frustrating to be doing both, but I need to have a job to support around here. But unfortunately, that might mean, 8 hours of sleep, 8 hours of work, and 8 hours of free time which means work. Hmmmm…. That is actually odd how perfectly set up that seems, 8,8,8. We work 8, are supposed to sleep 8, and only have 8 hours of free time according to logic. Oh great!! 22 days to go. It might be fun. Hopefully. And face book?! I think I once created a face book, but I completely forgot about it the next day. It was so long ago. I would say can you add me but ehhhhhh……
    ??????Relic box? That sounds like pretty art. I remember we once had sea world theme art. Evrything was so blue in class, and you could bring seashells and anything else, and we had to draw sea life. It was so pretty. I’m sure you’ll do great. You say you do good art. Haha, im sure that was about it. I doubt you forgot anything. Ahh!!! I actually forgot, I have to do my history project!! Guhhh…. Well. I’ll be seeing you next time.
    February 5th, 2011 at 12:51am
  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    such a time, so a job would spell s-c-r-e-w-e-d for me. BUt things are fine.Plus ive been getting way more involved with baseball now which is awesome to me. And i'm feeling great that i'm messaging you again. :D
    It's fine. Anyhoo... how've you been lately?
    February 2nd, 2011 at 10:32am
  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    OMG, it has been so long! I thought you were gone from mibba forever. i missed you. Though i would say i was late myself. Im so sorry. It's fine though and all. I'm just glad you're back. :)
    Ahhh... haha mmm donuts. Well what kind of service does the dark side have? Can You call that service? Doughnuts but no cookies?! Last thing i need to hear is no milk.
    What?! You mean you're surrounded by weirdos? Well that's horrible being around so many weirdos. They sure seriously don't know what they missing.
    And OMG yes. Those damn sleeping pills make me sleep for 11 hours now. I'm enjoying too much sleep. And yeah, i know. Well there is still always PM's so it isn't all that bad. And of course i'll try not to overdo it if i work. Thanks for the tip. Yeah, but i heard that it's just some religious thing. Supposedly, i think god caused it to rain for 40 days to cleanse people of their sins. Don't know if that meant cleansing them or flooding and killing them. So it might all just be some rumours. But on second thought, it HAS rained for 40 days in hawaii before.............. wonder what they did wrong.
    Oh, that is so cool! I wish it would snow around here, dammit. I'd rather be shoveling than at class. haha, i'm sure you did some alright shoveling. Freezing rain and ice?! jeez, well where do you live? Near a mountain? Near Antarctica? You are so lucky, though i do imagine there is weather danger over there unlike here........ i think.
    Ehh, i'd learn to live with it someday. There are probably far worse things than his undies disappearing.
    Haha, well thanks. And yeck, too much experimenting with ketchup is nasty imo. I've always wondered how i could loathe tomatoes yet like ketchup. I am quite alright with hot sauce. My family seems keen with hot stuff, always eating the stuff, yet i can't seem to handle it like they do. They like to make me off as adopted because of it. And mustard... yeck. never had love for mustard. Though it tastes alright with some foods... but spicy mustard i am repelled by it. It makes my breathing feel odd and hot, like as if they were fumes. Haha, well i wouldn't say THAT greasy, i exaggerated a bit. I just finished eating pastrami like 2 days ago, so it made twice i ate in a month. It can be eaten more than 2 times a month but I might advice against it if you do not eat healthy to begin with. Especially if there happens to be lack of exercise. I do a bit of both so i reduce it to like ummm... 3 times a month at maximum.
    And haha, well i think the people who put the mask on the sheep were hillbillies...... so i doubt they even thought of making use of it for herding sheep. I'm pretty sure they were just doing that for their own amusement.
    Wow... that's so awesome. Being destined to be a midget stripper. I totally am open for new experience. May it be bad or good..... i'll know whether to avoid it or not next time. Gain an understanding to it. So Bridget the Midget, bring it on!! :D
    Haha, yeah. It's what my views on advice is. I say a bunch of stuff like that.... and people tend think i'm a smart ass.... so sometimes i don't even think about trying to be thoughtful about things.
    Yeah, ive been stuck for days. I can't get the movie going anymore. It's not the story, it's my creative mind that really messing with me. And I would say.. maybe. because if you hold in that crazy, then it builds up to be more crazy? I think when someone is having grand difficulties with their mind, being crazy is possible the only thing to suppress things before they actually have a mental breakdown. If that makes any sense. But.... that's only when things are going a bit far. not for any simple little thing. Hmmmm?? Boston? i think it snows there a lot. And i think its the most eastern time.
    And well me? I've been good. Just turned 18 a while ago, and I may have a job in a quick bit. I think ive mentioned this before, yah? And well, the homework thing... i'm playing catch up and it doesnt help that they seem to be giving me double the homework at such a time, so a job would spell s-c-r-e-w-e-d for me. BUt things are fine.Plus ive been getting way more involved with baseball now which is awesome to me. And i'm feeling great that i'm messaging you again. :D
    It's fine. Anyhoo... how've you been lately?
    February 2nd, 2011 at 10:31am
  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    Huh? What? Oh yeah, late commenting. Haha, well I don't think we can ever be even. I was incredibly unpardonably late. I finally got through all the homework and all. oh god, but now even more homework. My vacations were fine until i had to spend the last few days with homework and no sleep. It was horrible. I won't ever be late like that again. Promies.
    MMMMMmmmmm.... heck, i'd go to the dark side or wherever just for some cookies and doughnuts. And oh sure, i like talking to you. Who wouldn't. They'd have to be weirdos if no.
    And oh, the new years party. Yeah, it was wild. I WOULD have slept there if i could, but for one, it is too small, and two, it was vomit headquarters so no. Plus i was too lazy to clean it up. Oh jeez. Well at least you know how i feel. I have been sleeping a bit early now. My doctor prescribed to me some sleeping pills for my insomnia. Of course it sucks there is someone I IM who is overseas and is only online midnight. :/ Can't do that now. Plus I might get a job so even worse. :/ Jeez... i dont know how ill cope. A job and insane homework. Guhhhhhh.
    And speaking about weather. I hear some creepy stuff that it might actually rain for 40 days. I mean it sounds kind of awesome since i like rain but whoa... 40? That might actually close school for a month though. Nature has been acting funny. Australia just had some crazy stuff going on as well. And oh man, after forgetting about it for weeks. That image of my dad in whities. If he'd have taken off something else, id have taken off my eyes.
    And yes.... there actually do exist some species with 2 balls, 1 ball, thee balls, or no balls. :P I think ill stop with the balls. Im starting to think i know a bit too much about it.
    And i'm not sure if you were referring to my friend or me in having great food, but if it's my friend, he got nasty taste. I just seen him take my idea of chili cheese fries with pastrami and dipped mustard and ketchup. That was so nasty. He will take any idea and mix it with either kethcup, hot sauce, or mustard. He doesn't do mayonaise because the wanna-be black doesn't like it, he substitutes it with hot sauce. The great mind in greasy heaven is my dad of course. He will think up of a gross idea and actually have the outome taste good. But such a thing is certain to lead to a heart attack. And he knows he cant be eating anything really greasy anymore. And pastrami is pretty cool. But like i say, really greasy, so its best to eat it like once a month. Here is a place where i get my pastrami's. It's pretty good but HUGE.
    Haha, all this talk about kitties has me craving a massage of theirs. Haha those sheep are so funny. I want one. Two would be better. Funnier to see them fall at same time. I would prefer to get this sheep. Its awesome. Genius herding. Can't believe no one has been doing this.
    With bridget the midget? Wait, Bridget the Midget was born with a stripper name? haha, wow....she was fated for that profession, and that condition. hahah, maybe. There's always a new experience for anything. hahaha.
    And hah, no. It isn't bad or anything. The thought of giving advice is more precious than not giving a care. PLus, most of the time, advice is of what you percieve things to be. It is you. And it is merely a suggestion. Not a force of opinion. :)
    And about the story... i had an movie going on. A detective appears, then the film reel just got stuck. And insane? Well maybe not insane, just a little bit crazy. insane to me is someone literally conversing with themselves instead of just speaking. Everybody has their own littly crazy of course. :)
    And yeah, different time zones. Not sure what zone exactly but different ones.
    And oy.. well this was a bit short i think compared to last time? I came in cold.... but well... im glad to be back and chatting again. Sigh, i just dont have time like i used to.
    January 22nd, 2011 at 11:39am
  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    (tch!! it cut me off too again!!)
    suppose so. The advices and all that. It's not necessarily that though. Its more a personal thing. I just feel the more i grow, the more i lose a piece of myself. I was happy being a kid, but then the realm of growing up and the thought of growing up for others got to me. :) But you're right ya know.
    Yay!! Great!! Im anxious to read it!! :D I havent really been feeling inspired lately. Nothing has been really awesome as of late TBH. And i always have the motion picture in my head too! I just never know how to convert it into words.Which is why i really would prefer film.
    Haha, yeah. :) Thanks. Im just accustomed to seeing others shocked that I did something decent.
    And not neccesarilly a baseball player. I havent been involved in it too much. But I practice a lot!!
    And oh yeah! The loud thing. I actually do that. Yeah, it doesnt come off well when people check on me to see if im talking to myself. And thanks again! haha so many thanks. Youre so sweet! Ill be sure to ask if i need help! :)

    Hahaha, it sure did. Didnt expect an equally long comment that was cut off, haha. Right back at ya, haha! I actually cut thiis comment a bit short (i think?) because I was too sleepy, and long messages could be frustrating or annoying to other people..... at least its what ive witnessed by my own. And I completely forgot you live in the east.

    But well yeah!! See you next time!! And oh!!!! Thanks!! Yeah!! Happy new years!!!! Hope you had a fun 010!! And i wish you a merry new year '11 full of joy!! :D
    January 3rd, 2011 at 06:00pm
  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    Oh what the heck, im not doing anything so late/early in the moment anyways. :P But its really fine! Sorry, I was late myself too and it couldn't be helped. So there, even? :D And ahh yess, my "vacations" have turned into school weeks even though I'm not returning for a few weeks. But i still had a good time prior to that.
    Awww........ I wanna cookie. :( Especially now when it's so cold. Mmm... warm cookies.... and donuts... mmmm. Tch, now im drowsy and sleepy. Yet again im awak till 7:44. And yet again I might find myself writing whole message all over again, hah.
    And are you kiddin'? Your comments are always fun! :D Oh, well after attending two parties at brothers house that had everybody wasted, with everyone sleeping over, sleeping on couches, beds, floor, chairs, table and toilet. No room for me, and mind me i do not drink so i would have found a sleeping spot and ended up waking atop the fridge, maybe, if i did.. Ended up staying up all night and it screwed up my sleeping schedule. Now i feel like a vampire sleeping daytime. And boy did i! I feel like a zombie/drained vampire this moment i type. The thought of homework just drains me out more.
    And pfft, haha its been raining everywhere round here except here. Its not fair i tell you, though i dont think it can even cancel a school night anyways (ToT). And hahaha, i bet it is. Well, It better start to try more..... i dont think it has because they're whooping everybody's *ss right now in basketball.
    OH GOD!!!! I'd leave the house instead!! Not to see other naked citizens around but to avoid one certain citizen at all costs. My trip (with others) to fresno feautured incredibly hot hot hot temperatures and drenched folks.Now, my trip was to visit, and visit my dad on his long business trip i did. He worked nights so you'd understand the schedule. I was stuck with him in hotel room. He had to sleep during the day and it was blazing, A/C sucked and he couldn't handle it so he literally tried to sleep in his tighty whities. It was traumatizing. And whats more traumatizing is the thought that if there was more degrees to that day, something else was coming off. I'd rather burn outside.
    Not necessarily the only ones with enough balls. All male dogs (minus neutered) have same amount of balls. I rather never noticed if there was a varying amount to every species. :P OK that was dumb. But well other dogs have enough balls in their sack to face a bull, but bulldogs are only ones smart enough to bite them in the nuts. Hmmm... sure, id say theyre players. All the bulldogs ive seen seem to want to claim any dog as theirs. Even males.
    Haha, ewww. haha, jk. You reminded me of a friend of mine who dipped almost all his food in ketchup. His dad would joke, "he like ketchup so much, he even dips it in his cereal!" haha i believed him. And whoa!! O_O I post this smiley just for show, but my eyes literally bulged out when you said you dont know Pastrami. O_O hahaha, its a form of bacon. At least o think. A more lengthy slimmer version of it. Greasy but good IMO.
    They are diverse. Ill agree to that. But compared to dogs or birds or rodents, not really. But i love munchkins so much. Only flaw with them is that their massages suck. Hmmmm..... i think ill do that too. I need kitties and a good barber first though. :( that sucks about your cat. And those kitties go stiff when picked up. But haha, if you want that, then you'd want these sheep. You'd have no problem catching up to these little bastards, hahaha.
    It really was. That team sucked this year. nd tch, yeah. Homework is what defines my home time.
    And oh jeez, i could not want to go and theyd find a way to make me go. Either that of they bring the strip club to me so it either lose-lose or win-win for me. Hahahahaha, Bridget the Midget. What a beautiful rhyme. I really would like to see her wok if its that great haha. Gidget the Midget Bridget.
    Yeah, haha. Run fast.
    And yeah. I suppose so. The advices and all that. It's not neccesarily that though. Its more a personal thing. I just feel the more i grow, the more i lose a piece of myself. I was happy being a kid, but then the realm of growing up and the thought of growing up for others got to me. :) But you're right ya know.
    Yay!! Great!! Im anxious to read it!! :D I havent really been feeling inspired lately. Nothing has been really awesome as of late TBH. And i always have the motion picture in my head too! I just never know how to convert it into words.Which is why i really would prefer film.
    Haha, yeah. :) Thanks. Im just accustomed to seeing others shocked that I dod something decent.
    And not neccesarilly a baseball player. I havent been involved in it too much. But I practice a lot!!
    And oh yeah! Theloud thing. I actually do that. Yeah, it doesnt come off well when people check on me to see if im talking to myself. And thanks again! haha so many thanks. Youre so sweet! Ill be sure to ask if i need help! :)

    Hahaha, it sure did. Didnt expect an equally long comment that was cut off, haha. I actually cut thiis comment a bit short because I was too sleepy, and long messsages could be frustrating or annoying to other people..... at least what ive witnessed for my own. And I completely forgot you live in the east.

    BUt well yeah!! See you next time!! And oh!!!! Thanks!! Yeah!! Happy new years!!!! Hope you haad a fun 010!! And i wish you a merry new year '11 full of joy!! :D
    January 3rd, 2011 at 05:56pm
  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    Waahhhhh!! O_X pardon my lateness!! I WILL reply to you....... but i need time! XP
    School is about to begin in less than 2 weeks, the homework assignments is still in bundles and I can see the teacher is already with shotgun in hand in my mind if I do not finish!! Sorry
    January 3rd, 2011 at 04:36pm
  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    gahh!! it's a barrage of long comments!!! sorry that i accidentally comment raped you by myself!!!!!! i had so much saved inside after my short hiatus... i didnt plan on it.
    December 26th, 2010 at 03:40pm
  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    [it actually cut me off O_O]
    And well sure, id say they have some diversity, but i was reading a kitten book and some cats looked the same like another but wasnt because it had a slightly different color and another had different eye color. Plus, if you shave a kitty, you easily get a sphynx. Why not do that, sell it for a 1000$ and have one ex-sphynx owner searching you down after the hair begins to grow on it. :P BUt there are some nice ones that are diverse. Munchkin are really cue. And the siamese cat is so pretty. But i would only get the kitty whose legs falter every time you pick it up. It is so awesome! And i wont disagree with the massages. Ive seen doggies get some massages themselves and the look on their face was "daaaaammmmmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn" all throughout it, while they almost fell asleep.
    And wow, so it was a serious bomb threat. Dang. Thats scary.
    And haha yeah. They still have yet to put the roof back in that stadium to make it a dome again. And the team to that stadium has been losing ever since :P.
    Sigh... i hate homwork. And i hafta do it during new years as well?! (TOT)
    yeah. but 18. Ill be legal for almost anything now. And i can imagine strip joints my cousin has in mind which i dont wanna go. He messes around a lot. And i can easily be convicted for anything now. If a draft were to happen, im sure up for grabs. In this day and age and generation, i am pretty much an adult now. 15 is like the new 18 and 18 is the new 21. My parents have no obligation to take care of me. And many things. 18 freaking sucks. Its like i dont need them anymore and im on my own once i turn that age because i can sign anything they needed to sign. The main thing ive always dreamed of and never looked forward to was growing up for some reason. But ........ i just have to get over it i guess. It just frightens me sometimes.
    Oh no. Oh nonono. Ive witnessed what it is like to get her angry yourself. She turns into a potty mouth, to the point where santa claus would be like "daaaamnnnn thats a naughty mouth. youre going atop of my list.". ninja? hmph. nothing stealthy about those words. But the brief smells, sure.
    And oh awesome!! I really look forward to it!! ive been having thoughts in my head about what it could all be. It almost formed into a movie. I tend to do that. Well i think sometimes i am, because i dont really like writing. Ive mentioned it before. Never been my passion. Hated it to be honest. When i get compliments, i am rather shocked sometimes. I am not intelligent. I am the one in class who was considered opposite of that. If i ever did anything good and it was announced, peoples eyes bulged out from shock. The passion im trying to pursue is baseball, so even more why i would lack in writing. Im told i get some nice ideas but i try to write it. I just cant ever seem to be able to write nicely. The way i want to. And its pissed me off when people who cant think of a good idea worth anything and are big pricks because of their ego's, can still write better. I decided screw it, might as well try and do something with my ideas. But ive had a lot of my stuff overlooked over other things because they had many advanced polysyllabic words featured. Ive been criticized a lot. I Dont have much guidance. I have to do almost everything on my own, and ive been failing at that. Its mainly why im so afraid of growing up.

    but well, :/ i think this it the most ive written to you. so sorry. its 6:30 AM, later than the time you sent me the christmas wishes, and im barely going to sleep. :/ And my laptop shut off on me when writing but luckily i wrote on microsoft word and it saved :D. I would have gone insane if i had to rewrite all over. BUt well, this is till next time! :) I look forward to you story!! :D
    Take care!!!
    December 26th, 2010 at 03:38pm
  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    This is so frustrating. I had so much written down and it turns out i got logged out. :( And i had a very nice message set to send too. Grrr....crap. ummmm
    but well haha i guess i just spend another hour rewriting again. Sorry this will be a crappy version because i have to go to sleep. Its 5:36Am. (ToT) I hate mibba right now.
    But well ehh.. oh yeah! Its possible! its been raining lately and i put on 2 and a half sweaters on today. The half of it was a vest. I am not used to this cold at all. And well it all depends to be hoonest on what comes first: the ice age or the heat age. It all seems to be leaning towards the heat age though. Plus, did i mention the miami heat have been winning a lot lately? Haha, there really wont be any need to have a sweater, sure, but there wont be any need for any clothes in general when it gets hot. Its horrible. When it was 110 degrees in fresno, i could not step outside even once. Even being inside shelter with an AC was barely enough. Youd feel the heat immediately and the air was hot, even in the shade. And swimming didnt really do good unless you wanted to be crispy brown.
    And well, Bulldogs are one of the only dogs in existence to take down a bull. It was a sport/gambling thing like pitting two dogs against each other. They were small and the skin made it hard on bulls. Bulldogs look slow but they are indeed powerful. a pitbull has has the most powerful bite and grip from all the dogs but the make an easy target. And they go for necks too much, whereas bulldogs went for anything, especially in pairs. And since bulls towered over them, bulldogs easily went under them and would sometimes bite the bull on the ball. So it had some strategies over many dogs.
    And well dogs make an average eof 4 dogs. And 4 fetuses that are 1/5 of the dog is a bit too much on the dog, me thinks. And haha, yeah! I forgot where i heard that joke before. In a movie i think.
    And hmmm... im known for experimenting too much with my food to the point where the immediately think it is gross, but it usually comes out good for me. I once did Chilli cheese fries with pastrami, incredibly greasy but tasted very good. So.... i have an experience with nasty looking food. So... might i add that sounds mighty nasty. Hahahaha JK. I hafta try it out.
    And well sure, id say they have some diversity, but i was reading a kitten book and some cats looked the same like another but wasnt because it had a slightly different color and another had different eye color. Plus, if you shave a kitty, you easily get a sphynx. Why not do that, sell it for a 1000$ and have one ex-sphynx owner searching you down after the hair begins to grow on it. :P BUt there are some nice ones that are diverse. Munchkin are really cue. And the siamese cat is so pretty. But i would only get the kitty whose legs falter every time you pick it up. It is so awesome! And i wont disagree with the massages. Ive seen doggies get some massages themselves and the look on their face was "daaaaammmmmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn" all throughout it, while they almost fell asleep.
    And wow, so it was a serious bomb threat. Dang. Thats scary.
    And haha yeah. They still have yet to put the roof back in that stadium to make it a dome again. And the team to that stadium has been losing ever since :P.
    Sigh... i hate homwork. And i hafta do it during new years as well?! (TOT)
    yeah. but 18. Ill be legal for almost anything now. And i can imagine strip joints my cousin has in mind which i dont wanna go. He messes around a lot. And i can easily be convicted for anything now. If a draft were to happen, im sure up for grabs. In this day and age and generation, i am pretty much an adult now. 15 is like the new 18 and 18 is the new 21. My parents have no obligation to take care of me. And many things. 18 freaking sucks. Its like i dont need them anymore and im on my own once i turn that age because i can sign anything they needed to sign. The main thing ive always dreamed of and never looked forward to was growing up for some reason. But ........ i just have to get over it i guess. It just frightens me sometimes.
    Oh no. Oh nonono. Ive witnessed what it is like to get her angry yourself. She turns into a potty mouth, to the point where santa claus would be like "daaaamnnnn thats a naughty mouth. youre going atop of my list.". ninja? hmph. nothing stealthy about those words. But the brief smells, sure.
    And oh awesome!! I really look forward to it!! ive been having thoughts in my head about what it could all be. It almost formed into a movie. I tend to do that. Well i think sometimes i am, because i dont really like writing. Ive mentioned it before. Never been my passion. Hated it to be honest. When i get compliments, i am rather shocked sometimes. I am not intelligent. I am the one in class who was considered opposite of that. If i ever did anything good and it was announced, peoples eyes bulged out from shock. The passion im trying to pursue is baseball, so even more why i would lack in writing. Im told i get some nice ideas but i try to write it. I just cant ever seem to be able to write nicely. The way i want to. And its pissed me off when people who cant think of a good idea worth anything and are big pricks because of their ego's, can still write better. I decided screw it, might as well try and do something with my ideas. But ive had a lot of my stuff overlooked over other things because they had many advanced polysyllabic words featured. Ive been criticized a lot. I Dont have much guidance. I have to do almost everything on my own, and ive been failing at that. Its mainly why im so afraid of growing up.

    but well, :/ i think this it the most ive written to you. so sorry. its 6:30 AM, later than the time you sent me the christmas wishes, and im barely going to sleep. :/ And my laptop shut off on me when writing but luckily i wrote on microsoft word and it saved :D. I would have gone insane if i had to rewrite all over. BUt well, this is till next time! :) I look forward to you story!! :D
    Take care!!!
    December 26th, 2010 at 03:34pm
  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    Hey!! Thanks!! I had a nice time. Things were different this time around though. But still good all in all. Oh! And merry late christmas!! I hope you had a great day! :)
    December 26th, 2010 at 01:37pm
  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    Haha, you really should think about it. Haha, but only shorts? When they a;ready wear them in 30 degrees? Haha, you never know until they experience the heat for themselves. It gets worse in deserts of course. But wow... that is still insane under any circumstance. At 19 degrees? I'd be inside 3 sweaters by now. I guess every place has their people who is either resistant to heat or cold. I wonder which would be more beneficial. i hate the heat so it sucks to live in a hot place (minus the swimming).
    yeah, but the thing about the bulldogs, they are so short so bulls had a tough time on them. Their extra extra elastic like skin helps with the impact from the horns. And the fact that they had powerful enough jaws made them formidable foes. Of course putting them up against 800 pound bulls or something was just too much and unfair.
    I think there was a combination like that. In fact, i think thats where the black/brown chihuahuas came from. But from genetic engineering to be exact. A chihuahu would die from the size of a baby rottweiler. Ive known one die from something like that. This reminded me of an old joke: what do you get when you combine a shitzu with a bulldog? .........................Bullshit.
    Spaghetti and ketchup eh? sounds nasty.
    And kittys are cool but nothing so diverse about them...... well thats if you exclude the lions and ligers and jaguars, etc. All you have is kitty with hair or kitty no hair. But their massages are the bomb.
    Haha, dang. Bomb. how'd that go with the school?
    And pffft... theyve been trying to clean up the place before the next game. The roof aint happening for a while. I'd say the roof was made by........... cloth? It looked like it was ripped through like paper. They could remove it whenever they wanted to, but i guess you can say the snow decided to remove it itself.
    awww..that sucks. nt enough break time. yeah. I thought it was funny i should have three weeks of homework when i shouldt even be doing homework.
    And hahaha. Thanks!!! I just..... 18. Everything changes at that age. Im shocked im even getting at that age already. Yeah, tell me about it. If She does that for fun, Imagine if you pissed her off?
    Hah, yeah. You're right. :) It's exactly how i should think of those things. My days have been getting better. Ive officially got 3 week break for homework!! Yah!!
    And what? I thought it was really good. hah, ask my teacher what I give him for english assignments. Compared to this, he'd laugh. I honestly suck at writing. Im amazed ive been able to put on a facade that i excel at it. And yeah i hate thorns. Of course, after the whole thing, i started imaging the aftermath of the whole thing. The story would be focused through the eyes of a detective.I liked reading it. And i would totally read more! :D
    December 18th, 2010 at 02:52pm
  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    Pardon. I wrote a lot. Got ahead of myself.
    December 16th, 2010 at 11:05am
  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    A story about the kitty. Hmm..... i've been suggested that before. That would be a total fail though.
    Yeah. That class of 23 didn't think about it, i guess. haha. But i could tell your ways of understanding things is pretty significant.
    And haha, that was actually the temperature for that day. It got a bit more cold. 40 degrees now, i think. But that is cold for us because we get used to temperatures of up to 109. Haha, how would people from where you live dress at that temperature? pure strings? naked? haha. Shorts at 30 degrees is insane.
    And haha no. Not at all. Opposite to be exact. They are actually the most loyal/laziest dogs on earth. People get the false perception that they are mean due to their ferocious looks. That's judging a book by their cover. They are in fact drooling little angels who know how to find a good sleeping spot anywhere. Even atop of an oven or dog if it feels good. :D Lots of loyal bulldogs have never btten their owners, even if they are abused by them. And the poor things used to be trained to go up against bulls. It was the only times they would really show their might, and some would die fighting bulls (and hence why they recieved the name bulldog). Rottweilers tend to be the most ferocious. But German dogs are, like, my favorite types of dogs besides Mexican (chihuahuas).
    Pfft, that sucks. Ur lucky snow is there to cancel school though. We dont have ay of that. So we get more school than usual. There was actually this one time long ago where rumor had it some kid was going to shoot up the school on a certain day. It was a hoax but parents worried anyways and school was cancelled on that day. Pfft, you could imagine dozens of kids threatening to shoot up the school after that.
    and i know, huh?! But there wasa blizzard that day and you clearly saw how weak the roof of that dome was. It was a life hazard for anyone. They clear it up after it stops snowing though. But still, a game got delayed cause of it. Lead to drama. Ahhh, i love sports. it never gets boring or old to me. Funny thing was, there was this guy who was going to break a record but he was injured and needed maybe one more day to heal. The roof collapses and actually buys him a day, but it wasnt enough time :(. But hahaha, it goes to show, even god watches football hahaha.
    And that may be true. Im not used to the cold. I definitely would freeze my buns off.
    And sigh, yeah. I have 3 weeks off, and somehow got 3 weeks of work to do. :P And the bad thing is, if i miss one little thing, I get kicked out. And I have to do all of that up to my birthday. Wait OMG my birthday isin 3 weeks?! O_O OMG im scared.
    And ahh pardon, it wasnt africa. It was India. There was word that there was hail in the sahara though.
    Haha thanks. i already knew that by know, haha.
    and yeah. It isnt a big surprise from my grandma. She talks too much smack. Its funny.
    And ahh, dont worry, haha. I actually had a miserable day yesterday. I was in no condition to be on the computer either. Everybody seemed to be making me out to be a bad guy at something when I don't mean it or even choose to be it. I f'ing hate it.
    :( But that sucks that you had a bad day. I hope your days get better. :)
    December 16th, 2010 at 11:04am
  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    Yeah... it's exactly what I say. But thanks!! I'll try to see if I can even think of a story for it.
    And apparently, yes. They just said poor, kitty. And like... didn't make any thoughts or deep evaluations on it. So .... i felt like I failed with it. But I'm glad you understood (even though you didn't read it) :D
    WoW!! That is COLD!!! I dunno... the coldest it gets around here... well so far is around 50-60 degrees around here. And hahaha I use 2 chihuahuas and they still don't warm me. I think i'll opt to buy a Bulldog. All that extra skin and fat to cover me. But haha, you talking 'bout bad snow? Minnesota has it nasty. I was going to watch a football game but it was delayed because of this.
    It looks so pretty. I wanna see snow (ToT)
    But well.... i really wont be able to do it. Thats why he gave me work for the holidays. Tch, so my holidays are going to be boring and exhausting this year. And to be honest, i think it has snowed there, hahah. Luckies. Or maybe im wrong... I think it rained blood (acid) over there though..... and hail... so ....Sahara is a freaky place to be.
    And hmmm.....Youre right. I just seriously have to try it out than act so scared. I wont ever learn if i dont. :D Thanks for that! :D
    And haha, sure it did hurt. But jeez... to say that.... it's is like a pastor telling you that in a way. Well actually... the time my grandma called me that was like the pope calling me that. It was more shocking.
    And its fine, dont worry. :) Ive been busy myself, which i also have to say, sorry for being so late to reply. im mighty busy myself :(
    December 13th, 2010 at 06:22am
  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    Hmmm... i used to think it would be cool to be immortal, but I would have to be so devoid of emotions to be that.It would be a curse to me. I love many to the point where I wish I were here with them forever, but..... not everyone can be immortal, I can't be selfish. To live forever would mean having to love so many, and to lose so many to no end. Forever feeling the pain of loss. (haha, i actually wanted to do a story of someone who was immortal and show just why i see it as a curse, but some manga artists and some others already beat me to it. Tch.)
    It was too short though. Barely one page. And that was actually exactly what I tried to portray. People still took it as an actual story as a kitty though.
    haha, no problem. And tch, tell me about it. It is so cold here and this is the state which is the least cold. I'm at the point where I am using my bony chihuahuas for warmth (which they honestly dont provide alot).
    Haha, tell me how the experiment goes. You could end up majoring in bully studies.
    Sigh... yeah. And for christmas break which is like three weeks.... he's gunna give me 5 weeks of homework. Damn, man. I can't think anymore thanks to it.
    And ahh crap, did i say snow? I meant rain. Buhu, the world would end if it ever snowed around here.
    And that is so awesome that you can drive. I still haven't even learned how to work the car lights :( I guess im just scared to drive... lucky you :)

    and ewww. You should be more careful. I once slid on glass and had some pieces of it stuck in my knee. I was careless and it was gross and scary to look at. And my mom put disinfectant..... i cried and she said quit being a p*ssy already. First time i ever heard her say that, and i actually stopped crying and didnt even feel the pain out of shock from that. She always knows what to do, haha :)
    December 9th, 2010 at 10:20am
  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    Hmm... that is a good point. Then again... who hasn't dreamed of immortality before? Well it actually dies a lot so...........resurrection? Damn is that cat a monster. The story (or short piece) was actually about a kitten who you can guess is curious, it just blindly hungers for knowledge which is not even necessary to know, and you can guess, curiosity killed the cat. I did it a different way than how I explained it, more complex,and I actually got applauded in class for the "effort" on it. I can't remember it. BUt I did it in like 6 minutes so it was really crappy to be honest.

    And haha, I'll be sure to send you aloe vera as a gift if i can for your occasionally burnt self, if i can, haha. And mitts. And vest iif you dont have one.
    And hmmmmm... maybe. It's just a myth that bullies can smell the nerds and bully them on track. They maybe don't bully you because you can't really be considered a nerd. :P Who knows? But ahhh, I don't have to handle any of that fortunately for me.You should test it, drench a shirt full of your sweat, and throw it in the most darkest places of school, and see if they don't come out of the dark webbed caverns, tracking down the scent. If no, then nope. No nerdiness to the sweat means not nerdy. :P
    Sigh. I actually just finished in time, but now I have to finish the work he has for me on wednesday which is still a lot, and I have some stuff to do Friday when i turn things in wednesday. Some of it is overdue work which I do end of the week and the weekly homework is done on Wednesday. I am going to be doing week long homework in a span of 3 days for 2 weeks. He says he's doing this because if I dont do it, I will get kicked out because he shouldnt even be doing that.
    pffft, they are calling for snow around here, which is like snow for us. But wow! Do you drive?! tis really unsafe to drive that way. Be careful.
    December 7th, 2010 at 04:35am
  • UnboundDreams

    UnboundDreams (100)

    United States
    Hmmmm.... but dang. For it to never die. That sounds like a curse. A zombie forever coming back for it's undying need for curiosity. Pffft...... Hmm... ahhh! That made me remember of something I had written very horribly long ago!! I think I might re-write it since I lost it! Thanks for that reminder. :)

    haha... you mean you've tried it? well I guess i gotta try it out whenever my mom isn't around haha. and ugh... tell me about it. I have to get used to my dad's peels. Aloe vera cream comes in handy in those times, heehee.
    :) Evrybody does have their moments of cheesiness huh.
    Yeah. But what reason is there first of all to bully someone. I guess the more odd you look or nerdy, the more you attract it. Dunno. A simpsons epsidoe eplains it well. It must be the nerd sweat/smell, haha.
    And thanks so much!! I actually did get motivated. Turned in homework exhausted. And turnds out he has more overdue work for me to turn in Monday..... so I have more motivation that is needed. Now ill be more exhausted..... and my eyes will be more than bulging out when I see him again. Tch.
    And snow huh? That's cool. You must live in the east side of the states huh?
    December 6th, 2010 at 12:22am