doppelherz / Comments

  • Ugh....yeah....
    July 13th, 2008 at 07:04am
  • Yeah, add MCR.
    July 12th, 2008 at 12:57pm
  • You need to add M.C.R to your music thingy *points upwards*
    July 12th, 2008 at 09:46am
  • Aww thankyou :)
    Wish I could say I made it myself but sadly HMTL isn't my strong point, so it's a premade from one of the boards!
    July 11th, 2008 at 11:47pm
  • you like them too! ahhh! i dont know alot of people who like them either...=] whats up?
    July 7th, 2008 at 05:42am
  • Don't diss the turtle man. We were walking through the park and I changed the M.S.I lyrics from make out with her friends to make out with her turtle.

    And yeah.

    July 6th, 2008 at 04:15pm
  • Pssst, Ashlee wants you.
    -shifty eyes-
    Ikea shall be fun.
    Mwahahaha, people wont know what hit them.
    In actual fact, It's probably going to be a book-case.
    July 6th, 2008 at 02:16pm

    July 6th, 2008 at 11:09am
    June 27th, 2008 at 05:17pm

    You left D:
    June 26th, 2008 at 10:36am
  • Just dropping by to say hiyo
    June 26th, 2008 at 01:27am
  • Hello.

    Your previous comment lies.

    : /
    June 21st, 2008 at 04:56pm
  • -.-
    June 20th, 2008 at 09:13am
  • It is almost 11:00 and I haven't:
    1) Commenced proper studyment for music
    2) Talked to certain people
    3) Showered

    : |
    June 10th, 2008 at 04:44pm
  • Yeah, my hair is naturally blonde. When I was little it was almost white, but now it's a little darker, though I haven't seen my real haircolor since I was seven. I've only seen the roots ;D I bet your hair looks really awesome! You should put up a picture of it! I'm feeling a little better now, I can't say I'm okay, but it's a little easier getting out of bed now.And thank you for asking how I'm coping, it's not many who asks, so I appriciate it! And I have bulimia, digusting eh? But it's getting better, like I said earlier. :) You went to an all-girls school? That sound cool! We actually don't have all-girl schools or anything like that. Though I think I would go crazy if I had to be with only girls all day long ;P Do you have to wear a uniform? No schools in Sweden have uniforms, which is good, because I want to wear my own clothes and another thing that's good is that you can go to school in pj's and nobody cares. It sucks that you have so much homework. Tomorrow is the last schoolday for us. So next week we get to do alot of fun things! Next weekend my whole class is going to spend the night in a little house right by the water. Do you skate? My friend does and it looks so cool! I'd like to learn how to, but I'm too scared to fall. I also keep going out more this year, and I love it! Isn't it fun meeting new people? Though I'm really shy, but once I start talking I can't stop! How old do you have to be to get tottoo's in Australia? Here you have to be 18 and 16-17 if you have your parents with you.
    Hahah, I love lollipops! Especially the blue ones, you know the ones who turns you tongue blue? It looks so funny ;D And I smoke and drink occationally. It's not like I get drunk and pass out, I just drink a little so I can "get out of my shell" and I'm not addicted to nicotine. And it's not healthy either, so I try to stay away from it. Do you smoke or drink? And I'm a vegetarian, I want to go vegan, but there's some food that I don't want to give up, so I'm happy as a vegetarian.Though I envy those who are vegans. hahah, no, I'm not straight, I'm bisexual..haha, I really should start reading this stupid book that we have to read. And tomorrow I have to talk about it in english for 5 minutes. And I hate talking in front of people, even worse when I have to do it in english because I really can't speak english :( I can't wait for summer to come! 12 weeks with no school! :) Do you have any plans for the summer? ugh, I've got to go now. It's getting late XD
    May 22nd, 2008 at 06:55pm
    May 18th, 2008 at 03:28pm
    May 13th, 2008 at 11:56am
  • Hey guess what??

    I have a test on logarithms on Weddnesday and I'm going to FAIL
    May 12th, 2008 at 10:57am
  • hi :) haha, I'm sorry too, I should've left a comment or something but I'm really bad at things like that, and everytime I think about doing it, it just slips my mind. I've been okay I guess, I've had a rough time these past few months, I'm struggling with a depression and my eating disorder, but it's getting better I think, which I guess is quite good :) How have you been? Oh, thank you :) I got a little sick of the green and I thought I'd try something new so I bought Syntethic dreadlocks in the beginning of March and you kind of plait it in your hair my friend did it, and it took her two hours to do my whole hair. And it was awesome, the only bad things was that it was really heavy. I took it out a few days ago, so my hair is now blonde. I'm going to get extentions and maybe get pink and purple in it :D You started a new school? Do you like it there? I've been busy with school too, we've had alot of homework and stuff. We can pierce our ears when we are like, five or something and then your nose when you are 11 and then you have to be 16 with your parents permission if you want to get a lip piercing and then 18 without parents.I can't get any more piercings because my mom doesn't want me to have any piercings in my face, but I want to get snakebites and my hips and wrists pierced. In the back of your neck? That sounds really cool! I want to see a picture if you get it done! xx
    May 10th, 2008 at 11:51pm


    May 6th, 2008 at 11:29am