Anthem. / Comments

  • Cool, happy belated birthday! I'm doing really good, just been relaxing and figuring out what I wanna do with my life. Might start community college in January. (:
    November 18th, 2012 at 12:02am
  • Yeah. I get you completely. I still leave at home. :/ I commute, but hopefully I can live in a dorm next year.
    You're getting a tattoo? What are you going to get?! I want one so badly!! You're sooo lucky.
    But I can't because my mom's like really serious about piercings and tattoos.
    I couldn't get my ears pierced until I was thirteen. D:
    November 17th, 2012 at 11:03pm
  • Yea...why are you worried about next year? Do you want to move out or something?
    November 17th, 2012 at 10:33pm
  • Jordan!
    It's Teddi c:
    How are you?
    It's been forever!
    November 17th, 2012 at 09:57pm
  • Nah. Nothing interesting. My life is boring. I don't have a life lol. But college is making me have more of a life than high school. :) what grade are you in again? and no problem! what did you get for your birthday? did you get anything special? :)
    November 17th, 2012 at 09:53pm
  • Oh my gosh. I know what you mean about school. College is a pain in the butt. :/ So much work but thankfully I have enough time in my day to get on Mibba! :)
    I miss you terribly! ):
    How have you been?
    Oh, happy beleated birthday, btw! :D
    November 17th, 2012 at 09:42pm
  • Jordan? :)
    It's Holly. What's up?
    It's been a long time. :/
    November 17th, 2012 at 09:35pm
  • Oh, no, no! I'm still getting on! I'm not deleting.
    I just, what I meant was that I was probably not going to be able to read the rest of it. :/ Because, well, seeing as this is the first time I've been on here in a month, I haven't been getting on here as much lately. And the last time I was on, was two weeks after I had last been on.
    So what I meant was, I probably couldn't read the rest of your story. But now that you're rewriting it, I may not be able to read the rewritten version either. It depends on when I get on here next and how much I'll have to catch up with.
    And I put my twitter username in case you saw that comment, like, tomorrow or something. Because other than today, I don't know when I'll be on next. I'm hoping to be on again sometime again this week because I want to update my one story, but other than that... I don't really know.
    And so, it might take me a little while to respond to any future comments/messages you leave me on here, which is why I said it might be easier to @ reply me on twitter. That's why I left my twitter username.
    I'm not leaving, don't worry. At least, not yet. I want to finish my one story at least first. I don't really plan on leaving until maybe next year, because I plan on starting college then. But even that's an if, because... well, I don't even know if I'm accepted anywhere yet, seeing as I'm still working on applying.
    Am I making sense now? If you really want me to, I can still read your story, but no guarantees on how frequently I'll be leaving feedback. That's basically what I was saying. And depending on if I get far behind with it, I may choose sometime later(when I'm not overwhelmed like I am now) to finally catch up with it.
    I really hope I'm making sense. XD Let me know if you're still confused.
    October 22nd, 2012 at 01:41am
  • Chapter 23: I'm sorry you were called desperate :c you know it wasn't meant seriously :)
    the reason Jordan told Cass that she should get together with Alan was just because she wanted her friend to be happy again. Alan's the first person who Jordan saw could make Cass smile wholeheartedly again so she wants to keep him around, even if he's not the right person.
    I'm glad that you like your relationship with Austin c: that makes me happy since it's your character and stuff...
    really? I can be in such deep thought that I totally tune out the world...
    I'm sure that Cass wouldn't have run over the poor cat :P She would've felt too guilty when she saw/talked to Alan next c;
    I love Cass&Zack together. That's why I try to make them the cutest couple in the world so that nobody could hate it when they're together c: I understand about what you're saying about how you feel like Cass seems to forget she cheated on Zack. The reason is that it was such a bad thing that she did that she doesn't want to remember it happening. She wants to pretend that everything is okay.
    what? WHY WOULD GARRETT GROW IT BACK? this is terrible...well, it was good while it lasted, beardless Garrett.

    Chapter 24: I originally wanted you and John to end up together because of the whole J&J thing but seeing as how that has been changed it's not going to happen anymore :P
    you got it right! the reason Jordan called John baby is because it was out of habit c:
    For Garrett&Jenn's relationship I added in break up time since every couple has their break ups.
    the reason everyone has heard of your break up is because I imagine Jordan and Alex being more public with their relationship than Cass&Zack. Also because you have John there and I think John would definitely know about how your relationship with Alex is going since he's John :P
    You're not clingy! You just want to talk to Austin and get to know him more and stuff c: YOU WANT YOUR LOVE TO BLOSSOM!
    hahaha, I actually really liked the part where Garrett tries to get out of going camping to have sexy time with Jenn :P
    oh John...trying too hard to get with Jordan that you sound like a creep..
    the reason I chose Ayden was because I tutored a kid who had that name and he was such a cutie and I really liked his name c: :P
    yup Pat's very chill and just gives advice c:
    aww really? I'm glad you liked the last two sentences c: At first I thought it was too cheesy bu I kept it anyway :P

    Chapter 25: I'm terribly sorry about my very uncreative titles. They're even less creative than those horrid codenames that I made up in this forgive me.
    HOW CAN YOU WAKE UP SO EARLY IN THE MORNING? I WOULD DIE. I was thinking it would be a 2 1/2 hours away from Tempe but it would be around 3 1/2 hour drive because of traffic, so they'd get there around 10ish?
    I'm not really a breakfast person either, mainly because I don't like breakfast foods that much.
    I'm pretty sure that Tessa is her real name. But I could be wrong...
    ahh, Pat's just an adorable creature. That's why I made him have a cute pokewar with Cass :P
    I'd sat the car was about a 5-10 minute walk from the campsite.
    yes, Pat didn't want to seem less manly than his friends since he couldn't put up the tent, but sadly in the end he had to have the help...poor Pat..
    yes, the people who were left at the campsite were Garrett, John, Jordan, and Pat :)
    I'M NOT PHOTOGENIC EITHER! but I'm thinking of taking a couple of myself in a couple days 'cause I need to change my tumblr avatar...I'm not doing it now because I have this huge pimple on my nose and it's gross and I don't want that in any picture. Sucks that class pictures are Wednesday...
    are you serious? I actually liked burnt things..I don't know why. I'll eat burnt marshmallow and burnt popcorn. Weird...
    shhhh, let's say Jenn brought steak 'cause the guys are big meat eaters?
    John does like to drink. It's the Irish in him.
    I hate playing manhunt and hide and seek because I hate hiding in the dark. I feel like nobody will find me..
    yeah, John's a creep and a bit drunk. Not a good combination... :P
    who said that reference was unintentional? I LOVE ME SOME POKEMON.
    but, I didn't want any of them to get lost in the dark so I supplied them with a flashlight. Plus, they could get mauled by foxes and bears and I wanted them to be safe and aware of their surroundings at all times!!!
    September 10th, 2012 at 10:57pm
  • yes, we are unique, majestic fucking creatures like unicorns c: yeah, I shall do that. I have to talk to my friend to see if she still even wants to go. yeah, I understand... I wish I looked like my friends. They're all so pretty and I'm just a potato when I stand next to them... :'( and yeah, seniors should have the best last year of high school possible. Crazy to think that that will be us next year...
    September 4th, 2012 at 12:22am
  • hahahaha, we're so weird :P
    really? that stinks.....well, good luck with that :P yeah...any particular suggestions? yeah, the cursing would totally turn her off...yeah, it's really weird though because a lot of people say we look alike...I can't see it all though.
    I meant her husband. sorry :P
    really? I don't dress up but I think that if you want to you should be able to :)
    August 31st, 2012 at 11:20pm
  • Jordan! I miss you. D:
    August 31st, 2012 at 07:58pm
  • haha i know, it makes me smile sometimes. i have work in every class tonight. like really?? i cant be doing all this shit. its tiring and its only been six days of this not including the weekend. AWESOME! Tell what she says because i really want to see if you can go because that would be awesome. show her some really good songs though, don't show her ones with like curse words in them because that really wouldn't help your case with wanting to see them. Ah i see, both born in china but different parts. that's cool though. i don't get it though if you said your "mom" didn't want any kids why would she have adopted or am i getting all of this mixed up?? see at my school only seniors can dress up for this thing called "Halloween hoot" that's really cool though (:
    August 27th, 2012 at 11:52pm
  • hahaha, it did! I love unintentional rhyming.. :P
    yeah....I'm going to ask her this week. and she better say yes or I'm going to freak out. I'll show her some songs and stuff...
    well, I'm not actually related to her by see, I was born in China and so was my sister but we were born in different parts.. make sense?
    I love trick or treating. It's so fun. also when everyone dresses up at my school it's great. we have a costume contest on Halloween. :)
    August 27th, 2012 at 03:30pm
  • commenting on my own profile was embarrassing.. :P
    I don't know....I'm just not hyped up for it anymore...maybe...I'll talk to her about it again soon.
    it's just her attitude. She judges things before she even knows anything about them and it annoys me...
    awesome!! Hopefully you'll be able to go to both :)
    ahh, well as you know, I'm adopted so my mom and I aren't actually related...and when she adopted me she was divorced since her husband didn't want kids.. so yeah, I don't have a dad... :P
    :o that's not very nice of them to do! We just dress up and say trick or treat and we get candy! it's great C:
    then where would you have the party? or would you go to one?
    August 27th, 2012 at 02:58am
    August 26th, 2012 at 11:24pm
  • I can't believe I actually did that....I usually write my reply on the little box above because I'm really bad at remember things and I didn't want to miss any questions you have and then I copy it and post it on your profile. Oh my gosh that was so embarrassing... we got school supplies and went to a hardware/furniture store to get some stuff for my room...and yeah, I'm going to talk to it weird that I don't even feel like going anymore? I don't know...the my excitement for it has gone from 10 to a 2...I'm also really annoyed at my mom. hahaha, good luck with bribing your dad :) I wish I had a dad so then I wouldn't have to deal with my mom all the time :P YOU CAN NEVER BE TOO OLD FOR FREE CANDY. NEVER. THAT'S THE HIGHLIGHT OF MY FALL. SERIOUSLY. oooo a party! I'm not really a party person but you are so you should totally throw one! :P
    August 25th, 2012 at 10:58pm
  • haha, yeah, I'll probably finish another one on mom stays home tomorrow so I'll probably be doing SAT stuff :/ yeah, I'm definitely going to talk to her about it tomorrow. ahhh, hopefully you'll get to be able to go to both... but if not then at least you get to go to one! :D
    yesss! go graduates of '14!
    ahhhh, they better beee! I will definitely go if they are.
    LUCKY. the only good thing that's 100% for me is Halloween.. :P FREE CANDYYYY! :D<3
    August 23rd, 2012 at 03:48am
  • ohmygosh. I'm so sorry for the typos in the last comment...
    yeah, I can't really imagine myself that old either. Like, how will I look? How will I act? and I'm going to prewrite! don't worry! :P awww, well, there's a text from me when you get it back :) hahaha, yeah about that...I'll probably bring it up on her day off which is Thursday...
    I'll talk to my friend soon as well :)
    I really want to go to Bamboozle and Warped...that's good to buy the tickets early :) and, if you don't know any of the bands that are playing (highly unlikely) you might find a new favorite!!! :P
    yes we have to change it. If that happens...
    August 22nd, 2012 at 03:49am
  • I miss you!!! D: <3
    August 22nd, 2012 at 01:17am