Back for now, and again, with randomness.

So ive updated my profile after a year of nothingness.i miss all my friends.. but i guess they figured i computer is broken and refuses to let me log in -in at a friends house-so if you remeber lil old Cheyenne-Marie... i guess i be back for a day...i guess this is hi?so lately life has gotten better, i guess learning to be happy is the best lesson ive ever learned. and not to stuff...
March 31st, 2008 at 05:38pm


I'm takeing on to the fact that I just apparently Love the feeling of heartach.I mean why do I do this to myself, and other people.I love him but hes so far away.and well...hes taken.I've seen pictures of them together.. and it kills me cause they look so happy...So... Perfect. (and i use this word lightly)but he tells me otherwise.That everything isnt okay.That he wants to die, hearing those...
August 17th, 2007 at 02:31am