Ghost / Comments

  • red11111

    red11111 (100)

    United Kingdom
    There's like 2 shopping places near where i live and they're always well busy!
    Where do you live?
    I've searched your profile and it desn't seem to say?
    April 15th, 2007 at 06:00pm
  • Pillow.Talk

    Pillow.Talk (100)

    United Kingdom
    Aw still sounds cute! So how is your weekend going?

    Yesterday for me was a really hot day so I went into town with my friends including Emj (who you’ve spoken too) and we messed around for the whole day. My friend rugby tackled me! One minute I was standing up and the next second I was on the floor! It took me a while to figure out what was going on. Plus Emj went into the river to move a cone that was annoying me. She got her jeans wet and complained about it for the next ten minutes but in that time it had dried out. It really was that hot.

    Plus I bought NME which I’m not sure if they sell that in America but anyway they have a MCR poster special and there is like the cutest picture of Mikey. So today I’m moving my posters so that one can have pride of place by my bed.

    But anyway I still find it amazing how one person can change your life in such a short space of time. I hope I find someone like that. Yet right now I’m happy that I have two amazing friends who I wouldn’t be able to live with out. They mean as much to me as I’m sure Casca means to you.

    Casca is a really unique name I’ve never heard it before. Is it American?

    I’m doing really well thanks. Except I have a totally screwed up sleeping pattern such as last night I was still restless at half 12 so I took some sleeping pills to help me sleep which finally did help. Yet then it was half 11 in the morning and I knew I had to get up but the sleeping pills had made me so dozy that I couldn’t physically pull myself out my bed not until my cat came and jumped on my chest. That made me get up especially as she was trying to climb under the duvet and when she does it usually ends up with me getting clawed. So I gave her the bed and finally got up.

    I was just thinking about the time differences it’s really strange to think about. It’s the middle of the afternoon to me meaning its early morning to you. I find that really weird.

    Anyway I hope you are ok and having fun XD

    Speak to you soon

    Lots of Love Lucy XXxxXX
    April 15th, 2007 at 04:08pm
  • red11111

    red11111 (100)

    United Kingdom
    Yeah i've missed tons of my friends.
    Can't wait to see 'em!
    And i always thought a job in a nice clothes shop would be good.
    Get lodsa nice clothes and that.
    April 15th, 2007 at 04:05pm
  • Pillow.Talk

    Pillow.Talk (100)

    United Kingdom
    Aw, it sounds cute! You’re probably glad I don’t live with you otherwise I wouldn’t be able to stop singing ‘love is in the air’ yeah I’m weird!
    But I’m glad he makes you really happy and Friday 13ths are definitely lucky for you! I hope you too last and I’m really happy for you he sounds fab and really caring it’s amazing how one person can change your life completely. You’ll have to tell me some gossip sometime because you know I’ll just pry it out of you somehow.

    Wow it’s really cool he goes to school with you! I bet when school gets hard you can just talk to him about it and you’ll feel so much better. Ah hello fellow insomniac I have a friend who also can’t sleep, well he acts as my counsellor so when I feel upset in the night I’ll text him and he straight away understands. I wish every one had someone like that.

    Somebody once told me that others will only hate you because they are jealous of you. When I first heard that I didn’t believe it but I think in some cases *such as yours* it’s true. There will always be people who disagree with what you say, what you wear, what you listen to, who you date. But honey don’t listen to them! The one person you need to be listening to right now is Casca because he loves you for who you are not what others want you to be.

    Yeah teenagers are immature sometimes more that younger kids. Young kids don’t care who loves who. I wish the whole world would be like. I envy the innocence infants have.

    Yeah I’ve also tried hip hop and lindy hop at school dance days which was pretty cool. Yet not my style. Wow point! Isn’t that like really painful and hard? And no I’m not artistic I plod *or so I’m told* Yet if I want something I’ll try really hard and when it gets to a exam I really want to do well so I apply all my effort so I usually scrape a pass.

    I totally understand about people freaking out! My last report said I was predicted Bs in most subjects and my mum flipped she wants me to be a straight A student *which I know I’m capable of* but it’s really pressurising. Teachers never let up and the work load is always piled on! Sometimes I just want to let go and scream except my grades would slip again so I’d have to work extra hard and probably have a pressure break down.

    Casca sounds like a smart kid is he the one you like to hold intelligent conversations with?? Funny I wouldn’t be talking xD

    But grumbles aside school isn’t half bad I have a piece of homework *due in 3 weeks ago* which I’m stuck on and a horrid English essay. Yet I have work experience for the next two weeks meaning I wouldn’t have had school for a month! So it will be nice to go back and see my ‘friends’

    Where do you work? I need a Saturday job I’m just so unmotivated to get one.

    Oh and what time did you send that message? Because to me it was half past midnight. XD

    Ha another long message for you to reply too and I don’t mind if you reply to me second. Because baby you’re in love and I can tell.

    Hope all goes well

    Hope to hear from you soon!

    Much Love Lucy XXxxXX
    April 14th, 2007 at 10:56pm
  • red11111

    red11111 (100)

    United Kingdom
    It's crap really.
    The only job i can get really is a paper round
    And that pays like, £5 a week and you have to get up well early
    I was like, fuck that!

    Got school monday.
    Just finiched the 2 week holiday.
    So desperatley don't want to go :(
    April 14th, 2007 at 09:56pm
  • Sean Smith

    Sean Smith (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    i know how you feel, in my group at school everyone is really popular and i feel quite unnoticed and inferior to them, they are all smarter than me and much more popular. i don't care about being popular but being ignored is not a nice feeling, that why i prefer being in twos or thress, then you feel more involved.

    I heard all about your wonderful boyfriend and your so lucky, i would kill for a nice boyfriend i haven't had one for a good year or so because he moved and he was much older. No wonder you've been feeling amazing recently then.

    I've been ok, but i'm struggling with an essay we have to do for english, im nothing like Lucy, i can't write about someting i dont care about and i'm jsut bad at essays. i'm an avrage student, B's and C's mainly. The only suject i am really good at is Science, i'm getting A's there, but in the lessons. in tests i'm not so good. i think i'm more of a feeler.

    i can get my soul on a peice of paper, i'm good at story writing and i like to draw...i can't do it well but i can get my meaning across. i suppose some people are just like that. i'm not great at one particular thing really...i want to get my feelings out there but its jsut doing it. I'm lazy.

    I think it's since i spent this entire summer holiday pratically alone a year or so ago and i started this story and i just wrote and wrote and wrote, i never finished it and it was really bad but it currently rests at 413 A4 pages...i ramble on and on and on. As you will have noticed.

    Whoo this is turning out to be long! Your so easy to talk to. Well in a nutshell i'm ok. Glad your doing good and hope it stays like that!

    Lots of love EmJ xoxo
    April 14th, 2007 at 09:21pm
  • red11111

    red11111 (100)

    United Kingdom
    Yeah, i really want a job but for a 14 year old there all either crap or pay nothing.
    I'm alright thanks.
    How about you ?
    April 14th, 2007 at 01:52pm
  • Sean Smith

    Sean Smith (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    yeah, its hard, but we always work it out cos we have a very like reseliant reletionship...bullet resistant but not proof...we get dents. Most people call my Emily but i really don't like it, you can call me EmJ. so far only a few people call me that because they're not used to calling me that, but i'd like it if you did. So where did Ghost come from? And Waht have you been up to?

    April 14th, 2007 at 11:06am
  • MyEricaRomance

    MyEricaRomance (100)

    United States
    lol my leg is litaly burned now... all because i was too stubborn to move it. i wnt to the mall and go a fall out boy braclet,2 mcr posters, a 30 second to mars poster (well i actally stole that one, dont ask how i managed.... i jsut did.) and a mcr hoodie and a fall out boy shirt. go me... and i still gots 20$ left over.
    April 14th, 2007 at 07:25am
  • MyEricaRomance

    MyEricaRomance (100)

    United States
    my right leg is smoking.... its right next to the heater.... awwww! it just caught on fire. i offically pulled a bob. lol i love u bob!
    April 14th, 2007 at 07:15am
  • MyEricaRomance

    MyEricaRomance (100)

    United States
    i ♥ u too cuddlekins!!!
    April 14th, 2007 at 07:02am
  • MyEricaRomance

    MyEricaRomance (100)

    United States
    ill follow u to the ends of the earth my darling!!! lol
    April 14th, 2007 at 06:29am
  • Fueled By Dana

    Fueled By Dana (100)

    United States
    Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plz Read My Stories And Comment Or Else I'll Come To Your House And Fucking Murder You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Hugs*
    April 14th, 2007 at 03:24am
  • red11111

    red11111 (100)

    United Kingdom
    Oh no, i don't mind.
    Share anything with me, i don't mind.
    So, hows your day been?
    April 14th, 2007 at 02:32am
  • red11111

    red11111 (100)

    United Kingdom
    That was so random it made me giggle.
    How come it made you so happy?
    April 14th, 2007 at 02:14am
  • red11111

    red11111 (100)

    United Kingdom
    I LOVE your profile!
    Especially all the Ten Commandements and that!
    April 14th, 2007 at 01:46am
  • MyEricaRomance

    MyEricaRomance (100)

    United States
    hi my ♥er
    April 14th, 2007 at 01:13am
  • Sean Smith

    Sean Smith (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    ive known her sicne we were nine. we used to hate each other becasue we had a friend that we fought over. now were ok though and ever since we were about 11...maybe 12 we've been friends. sometimes best friends sometimes not but hey thats us. Ok, i'll call you Ghost.
    April 13th, 2007 at 08:52pm
  • Pillow.Talk

    Pillow.Talk (100)

    United Kingdom
    I'm so fucking happy for you! I love love stories and that was definitely the sweetest thing I’ve read for ages. I hope all goes well for both of you and that you spend many a happy hour together. I barely know you but I’m jumping for joy because when someone is happy I’m happy and you seem pretty damn happy.
    Just from that small description makes it sound like this guy is amazing for you, he sounds so caring and I know that this may have come a little earlier but it takes time for us to really know what we want. Now you have a loving boyfriend and an awesome friend.

    Do they go to your school? I go to an all girl school which can sometimes be depressing because…well for the reasons highlighted above. Yet sometimes an all girl school can be a good thing it helps me separate my school work from my social life so this term I’m going to work extra hard because if I’m truthful to myself I realize that I didn’t work to my full potential last term and that showed in some of my work. So I’m really going to try hard to make every one proud.

    I never doubted you were academic! That’s not far! You can’t be artistic and academic leave something for people like me (joke :P). English is my best subject I’m predicted an A* and I am going to get it even if it kills me! I’m also going to (hopefully) get As in my other subjects so I can prove the teachers wrong and exceed their expectations.

    We hardly get any snow where I live, the last time I had snow was three years ago and it was gone by mid-morning. But this is England it’s mostly torrential rain or scorching sunshine. Yet I agree snow is really beautiful! Isn’t Arizona a sort of desert place no wonder you have to appreciate the snow every time.

    I dance tap and modern. I’ve been doing tap for 10 years and modern for about 3 I’m currently Grade 5 in both but I’m hoping to move to Grade 6 in the summer. I used to do Ballet and Jazz but quit as ballet wasn’t my thing and Jazz was way too hard! I agree Yay for dancers!

    I hope all goes well with your school work keep me updated how everything’s going ok!?

    Wow that was a long comment! It took me for ever to write because I keep bouncing around from your good news…I think I’m also a little hyper!

    I am superstitious but not about Friday 13th. It’s been lucky for me today because I had this dream (which included Mikey and no shirt…xD don’t ask) and I saw the I’m not okay home video which I haven’t seen in ages. So it’s all good!

    Yep I think you’re definitely the easiest person to talk to on here that I’ve met. Fell honored!

    Speak again soon.

    Lucy XXxxXX
    April 13th, 2007 at 03:56pm
  • Pillow.Talk

    Pillow.Talk (100)

    United Kingdom
    Aw! I like the new additions to your profile especially the pictures some of the captions on them are really sweet. I like the 'i'll just pretend to hug you until you get here' one that's sweet. I fnd whenever I need a hug it's usually when I'm home alone.

    'no matter how much i practice I can't make drawings of you pretty enough' is how I feel most of the time. The things that hold real beauty in the world are often the things you can't capture on film or camera or on canvas (although we can have a mighty good try xD) so you have to hold the image in your minds eye and one day look back at it and remember it's beauty, doing that always puts me in a good mood.

    It reminds me once I went on holiday and I was walking in the evening and I saw the sky and it was blood red and the mountain in front of it was tinged with a rainbow of colours. I tried so hard to capture it on camera but nothing did it justice and so I stayed out till it had faded just so I could commit to memory that one image. I supose a lot of nature is like that such as sunsets and things. It means something to everyone but you have to be there to capture the beauty and the magic perfectly.

    That was a random chat about the beauty of nature.

    I also like 'the truth is you could slit my throat...' one. I find that romantic for want of a better word cause slitting someones throat isn't the most romantic thing. I'm yet to actually 'fall in love' so I don't know what it feels like for someone in that situation. Have you ever fallen in love? Sorry if that's a sensitive subject.

    I agree we do have paragraphs going for us! but it's better to tell one person everything then spread it round a group of people cause often you may leave something out which could change the way someone views you or the way you view yourself.

    I'm not the most artistic person, I can write poetry when my brain permits and I do dance in and out of school. I have been dancing for 10 years now. I just don't view myself as very good at artistic things. I'm more on the academic side of life. I can write good essays (sorta like this one xD) and I know how to put a pen to paper and write what the teacher wants. What I find hard is conveying your own feelings into words and then having the courage to put them on paper. I think that's where the art comes in.

    Hope you are alright today

    Eagerly awaiting your reply

    Love Lucy XXxxXX
    April 13th, 2007 at 11:05am