So I am ecstatic to say that finals are coming soon, which means the end of a notoriously hard semester and 4 months of time to write! I haven't been so excited about anything in a while. College is mentally, emotionally, and physically draining and kind of puts you in a mood to not want to do anything. Anyone of my peers will agree. So anyway, endless apologies to all the wonderful people who...
May 3rd, 2013 at 09:26pm

I'm happy to say

I'm so happy to say that the feedback I've gotten has really inspired me to keep writing. I am so happy and actually really surprised that for once I'm progressing. I usually never get to complete my stories and I feel like because of all you lovely mibbians, I will finally be able to accomplish this goal and go back to all the other unfinished projects I have posted. I've just finished writing...
January 23rd, 2013 at 12:03pm

I have to apologize

I'm sorry I haven't been updating lately. I know a few of you have been waiting for the new update on DL for weeks now, but I've just been swamped with college and my job and really haven't gotten a chance to sit down or basically have any free time. HOWEVER, things are finally loosening up, and with my first few essays/exams out of the way, I have some time to update. I've been writing a few...
October 11th, 2012 at 07:19pm


It's a bit funny. How my last entry, about wishing my sister would get better, was the day before she died. How interesting is it to finally appreciate something, and then have it taken away from you like a little kid loosing their balloon. Or having it popped.There's a lot I could say. Alot I wish I would've done. It's been almost 3 months now, since she passed away. And I can honestly say that...
October 4th, 2008 at 06:40pm


July 7,2008I can't help but feel on edge lately. It's been semi-good this summer. But of course the Elysa issue has gotten my head all fucked up. Instead of visiting her everyday, I've been avoiding going to the hospital. I don't know what it is. I've been avoiding potentially bad situations. I'm really getting a slap in the face for it though. Well actually, it's more like a kick. Goaall. I feel...
July 8th, 2008 at 08:46am