Of Friendship and Death

After sitting through school today, listening to the hive of Mount Carmel Area all abuzz with this fresh new story, a lot of things are on my mind. Mostly just people. People that had no respect for him, people that wanted nothing to do with him on any ordinary day, running their mouths and making it all harder on the ones who really were by his side, and really were hurt right down to the core....
December 19th, 2008 at 08:23am

Of Blurbs and Yammerings

So I guess I really have nothing better to do at the moment, so I'm gonna write down a list of the most random things I can come up with at the moment. About myself, of course...+I've been watching Alice in Wonderland in a constant loop for three days now.+I can pretty much recite the entire movie.+I'm back into my tea addiction, on my sixth or so mug right now, and I've only been up for an hour...
August 20th, 2008 at 10:13pm

Of Time and Troubles

I'm online.I've been.I updated my page, added a chapter to my story, put new pictures up...And no feedback.Did you all forget about me?:/God, I hope not. But yeah, I have lots of fun, new things to talk about if anyone feels like dropping me a line out of the blue.I'd appreciate it, I'm hella bored right now.I've resorted to chewing on my Skelanimals blankey and looking at pictures of cute boys to...
August 12th, 2008 at 08:08pm

Of *** and Mutilation

Okay so I'm like, dying right now.I murdered my tailbone [again] on a bike, and it killssssssss.But this chair is comfy.Bobby is right behind me o.oI might get my lip pierced sometime in the next two weeks.No story updates for a while, I kinda lost what I started on. But it's okay.Right?Right.:]Okay and apparently I need like 40 more words to post this, so here we go...cheese. cow. crayon. purple....
July 26th, 2008 at 02:18am

Of Slushies and Brown Lettuce

I'm drinking a cherry limeade slushie that tastes like ew.And there's a piece of lettuce in front of me.I miss my computer.And since this apparently has to be at LEAST 100 words long...I'm drinking a cherry limeade slushie that tastes like ew.And there's a piece of lettuce in front of me.I miss my computer.I'm drinking a cherry limeade slushie that tastes like ew.And there's a piece of lettuce in...
July 17th, 2008 at 07:17pm

Of Mothers and Motherboards

Okay, so here's the deal.My mom broke my computer.A looong time ago, she went completely crazy on me and pulled all of the cords out of the back, right? Well when she did, the little part where the monitor cord connects sorta broke about halfway.So I moved my bedroom up to the attic a few days ago, and in the process of reconnecting the cords, the entire port where the modem cord connect snapped...
June 26th, 2008 at 01:39am

Of Procrastination and Prostitution

To whom it may concern, I totally lied about that update I promised.Okay well I didn't exactly lie...It just never happened.I got about halfway through reading what I had drawn up a few days ago, and I was utterly disgusted. The whole thing just went right away with the delete key. No Ctrl+Z'ing this one either, I have to start fresh. What fun.I've been super busy at home and all that jazz, so it...
June 22nd, 2008 at 06:34pm

Of Lists and Numbers

So I need to get some things out here, and that's exactly what I'm going to do. Rather than putting names, I've substituted with numbers. If you don't know me, you're obviously not on here and have no reason to read any further. Thank you.1. Okay so you were once my best friend for a while, and then I don't know what happened. You changed majorly, and I don't approve of what you've become, not in...
June 20th, 2008 at 11:37pm

Of Volcanoes and Tea Kettles

I feel like a volcano. Or a tea kettle.That's right, I'm ready to explode. Steam is shooting out of the sides of my head in my imagination, and it's not fun.In case you haven't caught it yet, this is a rant. A fairly long and pointless rant, to be exact. I like to complain because it's something I'm good at. If you're going to complain about ME complaining, at least take a few shots of Clorox...
June 14th, 2008 at 06:48am

Of Orthodontic Patients and Urination

So my older sister went to get surgery today.She wants to get braces, so they had to get rid of three of her wisdom teeth.But no, that's not enough. They also had to pull four of the teeth on one side of her mouth.Ouch.They said the swelling won't hit her until tomorrow, and the pain won't hit until Saturday.So for tomorrow I'll be at my nana's house, heating up soup and making sure she doesn't...
June 12th, 2008 at 08:33pm