heaven help us now
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Well hi there! My name is Elena Lee, but you can call me Lee and/or Tron, which is what some of my wacky friends prefer XD. Hella awesome eighteen years old, freshman in college, and loving life.
So life is pretty good to this 5'2 little maniac. XD I can tell you right now that I wouldn't give it up for the world. So.... I'm probably one of the biggest bookworms you will ever meet, I read so much it's insane. I love to write as well. I'm currently working on a story, you should read it ^-^ I also write poetry, if you're interested, ha. I can't dance for my life, but i love to sing! Music is a huge part of my life. Lyrics aren't my srtong front but I try, haha. I believe that you can do anything if you put your mind to it.

So that, my friends, is moi. I'm a pretty chill gal, so talk to me sometime, and lemme know whatcha think of my stuff! Have a lovely day, and don't forget to live life to the fullest. Sing yo' hearts out, people.

P.S. You are beautiful. :)

Layout by Claire @ liesforaliar
Photo by Andreas Stridsberg
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