Collision Kiss. / Comments

  • I'm quiet too, and I hate it. I definitely wish I could change a lot of things about myself, but i worry too much about what other people think. *sigh* Story of the world, right?

    And about the's really just meant to be a joke, but when you put it that way, it doesn't seem funny anymore...hmm... You see, I'm not much of a deep thinker, unfortunately. Most of the time I'm just silly and random, and when I come up with things like that I don't really think about any other meanings they could have. Because to me it's funny and really [i]has[/i] no other meaning.

    Wow. How did I end up rambling like this?
    July 21st, 2007 at 02:47am
  • Hey, have you seen the picture at the very end of my profile? Could you tell me if it's funny?
    July 21st, 2007 at 01:39am
  • Me too, but I am absolutely sick of being ignored. There are certain lengths I will go to if I want to be heard. Hiding all TV remotes is definitely one of these things.
    July 21st, 2007 at 01:38am
  • I am. People still ignore me, but I've come up with a plan. I am going to hide all TV remotes in the house. And when my parents freak out, I'll tell them we're way too dependent on TV. Guilt trip = w00t

    It's brilliant! ^.^
    July 20th, 2007 at 10:59pm
  • thing...

    Dålig Ulvbukt

    Bad Wolf Bay in Swedish.
    July 18th, 2007 at 08:58pm
  • Okay. Exams are done, I think I failed most of them, and I have three writing assignments.

    And just went to a party last night. Most interesting. xD
    July 7th, 2007 at 06:30pm
  • Gotta go. Bye.
    July 7th, 2007 at 09:37am
  • [i]Ooo, that's not so good =S. Any idea why you might have lost hearing in your right ear? 'Cos I'm thinking that's kind of important...[/i]

    My journal entry, remember? Listening to Paris Hilton songs. XP
    Hee! Thank yoouu!
    Y'know... I think those guys get mentioned a couple of times round here x].

    [/i]Yeah, but they're not like...POPULAR, or anything...
    I heart yours too... I'm just getting into Muse, tbh, but what I've heard seems pretty awesome. For ages, having not heard any of their stuff, I had it in my head they were a kinda indie-rock-esque band. Not a clue why! x]. That My Chem vs. The Black Parade picture is freakin' hilarious! Have I mentioned that? I can't look at it and not giggle =P.[/i]

    I love Muse too. I started listening to them when I found out they were tour partners with MCR. Get Absolution and Black Holes. They're the only ones I have at the moment and they're awesome. : ) And I love that picture too. I couldn't stop laughing for about five minutes when I first found it. Then I finally did, and I looked at it again and started laughing all over again. Poor MCRMikey...andMCRGerard...but MCRFrank is pwning!
    July 7th, 2007 at 09:33am
  • I'm diagnosed with anorexia, and for a while it was very severe (I'm talking more about my thoughts and the way I felt about everything, but my weight was also at a stupid level. Which probably didn't help with rational thinking) And my body is fucked up because of it (osteopenia, digestive issues, a heart murmur, and stuff that happened at the time)... but I'm not anorexic anymore. Eating disordered, definitely, but I wouldn't say I have anorexia. Still, it's horrible... and I hate it. Thoughts are so ingrained that I just do things, without thinking. And it really irritates me how I care so much and put so much of my self worth in a stupid number. Haha, my little rant over. ¬_¬

    My eating habits are... blah. I literally just live off coffee. I get through about five pints of milk a day, but it's basically all I consume (and keep down). I'm actually underweight, which I can see now when I look at pictures I've taken of me in my underwear (bodychecking, yo!), and I know that normal people don't have arms as thin as mine, or bones poking out where they do. But I'm not emaciated, and I'm certainly not unhealthy. For one, my periods are regular... I weigh myself too much, but I try to keep away from the scale, or I'll be all "OMG! I've gained a pound!" or "I lost a pound? Woo!"

    So yeah, scales are EVIL. People should just judge their size by how their clothes fit. If you're healthy and happy, you're fine... and if in that case, your clothes get too tight, try and eat a little less. Too loose? Gain weight. In an ideal world, that's how everyone would work. But the world today isn't exactly ideal...

    (Coco Pops should take over the world. ¬_¬)

    Judging by your comments, you seem to be a pretty damn good writer. As in, way better than most people. I'm sure you'll write amazing books one day ^_^ (And I can be all "oh yeah, I commented her profile on this website back in the day")

    But English lessons are boring; it's no wonder you end up falling asleep (even the most well rested person would drop off after listening to some of my old English teachers speak for 20 minutes or so) I love reading and writing, but I can't stand analysing about a load of crap that the writer never intended. Or writing essays on stupid stuff. It makes English lose all the passion it once had... (school murders everything xD)

    Wow, I really talk too much.
    July 7th, 2007 at 05:36am
  • Anorexia is a bitch to get over, and I truly admire anyone who can manage it. Like, they automatically become my idol.

    I don't like to think about my weight, 'cause I'll always be 'too heavy' and there's just no point in obsessing over it. Okay, that's the theory... it doesn't quite work like that. But at least I don't weigh myself all the time anymore, or waste my whole life thinking about how much I'd eaten for the day. It's a total waste of your energy.

    Well, it seems as if you have a good grasp of the English language, and that always helps. ^_^ Hehe, I just want to make music and perform, to be honest. I don't think I'd like to be famous, but it'd be nice to have people who really like/feel connected to/are possibly helped (?) by the shit I write. And anyway, you don't need to be able to sing anymore! xD

    My sleeping habits are appalling... like, really terrible. I should've collapsed from exhaustion by now. ^_^

    I always leave essays... ¬_¬
    July 7th, 2007 at 03:51am
  • I was really young as well, but she was just oh so cool. And no, I haven't read her book, but I know quite a bit about her, and I really admire her as a person.

    Hehe, I always wanted to be a pop star! I still do... ¬_¬ I wanted an album out by March 2007, but that obviously hasn't happened (and considering I only joined a somewhat serious band last month, it would be pretty impossible... ) I can't really sing, though, so I'm not sure why my friend Mike decided I should be the lead 'singer' (perhaps whining and wailing would be more apt?). Maybe because I'm such an exhibitionist? xD

    And it's nice to see another Brit up at 1.30am. ^_^
    July 7th, 2007 at 02:35am
  • She's rather amazing, and I've always loved her, ever since she first came onto the pop scene. Also, she's just such a great person... probably one of the nicest celebrities around.
    July 6th, 2007 at 11:56pm
  • Your profile is awesome. "There's this guy in a band from New Jersey..." : )

    Me: You may have heard of them once or twice.
    July 6th, 2007 at 10:11pm
  • I don't know, I think I may have lost hearing in the right ear...
    July 6th, 2007 at 10:08pm
  • I'm glad someone else likes Billie Piper. ^_^
    July 6th, 2007 at 04:07pm
  • You still alive there?
    July 3rd, 2007 at 08:22am
  • Hey!

    I'm fine. I'm loaded with school, but otherwise okay. I just wish I can catch up on my writing a bit more. -_- You? :D
    July 2nd, 2007 at 04:21pm
  • Grammar fanatic I presume?

    Thanks for the journal comment. And I am a Grammar Nazi. That's why I know how to use the semicolon. You can join if you want. There's a thread for it.
    June 28th, 2007 at 08:14am
  • Haha, yeah. I'd love that to actually happen :P
    June 25th, 2007 at 05:03pm
  • Hehe, thanks you *nods*
    Haha, me and this guy I know have decided that he's the 12th Doctor and I'm his little emo assistant... Haha, punk Doctor, emo assistant... yeah, I'll shut up now :)
    June 24th, 2007 at 11:54am