Critical Reviews - what should I give in?

Ok, so I've just gone and asked a boy in my English Literature class if he'd take a look at some of my writing. Big step for me, who generally freaks out at anyone I know face-to-face reading any of my stories. So, next step, what should I give to him?So I've narrowed it down to the following of my stories:Dancing with Seagulls,Shadowhand,Spoutwell Lane,Meaningless,and Blood Will Tell,...
February 23rd, 2010 at 11:48pm

Fanfiction - hate/love?

Hear me out before you judge me.Okay, so I've said it: I really dislike fanfiction.Not the way it's written or the things people do in it, but because of the way it puts prison bars around people's work.If you'd just replace the names, and only the names, that one-shot would have gone waaay up in my estimation. Because then I know that you're actually envisaging people, characters. But put the...
August 30th, 2009 at 09:41pm

HTML Made (Hopefully) Easy.

Fronkensteen requested a tutorial on links, so I thought I'd go the whole hog. Well, nearly the whole hog, as I don't know the whole hog myself. I do know the basics however, so here we go. Oh, p.s. this is technically called BB code, as Flawed Perfection;; pointed out. HTML uses < > brackets but is virtually the same, however it won't work in Mibba stories etc.Intro:All html is written in...
August 10th, 2009 at 12:16am

Mibba Genius - Stories I'd Recommend

Most of you will know, I can be quite a tough critic, but there are some really worth-it stories out there, so I though I'd post one journal and then keep it up-to-date with all the good stories I've read. I'll use this format for each:Title: Diary of a Reluctant RulerAuthor: xXGreyWingsXxState: 72 c. UnF, OF, but Cl.Summary:Being a princess isn't all it's cracked up to be.Phil has to deal with a...
June 1st, 2009 at 09:19pm

Introducing: Me!

Je suis moi.Ivy.17 years, 4 months, 15 days old at the moment.A teapot, teacups, long stripy socks, frog lover.I am a Quizilla immigrant.I write anything and everything.I read anything and everything.But inevitably some of it is too awful/ smutty/ insane to be put up here.I love criticism, as long as it's honest.Words like treacle, cheese, floofy, poof, oysky poisky, okie-dokie, yuh-huh and moosh...
June 14th, 2008 at 12:14pm