xTearsxOfxCrimsonx / Photos

  • xTearsxOfxCrimsonx
  • xTearsxOfxCrimsonx
  • xTearsxOfxCrimsonx
  • xTearsxOfxCrimsonx
  • xTearsxOfxCrimsonx

A drawing of Eric Draven from the Crow. This was done before my other drawings, which explains its lack of gradation.

  • Still its great. You my friend are defiantly a talented person. These drawings are really good. Well actually beyond good and great and amazing, its too good for words, cause they haven't made a word for what your drawing are.

    Keep drawing, I'd like to see more of your work. You are talented, don't let it go to waste, no matter what anyone says. Keep drawing. I love them.
    February 11th, 2011 at 02:36pm