grace_lou_freebush / Comments

  • Lol. He certainly ish wonderful. <3
    But you're real life...I'm not too attracted to bad boys. xD
    Oooooohhhhh!!!!!!!!! Cliffhangers are killer. xO
    But now I have a bit of time to read so I think I'll try finishing it.
    At least book two already came out so I won't be in suspense for too long.
    True, true...I think it's actually safer to write on paper. That way you can keep anyone else who has access to a computer from reading it. x3
    I think I'll write my dream in a journal but the Damon fan fic on the comp. =D
    January 29th, 2011 at 07:57am
  • Lol. Yesh, my mom told me that the VD books are totally different from the show but still as good. xD
    I just love Damon! He's so...awesome!!! O_O
    I am about half way through's getting sooooo good but I have tons of school stuff blocking my path to actually reading. T_T
    Like you said, not enough hours in the day, week, month, year, the world!!! D=
    Lol. Due to my not having enough hours in the day...I have only written a few paragraphs about my dream on my laptop...maybe I'll write it in a journal first.
    What do you think?
    January 25th, 2011 at 02:41am
  • I just wanted to thank you for subscribing to my story and for the awesome comments. :) I'm sorry it's taken so long to get back to you--crazy stuff happening lately. Anyway please let me know what you think of the new update and don't be afraid to chew me out for taking so long!
    January 25th, 2011 at 01:35am
  • Lol. Erm...I guess the T.V. show. I didn't even finish book one of VD.
    I'm so very ashamed! x(
    And I haven't technically read Linger yet...just flipped through it. :P
    I have a few book I want to read before jumping back into Shiver.
    i.e. Fallen. There's also the mountain of homework I have....
    That's what's keeping me from finishing the rest of Fallen quickly. ^_^;
    Lol. I had a dream about an angel too...I'm going to be turning this vivid dream into a story...It's also what gave me a few ideas for the fan fiction I'm doing about Damon. =D
    January 14th, 2011 at 08:38am
  • Lol Well...I have to do a certain number of hours to stay in school and the one time I just barely didn't make it the principle flipped her lid. x(
    Yesh, yesh, yesh! I like Fallen so far. I nearly fell out of bed laughing when Luce first saw Daniel. He flipped her off! xD
    And I'm slowly starting to write. Though...It's more about Damon Salvatore than Jacob. ^_^;
    Yesh, Shiver is the first of the trilogy...though, I was flipping through Linger (I got it for x-mas) and it doesn't seem as good as Shiver. >_>
    But anyway...I'm totally hooked on angels now! xD
    January 7th, 2011 at 07:33am
  • Lol. Yesh...but I had a big scare a couple days ago....
    I thought I was getting kicked out of school! T_T
    Alexander the Great has always kind of piqued my interest. At first I was going to do it on Dracula but his history kinda bored me. xD
    And I totally agree!!!! I'm in like with Patch! He's smexy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I'll be sure to check out Fallen. I think I've seen it at Borders...
    It only took me the weekend to read all of Hush, Hush. O.O
    And it got me back into writing! Angels are sooo in right now.(For me anyway.) xD
    P.S. Have you also heard of Shiver?
    December 18th, 2010 at 06:30am
  • It's pretty long, I suppose...but it's the only huge assignment aside from the scholarship paper that I have to do.
    I think it's due...whenever I get it done, I guess. xD
    I'm doing it on Alexander the Great.
    P.S. Have you ever heard of the book Hush, Hush?
    December 16th, 2010 at 08:00am
  • Lol. Well, my research paper includes two rough drafts, some type of write up about the info used, etc....I actually am still on the reading about who I'm going it on part. xD
    December 10th, 2010 at 09:06pm
  • Lol. My school is...different. You only need to go to the classes where you need credit. ^__^;
    But I managed to skip out doing my research paper last year so I have to do it this year. xP
    I might draw a scene from my story...It's hard for me to do realistic drawings though. xD
    Anyway, sorry its taken me so long to has been hectic...that and I've been addicted to DeviantArt... x3
    November 26th, 2010 at 05:43pm
  • Ha ha. DA is DeviantArt. It's a website for art and whatnot. xD
    As for past and present tense, it makes perfect sense. Sorry about my mistakes. My grammar and stuff has been rust considering I haven't been in an English class in about a year and a half. =P
    Oh, and thanks for the story comment. I'll try my hardest to try and find a muse! I'm just stuck in Anime world right now.
    But art class might help, I'm in the process of doing realistic drawings and we get to pick and animal and I picked...a wolf! Dun, dun, dun!!! xD
    November 9th, 2010 at 09:20am
  • Ha ha ha. It's all good. I've mostly been drawing and been on DA for the past two months. xD
    I'm glad you like It's Complicated. I hope to update sometime before the year ends! So, I'm gonna pray that my inspiration for writing comes back. ^__^;
    November 8th, 2010 at 07:21am
  • Yay!!!! You're back!
    Sadly, my lack of inspiration has left the story at a standstill so sorry if there isn't a whole lost to catch up on. ^_^;
    November 5th, 2010 at 08:49am
  • I know it has been FOREVER back and forth on here, but I finally managed to update my Zacky story if you'd like to check it out =D
    October 13th, 2010 at 06:08am
  • Hey! Awesome you're back, I'm just sorta coming back as well. I had some computer trauma and am getting back in the swing of things too. I should start updating fairly soon.
    School started for me today, it went pretty well. How was your first day? Tell me all about it lol.
    August 23rd, 2010 at 09:59pm
  • Ha ha, okay! Have fun at church camp!
    July 12th, 2010 at 10:03pm
  • Awe...Well, I'll miss you and your encouraging comments.
    Have fun at camp and 'see' you when you get back. ^-^
    July 11th, 2010 at 10:18pm
  • Ha ha, nice. I'm glad you're having a good summer. What else have you been up to lately?

    Oh, I'm sorry! That really stinks. It is kind of weird when conductors count off in 4/4 instead of the real time signature - my director doesn't really do that in concert band, but we do that in marching band all the time. I'm sorry that you guys had to start over, though. We had to do that once in middle school and it was one of the stupid percussion players not paying attention, ha ha. I'm sure that it wasn't your fault, though.

    Ha, we'll see. I have to work really hard to get there. Right now, I'm getting piano lessons and voice lessons so that I can prepare myself for auditions in the future. I'm also going to get some French Horn lessons so I can actually be a good section leader. (I gave up birthday presents for all of these lessons, by the way, ha ha. I'm not rich... at all.) What are your plans for the future? You're a senior now, you must be thinking about it a lot, right?

    Well, my mom used to tell me which rides I could or couldn't go on. Now I'm pretty much free to do what I want. I'm a big rollercoaster buff myself, ha ha. That's why I'm so excited for Disney World next year.

    Oh, yeah. I forgot to say, although I kind of hinted at it above... I GOT SECTION LEADER WITH MY BEST FRIEND! We're section leaders for the mellophone / alto sax section of the band, and I'm really excited! We get to be in on all of the marching band meetings and stuff and we also get to boss everyone around. Woo hoo! I can't wait until band camp.

    Wow, that's so cool! I'm sure you'll be an amazing cymbal captain. What does your job entail?

    I'm actually going to be a sophomore. Exciting. So are you really excited for all of the special priveledges and stuff you get next year?
    July 10th, 2010 at 01:28am
  • I've updated Reason To Stay. And I have returned from the busyness that my life has been for the past month! XD
    July 9th, 2010 at 07:33pm
  • Just wanted to let ya know that I updated The Moons' Call...Twice! Buahahahaha! xD
    July 4th, 2010 at 05:25am
  • Thank you for the story comment! =D I loved it! And we'll see soon what happens in the next chapter, it's almost done so it'll be posted soon after I do a few edits and proofreading. And thanks, I'm glad I achieved that effect without confusing anyone. ^_^
    July 2nd, 2010 at 03:46pm