vamPP / Comments

  • Sugartrout

    Sugartrout (100)

    Western Sahara
    Lol... dude, she wasn't nude, she was painted. it's her clothes. *the artist speaks* XD yaah, she's amazingly funny and doesn't mind running around the world naked.

    Ah, it's good they have that kind of rule that no under 16 year olds, it's only for your best honey, really it is.. BUt once you are 16, you can apply to an agency or some competition, right? just finish your school now dear! ;)

    I've been a bit sick, then been writing the new story, trying to find a job, went for few gigs and met a boy, lost him and try to find him again. he sings in this pretty shitty band, but.. my god. I saw his band playing in this festival, and when he saw me he forgot to sing the song. x) it was so funny he just stared at me and I stared back and hehehe... ^_^ I feel giddy! but yeah.. then again, it would never become anything because he travells so much and lives in different city. :( booo! *cries*

    oh and a new story where I'm the other writer is being published just minutes ago, have a look for it. My parts are very familiar and traditional Nuuba-style. almost embarrasing, but it's just a type I feel like I need to write/enjoy wiritng most. don't care what other people think. :D

    Take care sugar! <3

    Ps. I'm coming to london for a week for holidays in the end of the month and start of august!!!
    July 13th, 2009 at 02:52pm
  • Sugartrout

    Sugartrout (100)

    Western Sahara
    yah... you might be right, there's too many pics of him in my page... but I love all of them, I dunno which to keep... >.O Well, it's recession, I can't afford all of them. Hard times need drastic changes... *dry cough*

    you're seeing them? how aweseom! and true... Hedgehog has been doing nothing lately, but I give him some credit, that boy has been working hard to have his vacation, right? :) uhh... anyway, where was I? o_O

    nowhere probably...

    what's up dear friend? :)
    July 2nd, 2009 at 09:15pm
  • HeartShapedBox14

    HeartShapedBox14 (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Hi boa buddy
    long time no speak eh?!
    how've you been?
    btw, im re-writing my origional fic, so keep an eye out :)
    June 29th, 2009 at 10:55am
  • Sugartrout

    Sugartrout (100)

    Western Sahara
    *gasp* what have you been upto?!?! o_O I dunno what I've been...

    why there's no pretty hedgehog in your profile? there's only that welsh guy from that one band you like... hmm... something needs to be done to you my dear!
    June 25th, 2009 at 10:22am
  • Sugartrout

    Sugartrout (100)

    Western Sahara
    that's fun you had good time at the trip. did you learn anything useful? ;)

    I'm so tired, that I'm dozing off while I write... need some sleep. but yay: we have a day off tomorrow. it's some national holiday thingy, I'm not sure. something doing with the religion and the holy spirit. o_O interesting... but I can't enjoy that cause I need to find these things: 7 make ups, a wedding gown from our house (hehe), a formal dress, something good for the 20s fashion-like, John Galliano inspired shizzle, granny clothes, emo clothes, soemthing oringal for me... and.. uhh.. something. and I have to learn how to do a proper up bloody do. >:(
    grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... and now: sleep! <3
    Good night!

    oh! and my december needs to be updated soon... *hits head repeatedly against the brick wall*
    May 20th, 2009 at 10:22pm
  • Sugartrout

    Sugartrout (100)

    Western Sahara
    omg you read it?!?!?!? you're awesome! <3

    lol. thanks. I really didn't require you to do it honey, but I appreciate it!

    May 17th, 2009 at 11:06pm
  • Sugartrout

    Sugartrout (100)

    Western Sahara
    o hai,
    Argh... I just ate a pill for my headache and it feels like it got stuck into my throat... >.< eeww.. I hate when it happens.

    I've got 1 week left before my final exams, so I feel you when you don't want your exams just yet. :/ they're so stressing and tiring. I don't have any isnpiration for them..

    ARGH! The Blackout!<3 Why must they only tour in countries where I don't live? hehe... I'm digging the new songs as well, they're great! ^_^ Have fun if you get a chance to see them live -again! ;)

    Yeah, well I don't know will the piercing affect if you aspire to become a model. o_O maybe a lippiercing would. I dunno, but if you seek to become an alternative model then it's only a plus, isn't it? How tall are you by the way? :)
    May 17th, 2009 at 01:01pm
  • Sugartrout

    Sugartrout (100)

    Western Sahara
    yes well that's because there's not much traffic between Finland and other countries. *snorts* I think 2 is loads... how bad is in the shining and glorious england? :)

    I know the tattoo is just an excuse for you to ogle at my little no-exsistent boobies... didn't even know I had any boobs before I got the tattoo. lol.
    How is your piercing-adventure going on? :) still want any or have you already forgotten the whole idea of having some piercings?? :)

    And torn. *shifty eyes* I dunno, it's just a random one shot I posted, because I wanted to... it was kind of inspired of why I tattooed the lock. it's not fan fiction though, so I dunn should you bother... well, I don't know. I'm just happy how the boobs look in the banner! xD Really, I'm just happy to see I got at least some kind of small thingys on my chest. o_O too much information perhaps? hehe, deal with it my dear! *giggles*
    May 14th, 2009 at 10:09pm
  • Sugartrout

    Sugartrout (100)

    Western Sahara
    guess what I'm watching! Gossip girl... it's coming from the telly.. I dunno who is who and what has happened of which episode this is. but yeah. whohooh! >:D

    I got my new tattoo done today! I'm so happyy!!! *jumps around hysterically*

    And no, don't give up on hope... Mr. Gates will surely soon realize he is meant to be with you. trust me on this. ;D and yes, Matt = lame. he is married. eew. I dunno what that meant, thank god I only think of M. Sanders like a brother from another mother. he is awesome.

    What's going on in the Uk by the way? any news? o_O We have two swine flu-patients in finland!!! WHUT?!?! I'm scared. well, not really. harharh, I laugh to death! xD
    May 12th, 2009 at 09:11pm
  • Sugartrout

    Sugartrout (100)

    Western Sahara
    Yes, we do like posing, we're horrid camera whores. lol, thanks for the comment dudette!

    Yaah, I think I'll just stop thinking about him. lol, married. like, who goes out or is in a band when he's married. I mean, that's the point of getting married: you stop being awesome. okay, I'm kidding! :'D

    Hey, I've enver asked, do you have a boyfriend? or are you waiting for Mr. Gates to come and take you to his magic kindom??? ^.^

    Ooh, Gossip girl is so coying me. wait, it was written before I started my december. damn! >.O

    I think it was either 18th or 19th of July. a magical night indeed. xD hahahahahahahaha...
    Ah, there's an ice hockey game Finland-Canada on right now, I can't stop staring at it. (and yes, there's over 5 things I should do than mob around in mibba or watch the bloody game. Grrrr...)

    Oh my god! I just realized it's nearly summer, whohoo.. do you have any summer plans? any holidays to abroad??? :)
    May 4th, 2009 at 10:47pm
  • Sugartrout

    Sugartrout (100)

    Western Sahara
    the guy's my friend's twin brother, the girl's who is married the ice hockey player... :P And seeing that as the season is over, that little hobo-player is at our school like every day. He's bored and finds watching us doing make up amusing. Anyway, I think if he's even slightly interested he'll contact me.

    I jsut dunno what to think. haha, my weekend was pretty confusing guy-wise and in general (if interested go and read my new journal. all humiliation rambled in there my dear!)

    going to the toilets with syn? to do what? dude... I have a feeling you cut some parts from your dream in there... *wiggles eyebrows* just kidding.. hehe. But even if only seeing some stupid dream about brushing your teeth with Johnny makes the dream so much more cooler when the boys are in it, doesn't it?

    I've never seen a single episode of gossip girl, so is it any good? I don't think I would like it. I only like Grey's anatomy. x) hehehehehe...

    And of course I shall never stop rubbing it everywhere where I know at least someone is iterested. just kidding. kind of. o_O but minority reports is a bad movie... but me and my sister planned to watch it on the 1st anniverisy on (was it?) 19th of July, for the nostalgia! hahahahahaahahah...
    May 3rd, 2009 at 10:31pm
  • Sugartrout

    Sugartrout (100)

    Western Sahara
    *gasp* I almost forget, a dream about syn? harhar... and you did what with him in it? >:D
    April 30th, 2009 at 07:18pm
  • Sugartrout

    Sugartrout (100)

    Western Sahara
    Aww, Professor syn! I always giggle when you talk about him! ^-^ hihii... I'm sorry to hear you've been unwell lately as well! <3 Swine flu!!!!! o___________O

    There's like this huge national holiday in Finland today and everybody goes out to the street partying. Excluding me, because I'm so messed up thanks for the allergy-medicines. I'm thinking of quitting them, cause I feel even worse than with the allergies. -.-*
    And! today, we had a make up thingy for men. ^-^ I wasn't sadly allowed to do the guyliners, but I will get there som day. The guy I did the make up was like such a great dude, he was same age as the boys from a7x. It's odd how immature men can be. o_O anyway, later on my friend told me he had asked a lot questions about me and told I was very beautiful. I'm very flattered, because I've been kind of an emotional wreck lately, because of the lot of shit going on in my life and wasn't actually the most polite and nicest people to be around.... *deep sigh*

    anyway, what's up with you my dear? I remember you once thought about writing a story of your own? You still thinking about it???? :)
    I saw that dream again which Lithium is based on. But now the mystery man was replaced with Brian and I was Rose. It was kind of scary.. :(
    April 30th, 2009 at 07:17pm
  • Sugartrout

    Sugartrout (100)

    Western Sahara
    hehehe... Yep. I feel stupid for pondering over these things.
    I had a dream that I would meet a guy called jake last week. And yesterday when I went for drinks with my friends, this guy who was really... well, cute with his black hair and pretty smile and brown eyes and.. anyway, he introduced himself as Jake. I went like: o______O Excuse me, I need to go to the toilet. And he was like. ohm well I need to leave in a minute, I have to wake up at 4 am to work, but I'll hang here a minute with my mates, see ya in a bit. But the queue in the toilets were awful and I was way too spazzy to return so, he had already gone when I got back from the ladiesroom. :/ oops.
    Well, tbh, that's just typical for me.

    You got any nice adventures lately??? ;)

    Also, I've been really sick recently, thanks to my periods and migreine. Honestly, last night like an hour after I had returned from the bar this huge migraine kicked in... I was so close of not calling an ambulance or something at one point during the night. the pain in my head was killing me, I couldn't move, my muscles just shook and I couldn't open my eyes cause the pain was just so blinding and god, it was horrible. :'( So I didn't get much sleep last night, so I'm off to bed now. Have a great start for the new week darling! ^.^
    April 26th, 2009 at 10:01pm
  • nikkixgoesxRAWR

    nikkixgoesxRAWR (100)

    Ahhh, I'd be way too chicken shit. Hahaha. I am such a scardey cat sometimes. But I think snakebites would look fucking awesome. So... I dunno. Still trying to think if I want some or not. Hahaha.

    Exactly! I'm pretty stoked... If we do go this year, we'd get to go see a shitload of awesome bands. I want to go see 3OH!3 and FTSK really badly.

    AGH! I missed A7X's show in LA! And it was the final show, too! I'm just too young to go alone, and I couldn't really see my mom chaperoning me to an A7X show, so I didn't bother asking... And then they played with Slash! I was so jealous.

    Oh, ahaha, it's pretty... Good. I have finals next week though, so I'm trying to spend my weekend goofing off. I'm not too pissed off at my cousin anymore, so that's good, but I'm still going to make her pay for something. Maybe that new outfit I need. Hahaha. Or tickets to Warped. Her fault for breaking my laptop. Hehehe.
    April 26th, 2009 at 12:58am
  • Sugartrout

    Sugartrout (100)

    Western Sahara
    [i]That black buttoned shirt...[/i] o____O There's just something dodgy in that shirt.. but still it makes me think inpure thoughts!!!! Maybe we should form a supporting group for this inaftuation for Mr Gates and to his clothes. Or it's just directly linked to our love to clothes and Brainy Bee is out of the picture.

    I would love to know does he make his jeans by himself? like... where do you get those weird jeans? and they do fit from his bum pretty well for him.

    yaaaaaaa... me writing smut as a fan to fans simply because of the smut? neverrrrrrrrrrrrrr... *-*

    haha.. and it takes two to tango, you're just as crazy as I am my dear! <3
    April 23rd, 2009 at 08:28pm
  • Sugartrout

    Sugartrout (100)

    Western Sahara
    hey hey hey.... hahahah..
    I don't have anything to say, really.. hmm.. I bought a new pretty dress. and skirt and a tee... and what else? Something.. We could form another group as well, for unfortunate misguided sophaholics, yesh? Good idea? Mr. Gates could be our leader, have you seen those new jeans of his? they're pretty... horrible. but I guess he feels comfy in them, they have little flashy parts in them and all that bling bling. x)
    Why must we always make fun of him, some people may ask.. But it's simply because he's begging for it with his looks/behavior/personality. right???????? Don't blame us, blame the poor dude.

    And don't try to deny the power of his briefs... eww, that thought made me just shudder. Anyway, the thought of sniffing them. Clean of course.. Eww! what is wrong with me? sorry, I'll just shut up here.
    April 22nd, 2009 at 10:45pm
  • Sugartrout

    Sugartrout (100)

    Western Sahara
    We are the dynamite!!!!^_^ so you're seeing them tonight? the blackout that is... argh, I'm so jealous!!!!! >:( could you pass by a note for Sean & co, that they could kindly come to a gig in Finland? My home garden would be awesome one to held it. Although, we are selling this house by the summer... *wails* MY HOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my sanctuary, being sold?`!?!?!?!?!? what is wrong in this world?! And the worst part about this moving, we are moving to a smaller house, or my mother is, which means I'm going to be the one who isn't going to have enough room in that new house. whohoo gone wazy wrong. >:/
    So, get prepared, your dear nuuba is going to be homeless soon....

    although, do you reckon Brainy Bee could accomodate me? I don't need that much space. like his wardrboe would suit just fine. next to the boxers. ^_^ and hoodies, they smell good!

    what's up with you anyway? have you bought any new dresses lately. i think that virus that hit you and you ended up buying like 10000000 pairs of dresses has bitten to me. like, I found 5 different pretty dresses today. tomorrow is a shopping day! even though, I do not have much money. :P
    April 17th, 2009 at 06:05pm
  • nikkixgoesxRAWR

    nikkixgoesxRAWR (100)

    Oh, haha, that bites! Your friend would do it? How? But I bet your dad would just flip.

    Yes, yes she does. I wanted to go to Bamboozle Left more than Warped, but I didn't have the money for Bamboozle (again, thanks to my cousin). Originally, I was going to take her to Warped with me, but forget it. She can sit in my house and cry all day for all I care. She made me bum out on Left 'cos she wouldn't lend me money (AFTER BREAKING MY LAPTOP!) so she can kiss Warped goodbye.

    Haha, that would cost a ton. But if I were you, check out the lineup first, so you don't go during a year that none of the bands you like are playing, you know?
    April 14th, 2009 at 03:55am
  • Sugartrout

    Sugartrout (100)

    Western Sahara
    YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA; I spy zackyxsyn love!!!! hahahahahaahah... sorry, I calm down now. :D

    Brian crying, oh pretty please can we? *-* May I present the hate club's two dictators: the girl who loves money so much, that she is named after a coin and the other overall ridicilously stupid scandinavian gal. Sounds very good... >:)
    April 13th, 2009 at 09:51pm