vamPP / Comments

  • o hai!

    yep, I did get it and it amused me greatly. ^-^ I'm happy you wrote it mate! Now, where to start? o_O

    hahaa, don't ask me are you bad people, I know you're too funny to be an evil one. so don't worry over it too much. It's her problem, now we'll see does she really like Avenged and the other bands or was it just faking it to get into your good books. ;)

    yay! news about professor Syn! hahahaha... I hadn't heard from him in ages! :'D Vnecks, oh god.. haha. I can only imagine you drooling and just oggling at him. *wipes off the tears of laughter*

    you already have the cookies? oh my god and I'm sure you have the tea as well in the house. so only thing we need anymore is the guys from the band!!!! And the tea-fest can begin!
    hmm.. remember that plan of ours to get to the sates and to the tour? o_O I think it didn't work ,cause we're still here and they're there. We really need to toughen up, if we want this tea-mission to work! >.O

    ah randomness, you gotta love it!
    March 19th, 2009 at 09:01pm
  • [i]i want to spill beer on brian.. and then have to lick it off.. ¬_¬[/i]
    hahahaha!!!! xD now, I have to confess something. You weren't like this six months ago! :'D what happened? I mean it's awesome! It proves I'm not the only one who dreams aobut that excact same thing! xD

    March 18th, 2009 at 10:38pm
  • O hai! ^_^
    I'm so tired... All the time! But apart from that I'm fine. Drank a bit too much during the weekend and all that jazz. No alochol for me this year anymore. or at least not before the end of April. :) hehe..

    two dresses? :) wow, you've turning into a real sophaholic, right? how cool is that. what kind of dresses? I love clothes... I wish I could afford some new ones. Well, I did buy recently this shirt-dress, but it's kind of lame. -.-*

    But what's up with you my dear??? :) Anything interesting happened lately? tell me!

    If the guys from the band we all adore will come around your house for a tea and shortbreads, will you invite me as well??? ^_______^ oh, I want some of those cookies, we don't have them much in Finland for some reason! :'(
    March 17th, 2009 at 09:42pm
  • PENNY! I love your name.

    And!!!! >.O a new photo. *drools* He's such a cute little man. hihiii... ^-^ is this healthy to get this happy after seeing a photo of him? definitely not, but who cares?! :D

    anyway, thanks for the comment. I suppose it's a bit like Lithium, especially when Rose is in it. xD heheheehhe...
    March 16th, 2009 at 04:34pm
  • LOL your dp is awesome, syn playing a violin :P

    so you know how we were talking about those like big bow head bands and you said you wanted one, i found one in H&M today and i bought one for me, and then i remebered you said you want one two, so i got you one. it's not like really massive, but i'll bring it into school tomorrow so you can see it and see if you like it. tis black btw, it's the only colour they had.

    i'll speak to you soon, oh are you still coming round tomorrow?

    S xoxo
    March 15th, 2009 at 07:34pm
  • PP, you're not on msn so i thought i'd leave a message, my foe account has been officially deleted. LOL. i checked her friends list and i couldnt find myself on it, so im pretty sure i was removed when i my account was deleted.
    oh and whilst browsing her friend list, i saw she's fuckin added Jeffree Star, she doesn't even know who teh fuck she is.

    ohh lool and female A in our form called her gay when i was on msn to her. xDD
    March 12th, 2009 at 06:47pm
  • Ah pennyyyyyyyyyh! ^_^ hihiii.. that's cute name! hmm.. I take that as in consideration if I ever have a misfortune of getting pregnant. okay, not misfortune.. ah, I'll just shut up right here! -.-*

    Mibba's been well annoying to me lately. I've tried to send dozens of times comments for you and a couple of others and it just keeps doing some fatal errors.. lolz. :D

    Ah, you're not a boring personality. I wouldn't talk to you if you were dull girl. ;)

    Well, I saw that icon of Matt doind that dance and thought it would fit. >:D theehee. His face makes me giggle always! ^_^

    Ah, this picture is the best:

    theehee... :P
    March 11th, 2009 at 10:16pm
  • Now I need to clarify something out, don't be mad. :) But I've never really asked (and since you don't have an about me-section in your profile), you're name is Peny right? or you want us to call you that in here? :)

    I hope you don't mind poor silly nuuba asking this from you! :)
    March 10th, 2009 at 09:48pm
  • ^_^ hihii... I'm glad you liked them.

    And darn right it's because he didn't sing. it's not too much asked for. xD then again.. theehee..

    anyway, you're awesome dudette! <3
    March 10th, 2009 at 09:47pm
  • Me doing sophisticated? xD pleasee... hehe.

    It's going to be very different, not what you think. just trust me dude! :)

    Ah, you're too hard for yourself honey.. As and Bs, you can't really top that, now can you? ;) Just keep on doing the same. we alwasy tend to be the biggest critics of our own work! :P

    I have a huge essay due tomorrow, have to get my ass doing it. :P
    March 9th, 2009 at 08:09pm
  • AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. I posted the first chapter of my new story! GO AND READ IT! :)
    March 8th, 2009 at 09:51pm
  • >.O the new story... Give me a good song that will inspire me and give me an idea for the title. Somehow Elvis is not doing the magic this time!!! :) then I may post the prologue of the new story tonight. maybe. ^-^ it's up to YOU, honey.
    March 8th, 2009 at 11:22am
  • Yesterday was horrible! >.< I had the biggest headache and it wouldn't go off. and then I had this horrid emo/angst-phaze.. :/ It was horrible, my sister had toi slap me in the end to get me out of it. But it was just that, I realized that I do't have any real friends in real life anymore. Of course I have you and a few ohter super awesome people in the net who I adore.. but in real life it just suddenly hit me how little my "friends" care about me.. and vice versa I suppose. :( it's sad.

    Now, buy a skelanimal shirt if you want to. I would if I could. but there's not any good shirts in Finland... *sulks* Get a tattoo!!! xD or maybe not, cause I have a feeling your parents would not approve. My mom would've been thrilled if I said at your age that I want to get a tattoo.. like, when I got my belly pierced when I was 14 she got her belly pierced at the same time as well.. xD my mom's odd, but I love her. ^-^

    So, you're scared you're not doing so well in school? why is that? tell me more, but I'm sure you're doing well sweetie! <3
    March 8th, 2009 at 11:21am
  • Well you know.. my sister's not the only talented one. xD
    it's only temporal, cause I haven't yet found a new good one to fit the next story. -.-*

    Hmm... I went swimming today and met a girl who's like a world champion at bodypainting (that wole body make up-thingy, you know?). she's 20, just like me. I felt stupid. o_O
    you okay? what's up with the girl who wants to be as cool as we are?
    March 5th, 2009 at 08:03pm
  • I know!!! I can't belive it's over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'( it's odd. but I've already started thinking of the next one. x) writing is too addicting.
    but thank youmy dear for the support and eveything. you're awesome! ;)
    March 4th, 2009 at 10:28pm
  • o_O I'm alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hmm... did I mess up our continous mindless conversation? damn. I'm sorry.
    ps. go and read the update! *sobs*
    March 4th, 2009 at 09:45pm
  • hahahahahah!! xD so you found out the little meanings and where I had borrowed them. Althoguh, the jimmy one wasn't actually done on purpose. Or maybe it was. o_O Let's say it was.

    Ah, Fall out boy... Well, if you're going go to that jesus-boy's side of the stage this time. Pete stinks like old socks!! and I laughed at that comment: "She's now into our music" or something. haha... Well, isn't she super cool now, huh? not. SORRY! I didn't mean to say that about your friend. God I'
    m horrible person, I don't even know her!!!

    I'm going to have a Magnetic resonance imaging taken. I'm terrified. it's going to involve needles and shallow places, my worst fears combined. I'm so dead. >.<
    March 2nd, 2009 at 10:02am
  • *keeps on running and screaming out of happiness*

    theehee.. yeah, he's so cute, altough I'd love to rip that V-neck off from him. >:( Who invented V-necks?! grrr... Or I dunno... it just doesn't look right to me! o_O

    I keep watching Audrey's make ups.. in a learning sense you know? I love how she's done. :) I'm already walking around in the city or when I'm wathing telly just staing at people's makeup.. :'D this is bad.

    I just.. I don't know what I did? I re-intalled some program. o_O does that make me a nerd? oh god... what plans do you have for tonight? I was supposed to go to the movies, but I'm still in my underwear, cause I dunno what to put on and should I even bother or not! oh, there's a super long updtae waiting for you!!! ;)
    February 28th, 2009 at 06:24pm
  • AAAAAAAA!!! *runs around in circles*

    You've seen the burn halo vid featuring Mr. gates? x) it's very amusing.

    And guess what!!! the nerds didn't fix my computer but returned it all messed up... but then, I FIXED IT MYSELF! does ths mean I am a nerd? or just smarter and geeks? o_O
    so, what's up with you my dear???
    I LOVE YOUUUU! (in a non-sexual way though.)
    February 28th, 2009 at 04:15pm
  • OH MY GOD.

    O______________O I'm so happy for the news and want to say this: I TOLD YOU SO! but... I just don't think I can afford coming to a trip in London and go to that gig and stalk) them. Even if I would love to.. I don't know!!! EEE, I'm just happy. hihii.. ^-^

    Thanks for letting me know about this! <3
    February 23rd, 2009 at 09:02pm