How often can you find a song, and truly call it beautiful?

You know when you find that one song that is just so beautiful you're lost of words?I think I have found that song.This past semester, I was taking a Shakespeare class, and what we did was read the play and then compare it to different versions of the movie.We, of course, studied Romeo and Juliet, and I came to realized that Baz Luhrmann's Romeo + Juliet had an amazing soundtrack. I never thought...
June 30th, 2008 at 04:58am

Sometimes all it takes is for one person to listen

I'm the type of girl that can be so hurt but can still look at you and smile; the type of girl who is willing to brighten your day even if I can't brighten my own.I think I've always been like this. In high school, I hated this about myself - mostly because I grew up a small town in the middle of nowhere, with the same kids since grade K. No matter who the person was I would go out of my way to...
June 29th, 2008 at 11:36pm

When you say jump, I ask "How High"

I'm always wanting more from life, never content with what I have.Thinking there is something bigger and better out there for me; this want is never ending.I want a better job, a better apartment, better roommates. A better everything.I sick of my selfish ways, but I can't shake them. I don't know how much longer I'll be able to stick around for, because I'm losing myself. And I don't know if...
June 29th, 2008 at 07:23pm