
Joined date
June 18th, 2008


I do things just for the hell of it.
Im out on a mission to have fun.
If we only live life once then I want to make the most of it.
People have said that I'm really shy when you meet me. Well I'm changing that...
I dont want family/people/friends that hold me back.
I'm sick of my family saying "Get good grades and you can do what ever you want when you grow up" When I grow up I just want to be the fun and out there person I am. I don't really care if im rich or poor. What does it matter I'm here to have fun :)

If you dont like loud.
Sus and
Imture people then you wont like me...

I am weird... be warned.
I talk no stop.
I has great friends. :)
I get bored easy.
I don't follow trends.
I have be labeled as "Emo" By so many people. You can call me what you like. I don't care.

People say I need a life. Well I have one.
I hate being judged so if your one of those people who just look at my pictures and say "OMG shes so ugly!" Or whatever You need a life.
I don't Listen to anyone but the voice inside my head.
I do what I want when I want. Because if you listen to everyone you never know what you miss out on. And I know that for a fact... I've missed out on so much cause I've listen to the wrong people. But then again I've also gained a little too :)
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