So, we're all gonna die tomorrow. That's exciting (For Rory Williams, that's a normal Saturday)

Sorry, couldn't resist a knock on Rory. Do you know how many times he's died? It's just like everytime he's on screen, you're waiting for something to happen to Rory. Poor, poor Rory.But he always turns out fine, which is what is gonna happen to us tomorrow.I actually don't believe we're going to die. I mean really, weren't we suppose to die sometime last year too? And the year before that? It's...
May 21st, 2011 at 06:49am


Well, not really but he did make me see a new light. Technically.If you're a fan of the show Doctor Who (Which you all should be because it is amazing) you will probably know this songChances by Athletes, played during the Vincent Can Gogh episode in series fiveSo, I was listening to this amazing song and I had this day dream thing going on in my head. I begged the Doctor to take me back to my...
May 13th, 2011 at 08:23am

For all the things I am and all the things I'm not {My Chemical Romance concert + love from me}

I’m not skinny. I’m not fat. I’m not a genius.I’m not dumb. I’m not amazingly sexy and I’m not down right ugly. Then, what am I?I am Erica Catherine Gaida. I am loud, obnoxious but still socially awkward. I like to sit around and question human nature instead of going to wild parties. I don’t like drugs, but I do like the occasional drink. I can be more mature for my age at times,...
April 7th, 2011 at 04:04am

Dear Little Erica (A Letter to my past self)

Dear Little me,Gear up. The path ahead of you is going to bumpy, I can assure you that. You’re gonna make some mistakes, but you won’t regret anything. You know why? Because you’ll learn, with time, that those mistakes shape you into a great human being. That those mistakes are life lessons you will carry with you for the rest of your life. Sure, it won’t make it any better and your heart...
February 21st, 2011 at 10:19pm

Today I wore make up (Other then eyeliner) for the first time

My two best friends put cover up, blush, bronzer, mascara and lip gloss on me. Then, they crowded around and told me how pretty I looked, and that I should wear make up more often. They told me I never looked so good, and that I surely could get any guy I wanted if I wore more make up. They said I looked beautiful and handed me a mirror so I could see.The thing is, when I looked in the mirror I...
January 29th, 2011 at 02:36am

Vegeta, what DOES the scouter say??

IT'S OVER 9000!!!!!!!!You probably wouldn't get that joke if you never saw DBZ.... And you probably wouldn't know what DBZ meant if you never saw DBZ. Hell, you wouldn't of clicked on this journal if you didn't know DBZ.I've lately been in the nostalgic mood over the past few months, relapsing into old obsession like My Chemical Romance and such. It wasn't until a few weeks ago I had a sudden urge...
September 8th, 2010 at 06:43am

Music Search: Synthetic Punk {A Quest for you + Questions}

I need a new band, new music. Lately, I've been getting into more of techno punk kind of music. Like Mindless Self Indulgence. The thing is, it's hard to find bands like these. Well, hard for me since I suck at looking around for things and you don't really hear bands like that on the local radio.So here's the quest! Actually, it's not a quest. I just said that so I could sound epically epic. I...
August 25th, 2010 at 08:58pm

Dear Mibba,

I recently saw a journal naming some things the said person hates about Mibba. She makes a good point on some of them, but I thought "Why not make a journal about everything I like about Mibba"? I mean, we need positivity! So, without further ado:I love how people are brave enough to try and get their idea out thereI love how people are mature enough to handle some sex scenesI love how people can...
July 31st, 2010 at 02:07am

Inception sequel called Conception? {+ Questions}

I'm just playing with you, but you have to admit it's a funny idea. Especially since I did a play about Teenage Pregnancy only two months ago.I just saw the movie today, and was blown away (If you couldn't tell from my Profile change) I mean seriously, I worship Christopher Nolan and his directing. His films always make you question something, either reality or mortality. I think I'm going to get...
July 26th, 2010 at 11:27am

What am I going to do with my life? Let me tell you {+ Comments}

Everyone asks "What are you going to do with your life? What is your dream?"My dream? My dream is that when I’m lying alone in my death bed, and the only sound is the heart monitor, that I can say that I lived my life on the edge and across it. That I’ve went to hell and back twice and lived the life I wanted to lead. That I had no regrets. That I had beaten fear and all the odds against me....
July 25th, 2010 at 12:38am

No little sister, NY is not a country {Comment Swap + Questions + Whoring}

My little sister is amusing sometimes. Today, she turned to me and asked "Is New York a country?" And if it couldn't get any funnier, after I replied 'No' she then asked "Is New York in France?"Now, this isn't the first time she asked hilarious questions or statements. I told her I kissed a boy, and she nearly screamed at me, claiming "I could get pregnant!"Obviously, school sex systems are...
July 11th, 2010 at 07:51am

Oh, you ALL know you want to read this Journal {Story help and whoring + Questions}

See? I told you!WHIPPIE! Journal time :DI'd like to thank a certain gal for creating me a new profile thing. I haven't gotten it up but trust me, it's sexy. So thank you, Secret In My Throat!Hey, I know what you're all thinking. "We don't have enough MCR Fanfiction to read!" Well fear not, for I am here to save the day! I have a new story Im going to post. It's kinda a FRERARD but in other ways,...
July 11th, 2010 at 12:41am

Give you a cookie if you help me out. No, seriously. They have sprinkles

As computer geek as I am (Which is a big fat lie, but don't tell my alternate personality that) I can not seem to understand the whole.... Profile thing. I want a cool one, something that looks... Awesome. But I just can't seem to figure it out!I have one now, yes but my friend made that for me like two years ago. Im not sure If I talked to her since then, seeing as how I can't remember her...
July 7th, 2010 at 11:57pm

Spiderman Reboot?

When I heard of this unspeakable crime, all I thought was: What?Yes, the third Spiderman was a disaster. Utter disaster. But a whole trilogy reboot? The films aren't even a decade old yet! I can see where they are coming from, but give the fans some time to think. They are still trying to get rid of the thoughts of Spiderman 3!Now I myself aren't a big fan of Spiderman, he's like the little...
January 21st, 2010 at 08:32am

Marvel VS DC

A conversation that seems to be ongoing through my mind. I just have to get it out and put finish this argument once and for all.It all began when I was looking up some of my favourite actors on the internet and their upcoming films. One of them being Ryan Reynolds. And what I found shocked and slightly angered me. He was going to be Green Latern in his debut film AND Deadpool in his debut...
January 21st, 2010 at 07:56am

Who the heck are these guys? Mibba's, I need your help. Again. I just can't remember who they are.....

What are those comic things that have two little guys, one yellow and the other is blue and has kinda emo sayings on them that are really cute. Like this: you cant open a link, its the little yellow guy holding nothing but air and saying "Ill just pretend until you get here". Also theres some that are like "Ill give you my heart"...
December 24th, 2009 at 07:30am

Can't remember the stupid show name! Can anyone else?

Okay so this has been bothering me forever, and I still can't remember the stupid name of the show! I watched it when I was around 8 so I know most of you must know it.So it was kinda like Sailor moon but not. See there was this girl and she found this book filled with cards., and then there was a special cane that when the cane touched the cards, whatever the cards was would come to life. And...
November 12th, 2009 at 04:05am

Hey You! Yeah, You! The One Who's Reading This Title, Come Here

Okay I have no idea how to make a decorative page for my mibba profile. And I love to decorate my profile. Anything really. So I was wondering, how do I make a really awesome Profile or can you mkae one for me. If you do Ill love you forever and Ill give you a virtual cookie.I want it to be like the one's that have a awesome picture ontop with cool quote from the fandom in cool writing then...
October 31st, 2009 at 07:19pm

Then A Repo Man Will Come And She'll Pay For That Surgery

I have just found the movie 'Repo! The Genetic Opera' (Although it has been out for a couple of years now) and fell in love. Its everything I love in a movie. The cast did a amazing job, even Paris Hilton. Who knew that she would be good in a rock opera? Not me, until I watched 'Zydrate Anatomy'. I didn't even know she was in it until later actually.If you haven't seen the movie or know about it...
October 31st, 2009 at 06:58pm

Give Me The Funnies ( Asking all Mibbians for Funnie bunnies)

Hey guys, it's Professor Snuffleupagus hereIm just gonna cut to the chase. My friend has been really down lately, having some personal problems. And usually, I would give her funny videos to watch. But there is just one problem.I ran out.So Im asking you Mibbians to give me funny video's, pictures anything that makes you laugh and hopefully, my friend. I take any funnies. Except if it's really...
August 5th, 2009 at 07:42am