La Mort D'Ophelie / Comments

  • aww, of course it is! its really interesting and understandable but at the same time is kind of confusing which makes me want to read it more and not be confised. haha.
    April 22nd, 2010 at 11:40pm
  • i just started on "Hello, I Dislike You Intensely. Have a Nice Day." i love it.
    just wanted to tell ya (:
    April 16th, 2010 at 12:31pm
  • It was Richard Brautigan and yeah, it's definitely one of my top favorite poems. I found the picture online somewhere (probably tumblr) and immediately fell in love with it. Probably partly because of my distinct love for werewolves.. I couldn't tell you how many books I've picked up from all the schools I've been through. I am a shameful book thief. (Okay, maybe not all that shamed.. I love the books too much to be [i]that[/i] guilty about it. You are definitely the more honest out of the two of us, haha.

    How've you been, though? I haven't talked to you in [i]forever[/i]. And I'm sorry about the sudden absence. I can't say it doesn't happen often. I go through phases where I pretty much isolate myself from the world and just read ungodly amounts of fanfiction and listen to music all day. I've been trying to find (or yank to the surface, more precisely) my own creative spark this week. Can't say I've been all that successful so far. The fanfiction is an evil, evil distracting thing. ;]
    March 18th, 2010 at 03:46am
  • I like H&M as well. They have some really gorgeous stuff there. Heh, it's funny, because in Norway, it's like chain store number one. Lots of people are like "What? You shop at H&M? Haahahahahahah! You're poor!". I think it's ridiculous, of course, but I dunno. The quality is pretty crap.
    Hahah, feminine guys are pretty awesome. Or rather, guys who're confident enough in their sexuality to allow themselves to act girly sometimes is awesome. Manly mens are annoying:)

    Yeah, Norway and America is probably competing over the top spots xD Or, maybe China, but they're like a billion more people than us, so... I'm like that too. I hate throwing away single socks and stupid things :)

    Yeah, but it's getting less and less each year... it's sad really, nowadays, we normally have to write analysis over texts and articles and crap.

    You're kidding? Lucky pigsies.
    Well, we have May 17th, which is like 4th of July to America, and.. uhm, I can't really think of any else. Well, we do have winterbreak and autumnbreak, and I'm not sure if America has that. Do you?
    March 5th, 2010 at 04:57pm
  • Oh man, those dresses was goorgeous. I want PacSun now. :/
    And it's not really that weird, Only and Vero Moda, I think, is Norwegian stores. I've seen Bik Bok in England, once, and H&M is pretty big in the UK. I think:)
    Awh, I love thrift stores, but I can never get anyone with me. And yeah, Norway is one of the country who throws the most stuff away per year, so I guess we're pretty consume-y as well xD

    She's pretty flexible, yeah. Pretty darn flexible. She used to do kiddy-gymnastics.

    Ah, although it sounds awesome, dancing is one of the things I will not try to do. Like mountain climbing. xD

    I'm exactly like that! Whenever a story goes well, it hits a wall, and then I forget about it, so the only stuff I have on mibba is shorts for classes. I'd LOVE to finish something.

    Thanks xD Yeah, I think I'd cry if I missed Christmas Eve. That's the big day in Norway, not Christmas morning:)

    Oh, that's so unfair. Of course I've heard of him, he's pretty damn big, you know, but we didn't have any day of. I don't even think I heard mention of it, before you said so. Lucky pig.
    Not lucky that he died, obviously, but the day off xD
    February 5th, 2010 at 05:11pm
  • you are unbelievably talented
    your writing is beautiful
    January 31st, 2010 at 09:17am
  • I'll have to look into her work.
    January 27th, 2010 at 02:42pm
  • I've heard a lot about her, but I don't believe I've ever [i]read[/i] any of her work.

    Also, thank you. Thankfully, I'm not going to be investigated because I had nothing to do with what was going on ⎯ I didn't even live in the state. Besides, the girl is lying about [i]everything[/i] and so she's the only one that will be getting into any trouble in the first place, ahah.
    January 21st, 2010 at 10:41pm
  • Yes, I wrote it myself.
    January 18th, 2010 at 04:40pm
  • wow. I honestly didn't think it was THAT long.
    December 30th, 2009 at 09:34pm
  • Ah, that'd be totally awesome. I'd love to see that xD
    Actually, we don't have Abercrombie. I've never heard of PacSun, and from what I've heard of it, we unfortunately don't have Hot Topic either. Dull, right? Chyea. We have lot of chainstores, H&M and the likes, and Bik Bok, Zara, Only and Vero Moda. It's all very plain stores, selling mostly what's in. If you want the weird stores, you'll have to go vintage, or extremely expensive. Sucks.

    It's like, if you lay on the ground, your feet is supposed to be up in the air, right? Only she can curl it so the entire foot is on the ground. While laying/sitting, whatever. I dunno if that made sense, but it's the only way I can explain it xD
    Oh man, I so envy dancers. It looks so neat! I mean, I pretty much envy everyone who's good at something other than I am, but I guess that's just human, huh? It just looks so beautiful. Well, hip hop is hardly beautiful, but you know what I mean. You've seen So You Think You Can Dance, right? LIke the contemporary dancers. I love that. My brother thinks it's all mush and only wants the b-boys, but whatever xD

    Ah, go you! That's awesome, it takes so much focus to keep to one story. I've never finished one either, mostly because I get bored with a story and find some other idea better and shinier, so it's like... Idk. I have a story I think have potential right now, but you know... it's still hard sticking to it. I'm planning on writing further on it before binning it, at least.

    Ah, I absolutely love holidays. Not only because I'm Christian and stuff, but because it's so nice! You have a nice time with family, you eat great food, you look at your younger cousins go bananas over presents (this years highlight was when my otherwise bratty six-year old cousin had gotten clothes and yelled "I love it! I love everything I get!" It was an aww moment.) and just, I just love it. And I got pretty much EVERYTHING I wanted. You know Neil Gaiman, right? He's written an amazing graphic novel called Sandman, and I got like, volume 1-20 in a giant book, and I was SO happy. I also got loads of DVD's and cd's and everything. It was amazing.

    Oh, it was great. A little crowded for my taste, and Oxford Street were a mess, but the lights were gorgeous and the quieter areas were great. Oh man, tell me about it! We were terrified we weren't getting home, I mean, did you hear about the chaos in English airports? Chyeah, they'd cancelled like half of the flights. But we got home with only an hour delay xD
    December 30th, 2009 at 09:26pm
  • absolutely not. You should see my texts there's an emote each message (I got the full range from angry to zany... well, sorta but not really that many)
    December 26th, 2009 at 07:04am
  • Okay I just wrote a comment that was about two pages long but it took a while and my account timed out, so the comment didn't send. (I bitched, ranted, and growled untill my mother claimed she couldn't hear the tv) Unfortunatly I do not have the gumption to re-write the whole thing today
    December 23rd, 2009 at 07:04am
  • I'm not sure, I just like cameras. :O
    it's okay, not awkward tension!

    Merry Christmas back to you.
    December 22nd, 2009 at 03:45am
  • oh!
    well I'm not too good on names, so yeah.
    December 22nd, 2009 at 03:08am
  • Holgas?
    December 21st, 2009 at 03:04am
  • I think it's only fair to let you know how inadequate you make me feel. I should probably not even respond because it will only serve to steepen the resentment, but you're so polite and actually sort of charming that it would only cause the reverse and I like being the bigger person, at least in my head anyway.

    I like the way you write, even in comments. Nerdy as that sounds. It makes me feel like I don't put enough effort into anything I do which makes me try extra hard until I eventually just get tired of the whole charade and inevitably give up. It's a vicious cycle. I blame you. Kidding, just kidding.

    I've actually made plans to go to two of their shows so far, but their first tour ended prematurely due to an illness and I'm not allowed to go to Columbus by myself or with friends under the age of 20 because my parents are sure that if I ever venture out in the real world my pinky finger or some other bodily appendage will end up on the trophy shelf of some murderous creep, and I couldn't swing a ride, so no dice.

    I probably could be social, but most of the time it feels like I'd rather be getting mauled by sexually confused show choir boys than making small talk about how hot Taylor Lautner is or spray tans or how bad muffins are for you and oh my god, my jeans are so tight, am I getting fat? Such is life at public school. I think you told me one that you go to a special school? I probably would go stark raving mad there, because I just about can't stand when people try to sound intelligent or interesting or elitist. I guess that makes me a hypocrite.

    The other day in my English class, my teacher mentioned Bob Dylan and the mouth breather that sits directly behind me made some comment about how awesome Dylan was and I wanted to violently shake him until his nasal cavities cleared up. I don't think anyone at school knows anything about me and I love the privacy because I probably think it makes me mysterious or something because I'm vain like that. It probably only makes me invisible, but oh well. You can't have everything you want.

    Ha, I met the first and only boyfriend I've ever had during an awful interview for the school's newspaper after he tripped over my book bag and I yelled at him, and then my camera died. I don't buy into karma but sometimes I wonder. So I don't think that makes me exactly normal in the social department, but it's a start.

    I mean, the first concert I went to was with my dad. And the first time I got high was with my dad, which is admittedly pretty lame. I mean, we were refinishing a cabinet for my mother's Christmas present in the smallest office in the creepiest town known to man and I think I got pretty buzzed off the fumes. I always thought I was going to experiment with different levels of consciousness in a more bad-ass fashion.

    Now I'm making a Christmas list because I have nothing better to do except maybe start on a mountain of homework. I have left you a comment of sufficient epic length. I hope you're in a better mood.
    December 13th, 2009 at 07:21pm
  • Oh really? Cool. I might check that out:) Yeah, I doubt I'd ever read it in a whole, but if it was split up into several books, I might contemplate it. Actually, it's more the writer who fascinate me, not so much his work xD

    Haha, if you do that, take a picture and show me xD We should totally establish a world-wide dress-like-a-nerd-from-90's-movies day! Unless that actually exists already... nevertheless, that'd be awesome xD
    Yeah, I think suspenders is mostly a guys thing :)

    Oh wow, poor girl. I have a few friends with parents like that as well. One of them has a father who refuses to let her go out without something warm on her stomach, because, apparently, it'll grow hair there in a thousand years or something. Chyea.
    Yeah, I guess so... my best friend went to ballet a few years, so she can move her feet in this completely freaky way, like all the way down, if you get it. What is it you dance?

    OOh, wow, that sounds really exciting! How did it go?
    Eh, don't mention vampires. I realize now it was a ridiculous move. I should've just kept my first plot. Although, in my defense, it was not a True Blood or Twilight vamp.

    Whaaa? Are you insinuating something? Psh, nothing ironic about it, I'm not lazy, never xD

    Also, are you looking foreward to Christmas? It's soooooon!:D:D:D I only need about six more presents, and five of them I'm buying in London, which is where I'll be at 18-22. December :D Yay!:D
    December 9th, 2009 at 05:08pm
  • I promise that the face and body that you see in those photos is mine! I'm definitely not a Google-image thief. Nope. Not one of those kids.
    Freaks. Get your own face. And body.

    Anyway! So many things to respond to! I'm glad. I always write ridiculously long comments and then feel bad. I definitely don't think of myself as absurdly cool. (Maybe I'll keep you around so you can boost my self-esteem like this all the time.) I do read often, though. You are quite accurate. I also love the classics! What are you currently reading?

    I'll respond to the rest of your comments when I am not in a school computer lab with weird kids reading over my shoulder. Go away, kid with body odor and kid with fat face. Yes, this comment is directed at the shameless read-droppers behind me. I am definitely judging you.
    Well, goodbye... for now.
    December 7th, 2009 at 10:32pm
  • I fixed my poem a bit (the symphony one) Its called 'Glitter Glue is for the Weak' now, I normally wouldn't ask but its still missing something, might you take a look?. I wanted it different but the girl herself is really musical and she just seems to flow the way notes on a staff do so I don't want to change that and yet..... something needs changing. I'm not sure what to do with it anymore. I'm sorry for asking and probably not that well either lol I'm bad at asking for help.

    Crayon Eater
    December 3rd, 2009 at 07:11am