La Mort D'Ophelie / Comments

  • readmelikeliterature

    readmelikeliterature (100)

    United States
    Ask me like ur asking the Ask Shirley column!!!!
    December 12th, 2010 at 07:08am
  • finnick odair

    finnick odair (105)

    United States
    Hahaha. People are asking me where I want to go and I'm only a freshman. It's sooo intimidating lol.
    That. Sounds. Amazing. omg. :P If you post it, let me know because I want to read it!
    I might post mine on Mibba, after a lot of editting because I'm pretty sure my story is going to end up being crap since I get bad writer's block and I'll have to create random situations to get the story moving again :P
    It's about this girl who's in high school and she's an art TA with this guy who she likes and she tells him and then he tells her stepsister who tells everyone else. So she gets upset and he tries to talk to her but she won't and then she sits down on a box in the art supply closet and kind of falls into a tunnel. They go into the tunnel and get into the Underworld where there's a war going on and they try to stop the war.
    October 31st, 2010 at 09:10pm
  • JamieJo

    JamieJo (100)

    United States
    Thank you for the comment! I love feedback like that, I haven't been able to finish that story in months due to school and when I logged on today I saw your comment and it has motivated me to pull through and finish it.

    I'll definitely keep your advice in mind when I read through the whole story again and revise and fix parts (because I know there are going to be a great deal of spelling errors haha)
    October 21st, 2010 at 02:56am
  • chromatography.

    chromatography. (255)

    Alright, so I have no adequate excuse to reply a month plus later. I apologise for being so rude.

    Honestly, there are many aspects of life where moderation defined as a very thin line & that line differs for each person according to their capabilities & thresholds. Which creates a predicament since to gain a middle ground everyone has to find it themselves. I can completely empathise with your conflict of whether to remain quiet out of respect or protest at the injustice of the situation. It's a rather frustrating situation but I'm obnoxious, therefore I tend to speak my mind in a scenario particularly if it goes against my conscience. Also, I'm a coward too, I can be brave but only if I'm incredibly irate… which I don't think is bravery. Which begs me to ponder upon bravery & what it is. Personally, I believe there's different types of courage, the more subtle one which consists of confronting situations, specifically ones which involve emotions & there's the valiant ones where one charges into battle physically. If bravery is not having fear which often is the misconception then most are cowards. Overall bravery is following through even if one is frightful. I could be wrong, what do you think?

    That's a really interesting analogy & I concur with it. I suppose the things that are harder to change happen to be the things that the individual cares about most. They're attached to them 'cause they assist in defining whom they are as an individual.

    You make absolute sense but most people believe they're living the life that God wants them to live & most believe that the judgement of their life is made at death, which in result means that people whom are malicious, cruel are not ridden from the world. Rather they are ostracised from Heaven. Which makes religion pretty redundant actually… also if religion was proved wrong (please find life in outer space NASA) that would leave a lot of people faithless & result in a plethora of people living in denial. For some people religion is the basis of their life & if that base is destroyed their entire life collapses onto them. Some people just lack the effort or the resilience to rebuild their foundation to their identity. There's the fact (I learnt this from skiving my lecture to attend my friend's psychology lecture) that we as humans suppress memories so we don't have to deal with the trauma of it until we're ready. We suppress these things so that we can function.

    Um, Romania, France, Morocco, Portugal, Scotland, Ireland, England, Turkey, India, Mauritius, Ethiopia, travel around Australia again as well. I would love to be paid to travel & document it. That would be fantastic.

    I'm the opposite, inanimate objects are where I vent my anger out most on. People not as much because getting angry with people becomes messy & complicated & abhor having to deal with it, unless I'm angry with that person at something they did then I will tell them as calmly as possible 'cause it's the least messy way of communicating & people tend to listen more. I have a horrid temper, it's always the most small unrelated things that tick me off. Which is good in retrospect 'cause I can be a mediator in typical anger scenarios but always horrific in other regards since no one knows when I shall snap at them. I can understand why you resort to self-harm though.

    No it hasn't come to Melbourne yet but it's going to be here later this year so I'm going. Woot! I'm pretty much the equivalent of a poor uni student, it's different when you get your own job 'cause you start doing things that you've wanted to do, but it results in the same circumstance as before you started working. -sigh- However, I think you're conservative so you'll probably do well when it comes to money.

    Op-shopping is thrifting (to be honest I had to google it. No one uses that term here). I come from that background, for the first ten years of my life my clothes were pretty much second-hand par for underwear & a few select other clothes or either they were made by my grandparents. Fashion wise I agree. A lot of fashionable clothes are uncomfortable, yes artistic, but uncomfortable. If I'm correct the first clothes were meant for comfort, not to become some decadent material. One of my pet peeves of fashion is those who go buy an article of vintage looking clothing at $200 identical to something in an Op-shop at $10. It's so irritating 'cause if you know how to op-shop right you can get decent clothes that are in good condition. I guess I'm being bias though.

    They have a march in November that I'm attending which should be exciting. It's just so irksome that people are so adamant against it & you have a point. Yes, marriage is part of the Church but is an affair of the state. Marriages of the state acknowledge garden marriages. I'm not expecting the constitution of homosexual marriage to acknowledged in the Church but at least in the state, they acknowledge & recognise homosexual relationships with children, therefore why not marriage? Marriage is not purely a religious thing, it is a commitment. If it were a religious thing, a lot of marriages would be void, particularly those that are cross religion marriages. -sigh-

    Whoa, that's great to hear. Also the photographer who used to be my profile picture was ( Olivia Bee.

    Ready for Christmas?
    October 15th, 2010 at 09:27am
  • finnick odair

    finnick odair (105)

    United States
    D: I'm sorry.
    Ahh, sounds like you're swamped! Like me on the day before everything is due, only times a hundred, it sounds like. D: Good luck on Nano! Even if you don't finish, it's still a fun thing to do, I think.
    Haha, I'm working on it. The link is in my About. I'm going to post it on Mibba as well. Feedback would totally save my butt. Hahah. You?
    October 15th, 2010 at 06:54am
  • finnick odair

    finnick odair (105)

    United States
    No problemo. (:
    Ehh, I'm doing alright. Sick, though. ><
    October 5th, 2010 at 01:01am
  • towers

    towers (100)

    United States
    "Also, when writing in 3rd person, be careful not to repeat people's name too much and think more of descriptive phrases that describe them."

    I know what you mean when you say this, however, a lot of times when I do that, the descriptions end up just being so damn cheesy. (IE: "The bare-chested young man with a dark scowl on his handsome face" blah blah blah haha)
    September 13th, 2010 at 05:19am
  • inyourbackyard

    inyourbackyard (100)

    United States
    Sorry I've taken so long getting back to you. Life's crazy and I guess mibba keeps getting put on the back burner. But I AM enjoying Threads -- so much! It just takes me a while to get to the updates, and when I do, I have a brief fifteen minutes to enjoy it and no time to comment. I know, excuses, excuses. Just picture me out here with a smile on my face whenever you post. With cheesiness oozing from my every pore.
    September 9th, 2010 at 11:42pm
  • silvertongue

    silvertongue (105)

    United States
    If you love those stories, then you would absolutely love Juliet Marillier's novels, specifically the Sevenwaters series. They are seriously intense, I love every single one of her novels. You would also probably like the stories that towers writes here on mibba, specifically her Soliloquy series. Then again, you may or may not have already read her stuff. She's pretty big on mibba.

    That's funny that you say that about the Faeries thing, and wanting to travel Europe, because my life-long dream is to move to Ireland and become a historian that focuses on Celtic Fae folklore. I still plan on doing it.

    And I completely understand where you're coming from with the whole treatment of women thing. Sometimes I wish that I had lived during that era, and then I remember that the life of a woman was so dull and restricted and protected. I'm sure all those exciting adventures that we read about in Victorian-era stories didn't really happen to women all that often back then.

    And yes, I completely unleash my inner school girl when it comes to Elvis.

    I sort of exaggerated when I said that musicals are 1/4 of my life, haha. Volleyball is 1/4 of my life, school is 1/4 my life, and then friends and family are the other half. Musicals just fit in between the cracks.

    And yes, I am still reluctant to admit that I was in High School Musical. It was a butt load of fun to do, but it was just ridiculously cheesy and childish. OH and we just found out that we aren't doing Hairspray anymore, which I'm really disappointed about. Apparently, we don't have enough black people at our school to fill the appropriate roles in the musical :/ buttt POTO is still happening, which is great.

    You should most definitely rent Les Mis, it's a fantastic movie, though I'm sure it's an ever better musical. But like you said, it sucks that you can't just go see a musical whenever you want like you can a movie.

    And thank you for voting! It makes me happy that someone as cool as you reads my stuff :)
    September 3rd, 2010 at 12:43am
  • chromatography.

    chromatography. (255)

    Oh I understand that, it's kind of like the Catholics & the Protestants, even though there has been some resolve the tension between these two religions is strong. Ironically this tension is not over their beliefs it's over the treatment of the Catholics by the Protestants in racial discrimination but it still doesn't cease the unease between both divisions. But religion is worth killing/despising people over for some because it's such a powerful thing. Though it may seem silly it's what people believe & when people have such a gargantuan faith in a ideal they will go to extreme lengths to preserve that ideal or justify it through their actions…some believe that this is through suicide bombings which is irksome because the Quran is against this.

    Hence this reinforces yes religion is a powerful device but it's how it is interpreted that makes it more powerful. If there's one thing I've learnt in life so far is that many people only listen to what they want to hear & their morals, beliefs etc seem to defined from when they're young. For change it would have to take a colossal personal event to alter a person's perspective, while others are just open minded.

    To be honest, the Bible is really just a story. Some people proclaim they follow the Bible's every law; they would be still in the stone age…honestly. What people need to understand is that religion is a practice of morality, not a competition about who's 'God' is better, rather it's an application of good will & good deeds to a modern society to make it a more enjoyable place…however a lot of that is absent in translation. Another point is that some people just accept what they're told from religion, that it's law rather then ponder why we do this & that & why this is prohibited. If people actually thought about religion more they would actually understand it's meaning. Instead many just spend their time in complacence requesting things from God all the time. It slightly irritates…actually it incenses me vehemently.

    Being prudent means you're safe, better than being a people pleaser. T_T Um, I recently just stopped Karate. I got up to orange belt but since I'm paying for it it's just a financial strain since I'm trying to save for a car & travels overseas. However I think I'm going to purchase a punching bag someday in the future, there's something alleviating about punching things. Oh & dancer boys are lovely. I want to go to a production called "We Unfold" with contemporary dancing & musical composition…just have to get tickets first. XD Do you go to the theatre etc?

    If it's any consolation all I have at Uni is dandy boys. -sigh- Sometimes it becomes confusing whether they're a girl or a boy, serves for many awkward moments.

    I'd do that if only my step-mum hadn't been a size 8 at my age. Ah well, I just venture into eclectic shops for vintage clothing. That stuff is expensive but Op Shopping is the best, have you ever done it?

    Um, we're currently in a Hung Parliament & neither party is going to legalise gay marriage. I will shoot myself if the Coalition win the election…or move out of Australia…at least your politicians haven't been hellish & delinquent over the past fortnight in vain attempts to gain independent votes. Yours were pretty tame from what I remember. :think:

    How's your AP classes by the way?
    August 30th, 2010 at 01:04pm
  • freckles.

    freckles. (100)

    United States
    You commented awhile ago on my story, "There's Boy Living in My Mirror", and my heart got all gross and stuck in my throat and I couldn't quite swallow it back down for the next several minutes, and I just wanted to say thankyouthankyouthankyou a bazillion million times over. <3 Everything you described was exactly what I was going for, and I LOVE YOU TOO. And I don't know what else to say because I feel so clumbsy and awkward after reading that compliment. >.< (BUT IN A GOOD WAY)
    August 26th, 2010 at 10:43pm
  • sectumsempra

    sectumsempra (100)

    United States
    hello, shelia (and my, might i say, what a lovely name), i'm antoinette. it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.

    i suppose i shall give you some random facts about myself now: i don't always feel the need to capitalize my sentences, i will laugh at anything, i love cake, i've spent a week in spain, and i'm trying to write a story about zombies in victorian london. it's progressing slowly because i'm a bit of a perfectionist at times. i'm a silly creature, yes. :D
    August 26th, 2010 at 04:53am
  • chromatography.

    chromatography. (255)

    There's a lot of things you could base Religion off. Religion is such a powerful thing & a lot of people are ignorant to that. That is amazing news and to be honest racism is silly particularly from white Christian fundamentalists when they've at least got a few 'black' people in their division of religion. Plus it irks me immensely how they can be racist when Christian doctrine is about treating each other equally etc...and Jesus was from Israel, therefore it is most likely he wasn't Anglo-skin-fair. :/

    Oh, I used to do that then I started actually applying what they taught me Karate about with attitude (mind you I'm a pessimist at heart). All about being positive, yes I did this today & there were some things I didn't do today that I was meant to do, tomorrow I'll push myself and do better but I shall congratulate myself for getting this far. Masters are so inspiring honestly. XD

    If i's any consolation the first isn't that bad I've heard. You'll make friends because you have more people there to socialise with, hence a higher probability of actually gaining friends. Also those friends are more likely to understand the importance of doing the curriculum work if that's important to you, hence study sessions. Plus, I know at Uni we get a lot more group assignments than we did in high school. :/

    It depends which state you want to travel to in Australia. I'm from Victoria. Apparently we're Australia's fashion capital, not that I pay much attention. Another factor is where you live in Victoria as well but I think that's the same with every state. Oh, I only know Airzona because they go there a lot on Mythbusters for car crashing. =) If it's an consolation Sydney has a horrid reputation for racist since the riots a few years ago.
    August 22nd, 2010 at 07:46am
  • silvertongue

    silvertongue (105)

    United States
    i absolutely adore the victorian era, and i also like things set in the early AD years. i read juliet marillier novels, which ususaly take place in ireland in the around then. BUT i do not blame you for loving fitzgerald, because 1.) i loooove the 20's, and 2.) i have the biggest crush EVER on elvis presley. like you have no idea. nothing like a crush on a dead, hot, tragic singer.

    musicals are seriuosly 1/4 of my life haha. in middle school in was in bye bye birdie, beauty an dthe beast, and (laugh it up) high school musical. we were the first school in the country to put it on as a real stage musical. i was a nerdy geek. this year we are doing hairspray and phantom of the opera.but i love les miserables too :) have you seen the movie? SIGH, i love liam neeson.

    i've never actually heard of House of Bernarda Alba, but i'd seriously love to check it out. it sounds siiick, exactly my type of thing haha
    August 20th, 2010 at 04:43am
  • sectumsempra

    sectumsempra (100)

    United States
    Oh, you're absolutely welcome. No packages required, haha! :D
    August 18th, 2010 at 09:29am
  • still a secret

    still a secret (100)

    Oh my gosh, I've never thought of the language that way before. :)) Thank you for opening my eyes.
    I don't think we have a "hello." We just use "kumusta?" as a greeting. It's like, "How are you?" It's our version of the Spanish "Como esta?"
    August 13th, 2010 at 11:19am
  • still a secret

    still a secret (100)

    Pasensya na. Nakalimutan ko na hindi pa pala ako naka-reply sayo.
    It means I'm sorry. I forgot I haven't replied to you yet.
    And yes, that happens to me all the time, too! You see, I'm here where most people speak Tagalog, a Filipino language, but I also speak Cebuano, another Filipino language. So when they ask me to say something in Cebuano, I kind of do what you do. xD
    August 10th, 2010 at 01:52am
  • chromatography.

    chromatography. (255)

    Oh that would be fantastic! You should do it one day. I find them amusing since they reinforce my perception of how insignificant we are in the grander scheme of things yet oxymoronically how significant we are simultaneously. Also, I adore how they seem to deflate a very conceited person's ego quite rapidly, it's cruel I know. -sigh-

    Don't worry, I did the same thing. Just think of all the things you got done though as opposed to being a hermit & doing [i]nothing.[/i] How one lives their lives should be dedicated by their expectations. I've only become more social as I've gotten to Uni if that's any consolation even then my social life is minuscule compared acquaintances I know.

    Oh gosh, I want that weather! Yay! Someone who cannot tolerant the cold like me, my family thinks I'm abnormal for it. XD And yes, I'm Aussie. Where are you from in the US?
    August 6th, 2010 at 08:05am
  • chromatography.

    chromatography. (255)

    N'aw, I love those things. I always chuckle at them, it's rather inspiring though. Thank you for the link & the compliment. How are you by the way? How's your summer? (I cannot fathom how zealously envious I am of you right now, it's so cold here XD)
    August 5th, 2010 at 02:03pm
  • applesauce

    applesauce (100)

    Oh, and another one.
    Right, I'll check that one out xD
    I'm doing AugNo, which is Nano in August, and I think I'm going to die. Yeah. Wish me luck!:D
    July 28th, 2010 at 10:03pm