regarding my story:

i hate to say it, but its officially on hiatus. i have a bunch of school shit going on, and a bit of writer's block so i'll update when i can, but no promises when. i AM going to finish it tho. im just not sure when....AAAAANND . . .*drum roll please*. . .i'm going to write a sequel!! im also working on a new story that will be up whenever i have time to write more of it. it's going to be an aiden...
January 29th, 2007 at 09:14pm

new year

So, I've decided to be lame and post my resolutions, that i shall (try) to not break.1 -- be less shy2 --- stand up for myself more3 ---- write more4 ----- do something important5 ------ learn to play my guitar better6 ------- change the world
January 1st, 2007 at 08:24am