I haven't been on here in months, years, but I need a place to let it all out.

10.5 more days, thats all i need to survive.At least that's what I keep telling myself.I'm so sick of high school, I'm so so so so sick of that place.I have a project due tuesday, an essay IN FRENCH tomorrow, senior finals coming up and lord knows what else.I'm stuck working tomorrow night, all day saturday and sunday morning. that leaves me sunday night to get my shit done.I work monday, gone all...
May 13th, 2011 at 04:25am

And aren't things just getting better?

This week was a fail.My ex-friend is trying to talk to but is too scared and talking to me through my friend sort of. That was more of Monday.Homework is annoying and complex.We made shirts for the powder puff football game on tues.That was fun. But everyone was like "hey Megan can you help me?"I realized I help people too much. I don't want to sound snob-ish but I do.It's not a bad thing...
September 12th, 2008 at 11:44pm

I Hate School

A lot.Classes with no one I know.Every class "preparing me for college".I'm going to be so stressed out.I won't get home until 4:30 on mon-thurs. due to band.and Friday nights=band for football games.Work on weekends.and on top of work I have other stuff going on on weekends this month.Someone has already told my friend shit about me.and that someone is my "friend".It's already starting to repeat...
September 3rd, 2008 at 03:03am

I Think Way Too Much

and that's really starting to bother me.Ugh.I am not looking forward to next week, I don't want to start school. At all.Well, minus my classes. I'm actually looking forward to Chemistry.But not the drama, people, etc.I may scream.I know my first hour class is fulll of people who I've had issues with.I am glad to know though, that there are some people I'm friends with in it.So it should be fine,...
August 28th, 2008 at 04:56pm

My First Warped Tour.

ah ha, okay so after the two hour car ride we finally get there and we get in the main parking lot.There was a stage set up right there, and I heard them say something about skeet skeet skeet or whatever so I'm like okay, that's fine I didn't really want to see them.Then all of a sudden I hear "Hey thanks for coming, we're Mayday Parade".That's when I run to the fence and me and Collette watch...
August 4th, 2008 at 05:44pm