Blink182 / Comments

  • yeah,
    I'm trying to get my dad to let me go to one of blinks shows,
    My dad says no cause he thinks im going cause I wanna see taking back sunday.
    I already saw them a month ago so he thinks it'll be a waste:/
    July 6th, 2009 at 01:46am
  • I knew I had to add you when I saw the tom delonge avatar:]
    I love that guy,
    he's like a large child:]
    July 5th, 2009 at 12:52pm
  • Me and my drama buddy Alex are hoping that AAR and TBS will do a show near us =] She's a big AAR fan and I'm the biggest TBS fan around x]

    I doubt I'll meet TBS ever...Alex might meet AAR though, she's really lucky when it comes to meeting people at gigs; she met Fightstar by accident [Charlie spotted that she'd stuffed a box of cookies down her bra and wanted a cookie before the gig x]]

    No problem about the comments
    I'm sorry they're not really that helpful but I really do enjoy your stories =]

    Sounds like a plan
    I'm claiming being your number one fan by the way =P

    July 4th, 2009 at 12:19pm
  • I wish I'd met him though...
    I doubt I ever will but a girl can wish.

    It's no problem, I really enjoy your story; if you write any others like that, do tell me please.
    I have a new story about a girl who in High School is obessed with Mark O'Connell...Adam & Nathan Lazzara along with Matt Rubano along with the old TBS members are in it...
    It's creepy but good :cute:

    I'm hoping I managed to get people to read it through my Twitter; did I?

    [i]I'm about to tweet it again :tehe:[/i]
    July 3rd, 2009 at 11:43am
  • nothing much just posted 2 new chapters to my story save me.
    how bout you
    and ur welcome :)
    July 2nd, 2009 at 05:53am
  • Fazzi's epic to talk to...He's really, really sweet.

    You are going to have to listen to that solo stuff! It's fucking amazing!

    It's not going to be's going to be like most slashs on here...overrated...
    June 30th, 2009 at 08:56pm
  • Hell yeah! haha :)
    Same here! that's exactly how i feel too, best band ever <3
    Yep, he has the Daphne Blue one :D
    I'm soo exciiitteeed hhaha.
    I was sleeping in and they made an appearance at some book store, and it was early in the morning xD
    haha yeah, i've seen ava twice and plus 44 onceeee. :D
    kay coooll (;
    I want mark's pink bass, REALLY BAD.
    I don't really like pink that much even though dad bought me an pink acoustic uhmm haha i have mark hoppus on 2 of my 4 basses. :)
    June 30th, 2009 at 04:58am
  • aaaah thank you so much, yeah now that's making me consider putting my old story back up. but I actually have new ideas, better ideas, and good 'ol Thomas is in like 90% of them =].

    oh you should definitely re-subscribe, the guys are getting on more frequently now. did you know matt wachter had a baby? she's adorable =]

    haha, duuuude, everytime i go on your profile i stop and stare at Tom and occasionally drool =]
    June 30th, 2009 at 04:45am
  • Haha! thank you :D
    So far, I have like 4 people who said they'd read it, which is great? (;
    I know right!? it's soo lame, how no one likes blink :P
    hahaha! that's awesome :D
    I WISH! i'd totally go get one off ebay bahaha.
    my brother has the uhm the tealish light blue tom delonge strat? :P
    I love all those songs too :D
    No :( i haven't i'd die if i did, my brother *JEAALLOUUUSSS* has met plus 44.
    But i've seen angels and airwaves and plus 44 live? :P
    yessss, it's katiefrizzface.
    June 30th, 2009 at 04:34am
  • thank youuuuu for the add =]
    omg. Tom Delonge is...words can't even explain!
    I'm glad to finally meet another blink fan outside of modlife =]
    June 30th, 2009 at 04:19am
  • It totally will be blink<3! haha. :) i know i'm probably going to write a chapter tonight, because that's when i'm fully awake xD
    and hopefully i get some good feedback as well.
    pssshh, i'm trying to find the 'blink crowd' and it's a bit hard, but fanfics are always fun? :P
    goodness, favorite blink member, haha i love them all! if i had to choose one, jeeze probably be either tom or mark! mark made me wanna pick up bass :D and tom, he's just really funny and awesome!
    and my favorite blink song(s)?
    let's see, give me one good reason, anthem, anthem part 2, dysentary gary, online songs, please take me home, obvious, violence.
    the list goes on and on my friend.
    haha of course! :D presents are always funnnnn!
    awesome, come drive down here :D just kidding.
    same questions, haha.
    June 30th, 2009 at 04:09am
  • I know, yeah and i'd totally write stories if i was a good writer, haha.
    eventually i will :D just cause i love reading them?
    haha my birthday is november 12th too! :D
    quink-a-dink!? :)
    June 30th, 2009 at 03:54am
  • DUDE, is your birthday November 12!?
    June 30th, 2009 at 02:47am
  • yes indeedee i did! i love them, i can totally picture it. :D
    that's why i read fanfics, it makes me feel like i'm actually there? :P
    yyesssss, it was johhnnn :D
    haha that's awesome :D
    yeah since i live in arizona, i see tons of local bands and i get to hang out with them :P and the maine is from arizona! :P
    June 30th, 2009 at 02:28am
  • haha they still are amazing.
    i think they're ootayyy.
    i was shopping in hot topic once and people kept on staring at these guys that looked they were in a band, and sure enough after they left i asked the employees it was 2 guys from the maine.
    June 30th, 2009 at 01:41am
  • i really like your stories :D
    they're really fun to read (;
    June 30th, 2009 at 12:02am
  • I doubt it was because of drugs...
    Adam's more sensible then that

    I'm hevily into his solo music, I got into it because I ever got into TBS :tehe:

    I shall start following you back! Don't worry Naughty

    I'm going to post it in the next week or so,
    I'll send you a link when I have :cute:

    Fred Mascherino tweeted at me on Twitter
    I'm so happy!!
    June 29th, 2009 at 06:48pm
  • Yes! I did hear about him being in hospital!

    Yeah, that's how I go into them.
    I love Fred! His band, The Color Fred, are one of my fave bands.

    His Twitter is @mattfazzi
    My Twitter is @TheColorAbi so you better start stalking me :tehe:
    Did you know that I wrote a crappy sequel to [b]Take the Time To Talk About[/b] It called [b]Think A Lot and Live Without It[/b]
    It's not too bad but I just don't really like it x]

    P.S [i]I'm writing a Adam & Fred slash as I type this.
    It's set the day where Adam annonces to the band about his leaving of Taking Back Sunday to focaus more on The Color Fred[/i] :tehe:
    June 28th, 2009 at 08:54pm
  • I'm probably the same! haha duuuddeeee i'm sooooo stoked like i totally cried when they got back together!
    i know i'm happy to hear blink's new sonnngg :D
    lalalala i like your fanfics asweeelll (;
    June 24th, 2009 at 10:06pm
  • Seriously, it's no problem.
    I'm really in love with your story already
    I'm a big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big Facing New York fan. I Tweeted Fazzi saying it months ago and he tweeted me back saying it was cool and thanking me for stalking him O_O x]
    He Tweeted at me on his birthday too =]

    Thank you!
    I love writing my stories
    They're my babies x]
    June 24th, 2009 at 06:12pm