vintage hearts; / Comments

    Ahaha, thanks anyway, though. IT'S THE THOUGHT THAT COUNTS.
    I just like changing it up, haha, and expect another change soon. Hehe.

    I think you're right, but every character has to have a flaw, otherwise they'd be 'perfect' and let's face it, no one's perfect. I don't like stories with 'perfect' people. It just irks me.

    Frankie's messy, so she wouldn't really think his room is that messy. It is. A little. He's just a whole little bundle of cute, you just want to cuddle with him and ugh he's too cute. c:

    Surprise parties are...okay. Not my favorite, but I wanted to do something different.

    It's a surprise! :D He didn't call Izzie, she just answered Frankie's phone because she was getting dressed.

    I hope it is over, I just... had to take a break.

    AW. (:

    Thank you. C:
    November 22nd, 2011 at 01:08am
  • Thank you for the comment on Carry Me Home :) I'm glad you liked it. I just realized that you're the author of Take Me Away, and I absolutely loved that story while it was being written, and I've been slacking on reading your other stories. I'll have to give them a read :)
    November 18th, 2011 at 06:05am
  • You're welcome! :)
    Right? He's a perfect human being <3
    November 12th, 2011 at 01:50am
  • you're welcome!
    of course i'll read it and give you a comment. Just bear with me if it doesn't come for a while haha, but I will definitely do so. Plus, its John and I love him haha. Your story was amazing :)
    November 11th, 2011 at 11:24pm
  • sorry this took a while :)
    November 11th, 2011 at 09:19pm
  • Oh wow really?
    That's awesome!
    Hopefully it all works out for you!
    November 10th, 2011 at 11:10pm
  • Haha you are welcome, 'They Call Me Crazy' was definitely one of the ones I loved reading.
    And I think it was during Sweet Surrender, you were mentioning how you were only going to write to chapter 20...but you carried on all the way to 26 haha, I laughed at that lol.
    But either way I definitely loved all of them!
    But I haven't read that yet, I was actually just about to get straight into it. :)
    YES! Can't wait for more.
    November 10th, 2011 at 02:50am
  • Ooh, that's good. There's nothing wrong with fixing things, you know? I'm thinking about doing that with Piper June after I finish my nano entry. It sounds like a challenge, but I know you can do it. c:


    Everybody's doing that it seems and I feel so out of the loop. I'm only past 2k now. :c
    November 2nd, 2011 at 10:36pm
  • Eh.
    I keep losing track, haha. Thank you, I try, and like I said before, I want to make this as realistic as I humanly can. Aw, I think we all love her, haha. c:

    Yes he is.

    Well not a few, more like.... okay, a lot, but you'll be able to see it coming. I hope. Thank you, I do try and I mean, yeah, it's hard to get it to flow, but at least somebody likes the way I'm doing it.

    Just a tiny bit, haha. c: I'll update soon. It's November, and that means that it's NaNoWriMo time so...yeah. I'm so exicted. :D
    November 1st, 2011 at 11:47am
  • Aw, yeah. You're welcome. c:

    It's what I do. I like to keep things fresh, I suppose. I'm happy you liked it, but I'm sorry for the mix up. I wanted to make her seem like a moderately normal person, you know? But I had to sneak in the personality that we all know and love somewhere in here.

    Ugh, I know, right? He's so cute, ugh.

    I'm trying to make this full of unsuspected twists and turns and Parker's development happens to be one of them. I mean, there's a really really big one a few chapters away, but it's kind of an obvious one. Or not, I don't know.

    She does but that's what makes her so... I don't know, interesting. She'll sort herself out eventually, just...not right now.

    The party's gonna be interesting, just to say the least. c:
    October 27th, 2011 at 12:51pm
  • I guess you're right. I will but it doesn't mean I like to. I don't know, I'm weird. I'll try to take your advice.
    October 27th, 2011 at 12:40am
  • Hehe, I guess. I don't know, it just bothers me to take breaks like this because it feels like I'm letting people down.
    Aw, well at least somebody likes it. Speaking of the way I write and my signature, I updated, hehe. c: Ooh, fancy. Well, I hope you get to take as many necessary things as you can with you and that you have a lovely time at Disney. Maybe I will, I don't know. Oh, that's great! c: I hope she has nice time too.
    October 25th, 2011 at 09:10pm
  • Yeah, but this one's kind of my favorite, I guess. haha. c:
    That's good to hear. Not that you stop writing every once in a while, but that I'm not the only person who does it.
    I guess. I like writing long chapters though, I don't know.
    I feel exactly the same way. I cringe when I look at my older works, eek. :o
    I have it just so I know what I stand for, what I'm trying to accomplish, and that I'm in under no circumstances, unbelievably cliche. And I mean, yeah, I have morals, which is why I don't write certain kinds of things, but my writing just... I don't know. I like doing it a certain way. I'm weird.
    I'm so jealous, I've always wanted to go to Disney. I'm so happy for you! :D Disney sounds like it'll be loads of fun, and I'm pretty sure that anything is better than going home and working. It sounds like you're pretty excited about it. I hope things work out! :')
    October 25th, 2011 at 12:57pm
  • Oh thanks, but I changed back, haha. c:
    I've had a nice few days thinking up ideas and the like, yes.
    Oh, really? Thank you! :D I know what you mean, like it just seems that the author just didn't feel like trying at all and you're just like really what is this go away. It gets under my skin when my chapters are too short, because it feels like, oh my god, I've been writing for how long now and I've only written this much? -.-
    You'll see, hehe. c:
    Freddie's here because somebody needs to be fabulous in this story.
    It wasn't my older stuff was cutesy, it was just [i]bad[/i]. Like last night, for example, I read through some of my old manuscripts/drafts out of boredom and I was just like, I couldn't have written this, what was I thinking?! So yeah, I kind of started tossing a few ideas around and kind of made a new writing philosophy for myself, namely, not being such a little ninny that wrote like the world was some crazy Disney-esque movie.

    October 23rd, 2011 at 09:12pm
    Yeah, hiatus.
    It's a short break that'll let ideas fester and pool in my head. It's good for me and hopefully for the story too. :') Wait what no, it wasn't foreboding, calm down.

    I wasn't trying to be foreboding either, hehe. This hiatus just [i]happened[/i] but it'll be over soon, so yeah.

    I wasn't planning for Frost either. He was more like filler material because with out him the chapter wouldn't have made it past 1,500 words so yeah. I don't know, I think that's too short, so...yeah. Flashbacks~

    Parker's reaction was... well... I don't know. I was just being lazy, honestly, but I think you just gave me an idea, so [i]thank you[/i].

    Freddie's just perfect period, mmhm.

    And Frost? Yeah, like I said before, more filler material, hehe. c:<

    I don't like gushy cute things, honestly, which is why most of this is going to be all drama and stuff. I just don't do cute well, I think. When I do think up something cute, it usually comes out stupid, so...yeah.

    But thanks again. I don't know when I'll be off hiatus but I have a feeling it'll be soon, so just hold on tight until then. :')
    October 18th, 2011 at 12:26pm
  • hiya! just a reminder than the deadline to my Disney contest is in a little over a week. If you need an extension, let me know!
    October 8th, 2011 at 12:25am
  • I think they will. c:

    It's the greatest show of all time, seriously.

    Exactly! You might as well embrace it right? If you can't beat them, join them. ;D

    Well, yeah, I guess. It's not bad to have patience, y'know.

    Oh, that sounds...interesting, haha. I've never been to one of those before.
    October 4th, 2011 at 11:54pm
  • It's alright. I'm kind of stoic too sometimes and people are kind of turned off by it, but I can't bring myself to care.

    i love that show so much omg. c:

    Change is good. Constancy, meh. Sometimes.
    It gets boring, though.

    oh my god yes.

    I like challenging myself, you know? How far can I really go?

    Patience is good, it helps build things up and...yeah.

    Oh, thanks so much!
    Sorry that this is so spacey, I'm like so brain dead right now. sigh. ._.
    October 1st, 2011 at 07:04pm
  • You're welcome! :D
    They just can't handle it.

    Yep. Just gotta keep waiting, you know, because there are plenty of fish in the sea. ;D

    I like constancy as much as the next person, but constancy may equal monotony and I can't stand monotony. So, yeah, versatility is something that you'll see often in this story. :)

    [i]Spoiler: it might.[/i]

    Parker's just useful, hehe.

    Perspective is something I like playing around with, I don't know. I like seeing what I can come up with.

    It won't end for at least ten to fifteen more chapters, so hang on and bear with me. I have the ending planned out to the last damn sentence, and it's going to be so fantastic, ugh. You'll love it.
    It'll be...interesting, that's for sure.

    Thank you! :D
    September 30th, 2011 at 04:53am
    you're pricless

    It's not wrong to enjoy it, thank you, hehe. :) I think we're in the same boat, it probably won't happen to me and if it does, it won't be any time soon. I think, anyway.

    I wanted to show a pretty side of Izzie, a side we don't see often enough. Eh. I try switching things up every once in awhile.

    Yeah, I think I mentioned them before, but just in case I didn't, she has a slight case of depressive anxiety, so yeah. She takes anxiety pills.

    I love Parker sometimes, hehe. He's useful ish~

    I don't really care much but about people in general either, but you're right. They were pretty damn persuasive. Thank you, haha! I'm just trying to think about it like this: what would I do? I think that, in some ways, this is kind of introspective.

    Sort of.

    If I did, how could I torture you with all my uncalled for spoilers? HOW.

    I hope so, anyway.
    Thank you! :D
    September 27th, 2011 at 11:05pm