vintage hearts; / Comments

  • kahlo

    kahlo (100)

    United States
    Or, y'know, have [i]heart[/i]. I'm not witty, I know.
    Exactly. It's one of the few areas where you actually have a say in what happens, where you can paint a world of rainbows and sun or a world of rain and gloom. hehe, yeah. No more spoilers for now! :3
    It is.
    I know, not everybody can be happy and not every one [i]will[/i] be happy because that's just not realistic. It's a part of life, we need to accept it and move on. I've actually never seen it, hehe. I have to get around to it, I know.
    IT IS.
    I DO! Her name is Faith and she's adfjkslfj so amazing, ugh, I love her. :3 You don't need editing, it's lovely. :3
    WHY? BECAUSE I CAN. Actually, no because I want to switch things up, hehe.
    Ah. I see. Well, that's good. I [i]do[/i] want to wait too. I have high standards, and the people in this town are just [i]ew ew ew ew[/i] so yeah. Besides, I have my whole life ahead of me, that stuff can wait. I have better things to do, like write about freddie and frankie, ;D I know the feeling. So many girls here are in such a rush to grow up and I'm like SLOW YO' ROLL AND ENJOY BEING YOUNG. Like, really? What's the rush?!
    thaaaaaaaank you, you too. :')
    August 20th, 2011 at 01:34am
  • kahlo

    kahlo (100)

    United States
    YEP. I can't have her ending up with Frost! What other boy...? Freddie?
    I'm having too much fun with this, really. Sometimes complicated and tough can be a good thing.
    I know. My last story was a tragedy and ugh, it just brought me down every time I wrote for it. Meh. This one's better, though. :3
    I suppose that it can be a little difficult and I do try to see things through the eyes of some people who don't know what's going on exactly. The only people who know what's happening is Faith, my editor, and me, so...yeah, hehe. THIS STORY IS FULL OF SURPRISES. kind of. I try, hehe. I don't know, I just wanted to try something new because the one before this was written from an omniscient third person (sort of) and I was really sick of it and... eh. I prefer first person, but I might switch up perspectives sometime maybe two or three chapters soon. >:)
    I don't care about needs, I'd rather wait. If he doesn't like it, he doesn't like it. Oh well.
    I'm working on it, heh. :3
    August 19th, 2011 at 11:37pm
  • kahlo

    kahlo (100)

    United States
    Thanks again, lol. :3
    I was trying to be crafty.
    Spoiler, she's not ending up with Frost. I can guarantee it. >:D IT WILL BE HAPPY. MAYBE. YEAH, IT WILL. :3 I'm tired of tragedies.
    We might see more of them eventually, I'm not sure yet, so maybe you'll be able to form an opinion.
    Look at you being all perceptive~~ I'm getting to that, meh. She'll talk about it in like...two or three chapters, maybe, so we'll see. She does try though.
    I think everybody hates Frost, hehe, so you're not alone.
    Yeah, thanks. I was trying to like make her a bit different than the girls that are normally written about, those girls that open their legs for everybody and then regret it later on. Mmhm. I don't like the 'needs' concept either.
    I know, right?
    I might. I don't know. A little cliche never hurt anybody. Next chapter is going to be full of comic relief, I think, because I want a good laugh. :')
    I like puzzles. c: All will be revealed...eventually. hehe. Thanks again! :D
    August 19th, 2011 at 08:05pm
  • kahlo

    kahlo (100)

    United States
    Oh, I see. :o I hope you didn't lose too much. It sounds like you had the stressful day. :c
    Aw, thank you. :')
    August 19th, 2011 at 07:16pm
  • kahlo

    kahlo (100)

    United States
    Aw, thank you. :')
    What's wrong?
    I hope you feel better?
    August 19th, 2011 at 06:41pm
  • kahlo

    kahlo (100)

    United States
    I was just trying to be efficient and combine my replies, hehe. French is okay. It's kind of like Spanish, and I speak it already so it's just like, oh. okay, where's all the excitement? French guys are pretty cute, so hopefully learning French'll do me [i]some[/i] good. Ooh. Sounds cool. It doesn't matter, you still took it, right? :3
    Oh, yeah? That's nice. I hope that works out for you.
    Exactly! People were made this way for a reason, so we should just embrace it and try to capture it the best way we possibly can. Exactly! Not everybody is a hateful wench or an overly peppy person, and people need to come to terms with that.
    There might not be a happy ending, but I'm pretty sure there's going to be because my last story was kind of a tragedy so...yeah, I'm kind of in the mood for happier things.
    OH NO. GOODNESS NO. That's way, way long. At most it'll be forty chapters. Maybe. I DON'T WANT TO THINK ABOUT IT ENDING THOUGH. This story's my baby. :3
    I know, right? It was honestly, one of the most comfortable things I've ever done. :') It was really cool. I don't know, but if I ever enough money (which I'm not planning to, but let's just say I do) I'm buying a camel. Novelty or not. It was cool, haha.
    YOU'RE WELCOME? hehe. Yeah, for me last year's set list was the best, but eh. I hope next year's is better. Aw, you poor thing. :c It sounds worth it, though.
    No, actually, I'm one of those awkwardly tall people that sometimes trip over air and aren't athletic in any sense of the word. I like to run and maybe I'll do cross-country this year, but eh. Athletic, no. I'm sorry to disappoint.
    Yeah, ignorant kids for a whole semester. Yikes.
    You're welcome too. :3
    I always try being honest and some people take offense to it. I'm just like, op. You can't handle the truth. I don't really like coffee either, but I really can't do anything in the morning until I have my bagel. Seriously, I just, I get in such a terrible mood. meh.
    Not yet. Soon. >:)
    I KNOW I JUST. I'm going to find a kid like him someday. Not here, 'cause everybody here is just gross and ew and mehhhhh. But somewhere. ANYWAY. Ooh. WE DO LOVE CUTE PEOPLE.
    There's such a shortage.
    Well, if she finds somebody who's perfect, she should alert the press. My sassy snap has been known to come around every once in a while.
    ::sassy snap:
    I try and strive for realism. Thanks for noticing and you're totally right. Not everybody is calm, cool and collected every minute of the day - not even Frankie. Unbelievable, I know.
    IT HAD TO. SEE, exactly, I'd be like what no I have to rewrite this.
    She's that cool, she subtly brings things in with her dramaticalness~~
    Well, they need to balance each other out. At least she has freddie? hehe. >:D
    NO, I CAN'T CAUSE IF I DO THEN I JUST RUIN THE WHOLE THING D: wait it out, it'll be fabulous. :')
    August 13th, 2011 at 12:51am
  • kahlo

    kahlo (100)

    United States
    MERCI, MADMOISELLE~~~ (I took two years of french, hehe)
    FEEL SPECIAL. THAT STORY IS AMAZING. I love it. I'm still reading it but I love it. :3
    EXACTLY. I don't think that people have realistic expectations of people in their stories. People are just that, people, and we need to stop making them out to be deformed and horrid looking or plastic and what have you. I think you're right. I'm just trying to be as realistic as possible and I try to think about how I would feel or how any of my other friends would feel if they were in Frankie's shoes. Then again, I'd probably cut Sarah, so...yeah. But yeah, everybody has things that they're not comfortable with, y'know?
    Not really.
    I do have plans, though, so I'm think at [i]least[/i] twenty chapters. IT'S GONNA BE GOOD. :3 I hope.
    I know the feeling. There are some stories that we give ourselves into and some people just don't see it that way. We can either cut them or move on. Eh.
    It was so funny, oh my god. It was cool though, I liked it. I passed the red pandas on the way and I was just like, aw, look at them being all adorable~~ IT WAS AWESOME. It wasn't really that awkward, it was actually kind of comfortable. If I had to do it again, I would. :')
    Warped, if I'm not mistaken. YOU'RE LUCKY OKAY. I mean, I wanted to go last year, but I couldn't, and a lot of bands that I liked weren't on this year's tour but it's still warped so... :c meh. There's always next year.
    I've been five nine since the eighth grade, so... yeah. I UNDERSTAND. It's a hardknock life, y'know?
    I'm the same way, people usually just look at me oddly until I finish and I just stare at my fingernails or somewhere else until the awkward air dissipates. Yep. I used to do that a lot in my history class (but I was stuck with the class full of a bunch of ignorant kids, so it was kind of a given) so...yeah. I'm used to it now.
    You'll be unexpected one day! :D

    Was it really, thank you! I LIKE YOUR RANTS. Frankie doesn't talk to anybody properly until she has coffee. That's just what she does. It doesn't sound dirty. I'm trying to figure that one out now lol.
    SARAH'S A... She needs to go. >.>
    I would probably just stand there and slap around in my head a few times. >:) HE'S A BABE. I know. I just want to take him and hug him and just keep him in my room forever~~ He's so adorable. :') I know gah. WHAT AM I GONNA DO WITH THIS KID.
    I think you're talking about Freddie...? BUT YEAH. I KNOW. He has problems~~ but so does everybody. His problem is just a crazy, split-personality blonde mess. It's alright.
    ::sassy snap:
    Yeah, you're right. Like I said before, I'm trying to make her as realistic as I possibly can. All of us have those things that make us feel a bit inadequate or not quite right.
    AW. I know. I couldn't do the fair without the bear and pictures though, I couldn't resist. I'm cool like that. OKAY BUT WE NEED IZZIE'S NOSINESS. I mean, if she wasn't nosy--
    I'll stop myself here. hehe. I can't give it all away now, can I? >:)
    August 12th, 2011 at 10:35pm
  • kahlo

    kahlo (100)

    United States
    Agh, sorry for being so non-existant as of late.
    It [i]is[/i] a nice feeling, hm? EXACTLY! That's what I'm saying. People need to stop painting girls like they're Disney princesses or something. They need to start painting them like they [i]truly[/i] are.
    It's going to be fairly long, we're just starting to really get into the story. I have so many ideas for this, it's just wild.
    That's nice. I have friends who do that too, but we usually end up ranting about our favorite characters, hehe.
    I saw the red pandas, and I rode a camel. IT WAS AWESOME, OKAY? It was so cool, I want to go back again. :3 I took a bunch of pictures too, so hopefully they'll tide me over. :3 YOU WENT?! OH MY GOD. How'd it go?
    I look older than sixteen, so it's usually kind of embarrassing when I go places and they think I'm way older than I actually am. Like, one day, for example, I went to the mall with a friend of mine and her little brother, who's only two, I think, and all these people gave me the strangest look whenever I was pushing his stroller. I don't know if they thought I was his mom or what, but yeah. I think it's 'cause I'm freakishly tall, but whatever. This'll come in handy one day, just like looking like you can still order of the kids menu, hehe. >:D
    BUT SPONTANEOUS AND UNEXPECTED RANTS ARE THE BEST! They catch people off guard and stuff. It's a good thing, don't worry about it, hehe. :3
    August 12th, 2011 at 03:26pm
  • stallion ducky;

    stallion ducky; (100)

    United States
    Oh, no! D:
    I hope that everything is okay with your cousin! That sounds absolutely horrible.
    Yep, writing has been okay. And I'll talk to you tomorrow <3
    August 10th, 2011 at 04:15am
  • lovely youth

    lovely youth (100)

    hehe, thanks. i've never seen them in concert, so i'm super excited.
    they didn't come to my city during warped because alex forgot his passport on a plane to la. so i had this huge grudge against them for the longest time, and me and my friend are making a sign complaining about it haha.
    August 9th, 2011 at 07:00am
  • Lucille Ball.

    Lucille Ball. (100)

    United States
    this is random, I know, but I figured I'd ask considering you write about the people that would make sense to be in this contest. But, no hard feelings or anything if you can't/won't/ or just don't want to.
    August 8th, 2011 at 06:52am
  • from eden

    from eden (100)

    United States
    That's actually really, [I]really[/I] cool. I've never read anything like that! Wow, it's such a unique idea, haha. Now I'm even more stoked to read They Call Me Crazy! I'm on chapter five at the moment, but no doubt in an hour or two, I'll be even farther into it lol. Thank you for the explanation!!
    August 8th, 2011 at 06:51am
  • kahlo

    kahlo (100)

    United States
    Aw, don't feel confused. It's okay, lol.
    It's okay, a lot of people feel that way apparently, haha.
    Oh, thank you! I'm trying, heh. I'm just trying to make her as realistic as possible, because, honestly? I'm tired of reading about sniveling little girls whining about petty crap all the damn time or acting like they're made out of steel. You're welcome, I try my best. :')
    Patience is a virtue. :D IT'S GONNA BE GOOD. I was planning out the ending last night and I was so, so excited. :3 I can't wait.
    Ahah, I know the feeling! I always try to tell people what I think about their story instead of just encouraging them to update again, because that doesn't really help them, y'know? I do appreciate the occasional person who urges me to comment and only does so, 'cause I guess that means that they care about the story to some degree.
    I might be going to the Philadelphia Zoo on Tuesday with my mom. :') I hope so.
    Exactly, I totally get what you're saying. People place way too much importance on numbers and ages, instead of who the person really is. Ranting's the best. We all do it sometimes.
    August 8th, 2011 at 02:59am
  • kahlo

    kahlo (100)

    United States
    What point would there be in team freddie without team frankie? C'MON NOW. They can't be on the same side, though, 'cause then I have no story.
    Yeah, I do. Thank you! I'm trying to make her as realistic as I possibly can and most girls are kind of somewhere in the middle of the 'frail-totally strong' spectrum. DAMN STRIAGHT. She's gotta represent, obviously.
    SORT OF IS RIGHT. I mean, you're kind of close, but not really. It might involve robots. You don't know.
    Thank you! I appreciate it, really, but I get where you're coming from. I feel that way too sometimes. It always makes me smile a little when somebody cares enough to even say 'omg plzz update dis sooonnnnn!!!111!!!' It's the thought that counts, right?
    Yeah, it was. Sorry for the late reply, btw. I was supposed to be going to New York this weekend and some things came up and I had to stay home. -.- I turned sixteen. I still feel like I'm fifteen though, hah. Congrats! :D
    You're welcome, and thanks again, darling. :')
    August 7th, 2011 at 12:55am
  • kahlo

    kahlo (100)

    United States
    I went there.
    cough. er, anyway.
    RIGHT I KNOW they will. Well, maybe just Sarah, hehe. >:) Frankie has sass, that's why she wore her own sweater. mmhm.
    I don't write characters that are as strong as she is all too often, which is [i]why[/i] I love writing Frankie's character. hehe. :3 I'd probably make up an excuse too, I'm easily intimidated... ._. anyway!
    Thank you, lovey! c: Aw, you're welcome. I was planning on posting anyway, this story's my baby. :')
    IT'S COMIN' OKAY. lol, I want to build up to it. It's gonna get good. You're kind of on the right track. Sort of.
    Things might get a little bit cleared up in the next chapter, so look out for that. Thanks again, darling! :3 Your comment made my day.
    August 5th, 2011 at 09:58pm
  • WarDrums

    WarDrums (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    You're very welcome!! =D
    August 2nd, 2011 at 06:35pm
  • deanna13

    deanna13 (100)

    United States
    Wow now that is pretty crazy.
    Do you even want to go to that college
    and Idaho that is crazy dude I would
    just want to die. But hey its nice going
    to new places and trying out new things.
    Also did you ever beg your parents to let you
    go to high school?
    August 2nd, 2011 at 08:52am
  • kahlo

    kahlo (100)

    United States
    Ahah. Well I don't blame you, really, a lot of people think it's okay to just repeat a cliche plot like it's no big deal. I try to not report people unless there's something [i]glaringly[/i] wrong. Eh.
    August 2nd, 2011 at 01:36am
  • SummerJazLyrics

    SummerJazLyrics (100)

    August 1st, 2011 at 11:37pm
  • SummerJazLyrics

    SummerJazLyrics (100)

    Yeah, John's birthday is the 4th. I'll be a little birthday Cale slut the next couple of days ;)
    August 1st, 2011 at 11:37pm