
Today, for the first time since last September, I've gotten a haircut. Also for the first time since...uh, let's see...fifth grade, my hair is actually boy-short again. Now I remember why I never wanted to cut my hair that short since then. I look like a boy...and yet somewhat like an older woman. That still doesn't mean I like it much.The hairdresser lady was skilled, but...ergh, she cut it too...
September 6th, 2009 at 04:34am

Made it Two-Thirds Through the Recent Twilight Book

I didn't buy "Breaking Dawn" (thank goodness) because I decided that it wasn't worth wasting my money, but I managed to read the majority of it in the bookstore and skim through the romance and just read the important plot part (if you can call them that). I think I skipped through the "sex" scene, which in my opinion means that it was VERY uneventful, and somehow went through the honeymoon bored....
August 29th, 2009 at 02:33am

My Novel's First Chapter

For about more than two weeks, I have been working on my first chapter for my novel and I'm about three-quarters done with it. Finally! It's been so many sleepless nights that I've been working on this chapter. If this is what it means to be an author, then wow, am I in for a bumpy ride!It's hard to concentrate on writing it by hand, though. This is especially because I'm easily distracted...
August 24th, 2009 at 01:39am

Worst Nightmare in my Life

I can't believe something like this would come as a dream! I'd rather not remember what happened right before it because it's weird enough, but it would explain some things. But really...the emotional level in that dream was REAL. Too real.From what I could remember is that waaay back in the depths of that dream was that I was in California, I think, and I was shopping for some clothes with my...
August 14th, 2009 at 07:10pm

Restless Fauna

I don't know if it has to do with the dark weather outside or if some thing's up with the wilderness, but lots of animals keep popping up wherever I go today.The first one appeared after I took my senior pictures at school. I had gotten into my friend's new, blue car and saw a little dragonfly trying to hit the windshield. I'm pretty sure it wasn't suicidal, but from what I experienced before, it...
August 12th, 2009 at 10:19pm

Gosh Darn You, Stephanie Meyers!

I swear, I'm becoming a vampire with all these late-night reading sessions and sleeping through the morning until it's the afternoon. It's getting annoying now, almost, and I can't believe that they're THAT addicting. This is my first all-nighter with this series and I have to say, Eclipse's ending was...mediocre in a way. Humph. If you're going to make the best parts during the middle of the...
August 10th, 2009 at 03:22pm

Childhood Friend's Debut

Ah, my feet are now clean from any dirt it had picked up from dancing with my shoes off and I smell less sweaty than before, and now my hair isn't curly any more. My make-up is already washed off (Thank God!!) and now I feel all washed and clean for sleep. Still, the party was fun (though a pain to get ready for).Let's start the story with what happened a few months before, shall we? It was June...
August 9th, 2009 at 07:12am

Huzzah for New Moon!

Yesterday I got the second book to the Twilight series and managed to finish it late last night, meaning two o'clock in the morning. The first one I managed to read in two days (if you look at hour-wise, it wasn't even half a day that I finished it). In any case, because Jacob was mostly in it, I was squealing like a rabid fan girl most of the time I was reading, but that's probably no surprise...
August 6th, 2009 at 09:41pm

Oh, God, I read Twilight!

I have to say, very good story plot, but then again...TOO MUSHY. Aggh! Edward doesn't sound like a normal guy(well, of course, he isn't, but still)!! Throughout the reading I was muttering under my breath for Bella to fucking kick him in the balls for being a jerk and usually putting down my book in order to imagine what I'd do in Bella's situation. ...which always ended up with slitting Edward's...
August 5th, 2009 at 05:02am

Taylor Lautner Crush

I'm such a silly little girl to even think about celebrity crushes, in my opinion, yet...I've fallen for Twilight's Taylor Lautner. Sure, he has a nice body and is quite sexy and handsome, but...I don't know, it's just that I don't want to just read about what he's like. I want to actually meet him and see...if I could ever have a chance to be with him. It is quite foolish and wishful, but I'd be...
July 30th, 2009 at 07:41am

Party Fun on My Grandmother's B-day

Despite the title, my grandmother is dead, so we didn't really celebrate her birthday. Still, it was only two years ago that she died, so we at least visited her grave before church on Sunday. But the day before we celebrated her death day. Yes, my grandmother died the day BEFORE her birthday, which in my opinion is a really suckish day to die.Anyways, before she died, we would almost have a party...
June 23rd, 2008 at 05:57pm