namine melfina

namine melfina
United States
Joined date
June 23rd, 2008


Haiyo and welcome to mein profile! As you can see, I like to speak in really weird foreign-like phrases, just because I can!

To start, my name's Laura Fajardo and I'm a senior this year. I'm comfortable to tell you my name, just as long as you're not a perverted stalker. Otherwise, I may have to hunt you down and kill you. ...JK.

Me? I was born in September of 1992 and born a pure-blooded Filipino. How I wish that wasn't so. Why you ask? Because Filipinos are notoriously short, and damn, I'm probably the shortest there is in my generation. I'm...4'8", so for a senior in high school, I'm a pixie. ...GRRRR!! It's not fun at all... The only time it could be is when I get food from begging and mooching off other people when I beg them for some. Oh, and as soon as I go to one, I'll probably get discounted stuff from conventions because thankfully, I'm cute (at least, that's what my friends say...they lie somewhat) and small, which is the best combo to have as a person if you're short.

Before, I wanted to be an astronomer for my major, but after taking the SAT and my junior year...I finally realize that math and science are NOT my forte. But writing is, so I'm definitely going to become an author. My forte in literature is poetry, but I can do pretty well at writing short stories and fan fiction. I'm trying to write some novel material, though. Wish me luck on that, ok? I'm going to need it, considering I have a tendency to be distracted most of the time.

After I graduate and earn some money, I'm going to pay for my violin lessons, as well as take up martial arts once again and hopefully dancing as well. ...then I can be a ninja! Kidding...possibly.

My hobbies include writing stories and poems, as well as fan fictions. I can cook adequately enough (onion soup and pasta are my best dishes). I also have tendencies to read about the occult, but not...really participate in anything cultish. I like to crochet (when I feel like it) and sometimes I do a lot of arts & crafts projects when I have enough junk in my room to make stuff (my proudest creation is a doll house I made out of a shoebox and lots of cardboard). I loved reading since I was little, but I can't seem to find time during the school year to really read.

If I could describe myself in just words? Well, here's an equation instead:
Unique= Library Nerd+Fight Enthusiast (Martial Arts)+Overachiever+Adventurer+Innocent<--->Sadistic= ??? Schizo? 'O.o

Uh...I'm currently single and not really planning to have a boyfriend unless I know you personally or you're Taylor Lautner or Tom Felton.

Favorite anime characters: Riku (KH), Albel (SO3), Kratos and Yuan (ToS), Chester (ToP), Chaos (AI2), Arlin (AI1), Sesshomaru and Naraku (Inuyasha), and Hiei, Kurama, Touya, and Jin (YYH)

Favorite Book Characters: Draco Malfoy ( I really have to say where he's from?), Jacob Black (Twilight)
Gaia username: namine melfina
Youtube username: khdarknessinfusedcat