
in life there are ups and downs but with out thoughs ups and downs they don't make you. In life there is death and there is brith one with out the other is bad. but no one really wants to die who dose? there is so much to live for. but if life is cut short from you just think of all the good things you leave behind in the world. make sure the people in your live love you for you and the one you...
June 12th, 2009 at 12:42am

yess i fell wanted in the world

finally after about a good half a year looking of a job i finally got one. i work in deperment store so i'm happy about that sorry if i don't get to talk to you people on here alot only b\c know i have school and also then i go to work so so just wait i'll be on soon.but that means like my stroys that i have on here may take even longer to get then on here so just wait and thanks i'm so happy...
September 7th, 2008 at 10:47pm

oh my god i can't belive that they did that

i can't belive that warner brother had move the movie Harry Potter and the half blood prince from novber (SP?) 15 to July 17 2009 that like a hole year and that really suck b\c it had tom felton which play Draco malfoy in the movie and thta importent because that movie if its base on the book it should have a lot more Draco :) but i have to wait a hole year till that summer and that just not...
August 15th, 2008 at 07:44pm