Nena / Comments

  • DoneWriting

    DoneWriting (100)

    Yeah, yeahhh.
    I'm taking like normal vitamins right now.
    My mom refuses to pay for the good ones.
    I don't really mind though.
    My hair grows fast enough as it is.
    Like I've probably grown four or five inches in two months.
    June 26th, 2008 at 11:07pm
  • DoneWriting

    DoneWriting (100)

    I know EXACTLY what you mean.
    Except, none of my mom's friends are brilliant hairstylists, and I'm absolute shit with cutting hair.
    I'm amazing at dying, extensions, anything but cutting.
    So, I've stopped bothering to get the layers I want. -_-
    Plus, I'm trying to grow it out to be about as long as Audrey Kitchings, but not the same color or anything like that, and I've got a bit to go.
    So not messing with it is probably better.
    June 25th, 2008 at 11:57pm
  • DoneWriting

    DoneWriting (100)

    Haha, exactly.
    I have a crazy obsession with Edward Norton, and I think Brad Pitt is brilliant in that movie. :]
    I could really talk about it all day, but I'll spare you.
    I went through a phase where it was seriously the only movie I every wanted to watch.
    Luckily I've branched out a bit. :]
    So, I know you probably get asked this a billion times, but do you cut your own hair, or do you get it done somewhere?
    June 25th, 2008 at 11:41pm
  • DoneWriting

    DoneWriting (100)

    Not as cute as Jack Barakat.
    Or Jeph Howard.
    Or a lot of people for that matter, but he's alright.
    I have weird tastes in guys though.
    Yeah, I think so.
    I'm not sure though. /:
    I've seen a lot of scary movies, and the lamer ones all kind of blend together.
    My favorite movie of all time is Fight Club. :]]
    June 25th, 2008 at 06:24am
  • DoneWriting

    DoneWriting (100)

    Ahaha, noooooo.
    Btw, I like your background. :]
    I just started an Oli Sykes story actually.
    How are you?
    June 24th, 2008 at 09:07pm
  • DoneWriting

    DoneWriting (100)

    Hello, my name is Samantha.
    I wanted to say welcome to Mibba.
    & your hair is gorgeous, for lack of a better word. :]
    June 24th, 2008 at 06:28am