riellybabie101 / Comments

  • juicy

    juicy (100)

    United States
    Fuck aim. && msn.
    July 15th, 2008 at 03:25am
  • juicy

    juicy (100)

    United States
    Sick. I'll be sure to. My phone's on my lap yo.
    And...I was about to say something but I completely forgot.
    Oh yeah. You should get msn.
    It's like aim but..not. haha. But aim doesn't work on my computer. Only msn does. And everyone I talk to on there is either retarded or a rapist. And then there are the people that don't even talk.
    It's easier than this shit...
    July 15th, 2008 at 03:00am
  • juicy

    juicy (100)

    United States
    I just went. Yo. You have the wrong number. And hung up.
    He's still going out with that whore.
    And you know what? He knows my cousin. Yeah. And I just noticed that. I was looking through her pictures on facebook and saw one that said -- Me and Cliff after Swirl. Hoes.
    I kind of forgot that they were both seniors...
    Damn her. I should get her to kill Rachel and then hook up me and Cliff. lol. Nahhhh. That wouldn't be very nice.
    July 15th, 2008 at 02:49am
  • juicy

    juicy (100)

    United States
    Someone's fucking calling me and I don't know who it is.
    July 15th, 2008 at 02:28am
  • juicy

    juicy (100)

    United States
    No. I wasn't sick. I just felt like throwing up.
    FUCK ME! OMFG. That little whore.
    Why. Why. Why. Why.
    I only got your message now. I was fucking playing Halo like a douche bag all day. Fuck me. Fuck Cliff.
    Yeah. We need to walk in together. I'll ask my mom about the party later...because she's kind of mad at me at the moment.
    She wants me to vaccum the kitchen and I'm like. haha. No.

    God. Fuck Cliff.
    I would. But. I think he's still going out with Rachel.
    OHFUCK. I have to go check his facebook.
    I keep saying fuck.
    July 15th, 2008 at 02:26am
  • juicy

    juicy (100)

    United States
    I would just like to let you know that I will not be able to make it to the concert. I have decided that I hate concerts...


    Nah. jk. I just wanted to make you mad for a breif second. Because, come on. We both know that were about to magically learn to fly and come over here to kick my ass. But yeah. I don't know if I can make it to Rae's party. Because my mom might be taking us somewhere that day. But, I'll try to make her let me go.
    And....who else is going? Like all of these RCA people that we don't know? haha. We're going to be alone like fags. And I'm going to wear my bathing suit with no shorts on so that everyone can almost see me naked. It's going to be great. Duuuude. I want to go with you so that we don't have to walk in like fags...alone. haha.
    Why am I writing this? I was just like really bored. I'm sitting on my bed eating pocky and listening to music while Matt and mom are at the hospital. And..I'm waiting for 3 to roll around so I can watch TRL. And..that's pretty much my day.

    Last night I felt like shit. I felt like I had a freaking hangover or something. I almost threw up like ten times but I have skills and I held it in by eating goldfish and drinking water. And my head hurt so bad that I almost cried. It was just sad that I wasn't able to spend that painful time with you.
    The next time we get drunk. haha. I'm going to sleep over your house so the next morning we can wake up in pain together. Alex and Jack by our sides. And possibly Cliff. But he has the ridiculous tendency to NOT be at your house when I am. The bastard.

    I'm through. I need a drink. I'm like choking on this food.
    July 14th, 2008 at 07:07pm
  • Hurley.Hoe

    Hurley.Hoe (100)

    United States
    i updated
    i wont be able to update until this weekend, cause im going on vacationnn
    July 14th, 2008 at 04:39am
  • juicy

    juicy (100)

    United States
    What's wrong with that kid?
    He's never there when I am.
    July 13th, 2008 at 11:31pm
  • juicy

    juicy (100)

    United States
    Oh. He rocks mine too.
    And...Let's not tell anyone about that whole Rian thing.
    It would ruin our rep. haha.
    You analyze that shit Taylor. Doooooo it.
    July 13th, 2008 at 07:18pm
  • juicy

    juicy (100)

    United States
    They were freaking good times. They were.
    I just watched Dear Maria again..and I really forgot what a great video it was in the...two or three weeks I haven't watched it in.
    I would like to take this time to analyze and critique it.
    Zack. I am sorry to say. Looks like a douchebag through out the whole things. idky. It just looks to be that way.
    I want to squeeze Rian's cheeks, which, as you know, is uncharacteristic behavior for me. He just looks like a cute little kid that you want to hug.
    And Jack. Well Jack is Jack. And he liked the macarena. I want to do things with him unsuitable for typing on a Mibba comment.
    And Alex..I just want to plain and simple fuck him. All night. He's so hot in this video. He looks the hottest when he's with the monkey. haha. Even though that monkey should be MEMEMEMEMEME. *ahem*
    And I love when Alex fights Alex. Because I just want to get all up in the middle of that and you know. Make babies.
    And. Those are the conclusions I've come to.
    And. Fucking Maria looks like a turdy douche. And I'm not just saying that because she's the person who Alex and shit likes in the video...and that she's have naked. She just looks ridiculously stupid. She looks like a retarded lost puppy that needs to put some clothes on. Just watch it and look at her face. I garentee that by the end, you WILL feel the urge to punch a baby.
    July 13th, 2008 at 07:01pm
  • juicy

    juicy (100)

    United States
    I already did. I said I was. Attending. Because I'm sexy. Even though I didn't ask my mom yet. haha.
    And what are you doing on the computer at this time of day?
    Yo. I want to go in your flippen pool again. Psh. My mom and Matt are at gamestop and I am 'sleeping'.
    lmao. Vagina.
    July 13th, 2008 at 06:50pm
  • juicy

    juicy (100)

    United States
    DAMN. I'm bored.
    I was just on facebook and my aunt messages me and goes. GO TO BED.
    So, I just exed it out. Because it's late. I'll just tell her that I wasn't on. That my thing is always signed in. haha. She's mean. I just thought you should know. I'm going to bed now.
    July 13th, 2008 at 08:19am
  • juicy

    juicy (100)

    United States
    Oh. I know what you mean homie.
    Dude. Seriously. We should call Alex and be like. We're going to have a party at Taylor's house. You should come there instead. haha. And I would be right over. Unless you and Zack are busy. haha. Then me and Jack can have our own party. The only problem is...there would only be three people. Well. It's better than being at stupid whore big boobed Kayla's house. Although Alex might like that...
    You think I should go get some breast implants? I'll take a picture of them and show you. haha. jk. Like you don't know what they look like already. Psssssssshhhh.

    What did that guy in the video say? Hold on. I'm going to go watch it and then type it here.


    Oh yeah. The guy says. 'Maybe so.' haha. It would have been hotter if Oli said it.

    I'm through. Jack is bugging me. haha. He needs some sex. jkjk. He wants me to help him with...his...pant zipper.
    jk. He wants a cup of....VAGINA!...water. And. I'm gonna go get that for him. Right now.
    July 13th, 2008 at 03:33am
  • juicy

    juicy (100)

    United States
    You're quite rude. I can't believe you would send me such a vulgar video. I am appalled.
    Jack got here finally. He said Alex was at this stupid chicks party. I think her name's Kayla. We should fuck her up.
    July 13th, 2008 at 03:00am
  • juicy

    juicy (100)

    United States
    Ohh heyyy Zack. Well Jack isn't here yet and I'm too lazy to call him.

    Maybe we are high or somthing. Or drunks.

    lmao. I just remembered when you were like everytime I read about Jack he's an alcoholic. haha.

    HAHAHAHAHAHA Let's make out.
    July 13th, 2008 at 02:45am
  • juicy

    juicy (100)

    United States
    I'm going to be obnoxious and leave you a fourth comment
    My tounge is mother fucking tingling from the pool. It's pissing me off.
    And lmaoo. I just thought of when we were in the pool and I started smacking the crap out of you and then I just started hanging on your leg like a monkey. And then you tried to drown me. Ahh. Good times. I could probably just sit here and type all of the stupid shit we did but I think I should probably stop writing you comments.

    Ahahaha. I just thought of when we watched that Rat Race video.
    What do you need my hat for?
    Her VAGINA.

    I'm through. I really am. Watch. In like two seconds I'm going to come back and leave you another comment.
    Dude. Why don't I just call you?

    I'm a whore.
    July 13th, 2008 at 02:08am
  • juicy

    juicy (100)

    United States
    And at the end he's talking about this Ultimate Fighting UK and he's like. 'He eats children'. That always makes me laugh too. We should have watched this when I was over. But then Tyler would have walked in and been like. STFU. and I would have murdered your brother. Which wouldn't have been too cool.
    And I really wish screwing Cliff came over today. He's always there when I'm not. Okay. I'm done with my long comments. 3 new since you signed off. What a loser I am.
    July 13th, 2008 at 01:56am
  • juicy

    juicy (100)

    United States
    Still read the one under this. That one's new too.

    http://youtube.com/watch?v=437BPKr5cIY -- This is that video I was talking about. Listen for when Oli says Racist, Continue, Sex, and Bolgaria. And then when he pretends to laugh like an evil person. haha. I want to do him right now. You don't even know. Almost more than Alex. And that's pretty much a lot. Oh. And watch for when he says money and drunk. Instead of saying 'I was' he says 'I were'. It's funny. And hot. And omg. I have to stop typing this and go watch it again. haha.
    July 13th, 2008 at 01:50am
  • juicy

    juicy (100)

    United States
    Oh. I'll have fun. Tell Zack I said hi. And I'll ask Jack about Alex too. Just in case Zack doesn't know. And yo. My eyes fucking sting from opening my eyes in the pool. haha. And I was like staring at myself with my shirt off...because I'm THAT sexyy..and I noticed that the tan I got was like retardedly brown. Like not tan brown. Like paint brown. It's weird.

    And idk why. But I think I'm going to get my coon tail on the left side...and it's going to be a massively light looking brown instead of blonde. And then I'm going to have a brown going all the way around my head under my real color. And it's going to be a medium brown. haha. And I have no idea when that's getting done.

    You know what would be sick? If we got our hair done together. But...you're probably going to do yours after me.

    I'm pretending to be taking a nap so that my mom won't make me do stupid ass chores. I was like. yo. I'm going to take three hour long nap. With the laptop in my room. Don't interupt me. I'm tired. And I just ran away.

    Why am I leaving you such a douchebaggedly long message?
    You know that girl Karen? She's a huge bag of douche.
    July 13th, 2008 at 01:25am
  • juicy

    juicy (100)

    United States
    lmaoo. What's that from? Some story?
    Uhhhh....fine. I was like sitting in the back all quiet and shit while your dad and Liz argued about what radio station to put it on. haha.
    And then when I got home I took a shower and now I'm naked. Well, I have a towel on...but you can imagine me naked.

    Yo. Did Zack get there yet? You need to ask him where Alex is going tonight. So we can stalk him.
    July 13th, 2008 at 12:40am