MakeMePanic! / Comments

  • popcandy777

    popcandy777 (100)

    United States
    wow your long comment had brightened up thy day like the morning sun and for that I profusely thank you * bows* haaaaa dude yes yes yes we shall kidnap that guy who they based tidus off of and a7x and that hot asain guy with the lip piercing *high five* yay omg all those ff guys are super hot *fans self* ahh dude i have advent children on my lap lop dude cloud, and separoth omg need we say more ahhh those lucky wenches hmm i wanna be a ff girl and as for that *cough* slut Yuna did you see what she was wearing on ffx-2 hmmm nuff said she did not deserve him oh no she did not she just thought she was the shyt cuz she was a summoner hmfh ahh but on a lighter note dudeeeee little piece of heaven almost easy beast and the harlot bat country mannnn those are my songs yeah i hate those fake fan girls that don't even own one cd well i have them allllll and soon i will have all of a7x *twitch* *ha ha insane laugh* ahem i mean we, we shall kid nap them ahem oooohhh walmart dude so my store yep yep lots of things to play with yay for fun hmmm yes yes my mommie has to drag me aways from the internet at times hmm loves me some food dude i soooo have a fast metabolism too yay for us *high five* yepper tis lucky we found each other cuz hmmm you doo seem like me tis a very good thing yep yep ha ha dude i soooo wanna go to Japan my brother lived there for like 2 years and ppl thought he was Japanese ha ha hmm yes i wanna travel esp to California I shall move there one day dude the spice girls are awesome i love that song vive forever ohhhh buddy tis the jam right there dude your stories are addictive yes yes they are they are tis my new hobbie to read them heels are kewl pageants bore me me thinks i win cuz i have a crazy personality ha ha like the other girls in the back sneer me but what eves i loves being a rocker chick hmmm my friends don't think a7x boys are cute im like haaaaaaaaa more for me he he idk whats wrong with them i have been dubbed creepy and morbid but i secretly like it.....i want a pink pony, buckets are very useful, tinker bell dresses like a slut, slushies are boss i read harry potter yellow distracts me now off to add you and your amazingness in my story oh yeah and sushi is great!!!
    August 11th, 2008 at 07:22pm
  • Desert Moon

    Desert Moon (100)

    United States
    I LOVED the update! :D
    August 11th, 2008 at 09:25am
  • popcandy777

    popcandy777 (100)

    United States
    dudeeeeee it is officallll you rockz omg tidus *drools* ah if only all men looked like him hmm i heard they based him off of a real person mark my words i will find that boys and omg they all looked hott on that dear god video hmm dude esp. Zack *sigh* tis love i know it hmmm your stories rock my socks and wally world joke never heard of em but i do go to walmart alot cuz its close snever been to florida but i did go to a store in Chicago ha ha everyone thought i was from hawaii lol they just took one look at me and was like your not from here are you lol tis was funny when they tired to guess my race haaaa i was all like im black just creole so i don't really look it and they were all like creole? yep it was one of those ok im just gunna walk away situations..... yep but anyways dudeeee nerds are hot so is a7x esp zacky *drools* ahem and so are asian guys gotta love em hmm it think its so kewl how you and i are like and my life consist of the internet and nothing else....mommie forced me to do pageants then when i started winning money....well that was great shockingly i can walk perfectly on 6 inch heels but it trip over my cell phone in flats dude i so have no problem admitting my flaws and i so think its kewl you correct things cuz i tend to fudge things up ooohhh fudge speaking of fudge i lovesss it hmm yep i drink hot coco and tea all the time even though tis hot over here ha ha in the winter i get slushies and snow cones an icecream ha ha mommie fusses but i dont care its i tend to laugh when im getting fussed and i get in even more trouble haaaaa its great dude hmm loves me smores wish i had some now ugh chemistry....well i kinda got banned from the lab but in my defense im add and the the pretty colors were just begging to me mixed apparently mixing chemicals will get you in trouble ha ha oh well the smoked stopped eventually and i so wish i can say that was a joke but sadly.....tis the truth potatoes make me happy i loves my video games hmm oh right i need to message you with my description lol ha ha im soooooo on it ohh and randon this rock
    August 11th, 2008 at 08:39am
  • popcandy777

    popcandy777 (100)

    United States
    ohh man long comments rock my sockz yes they do lol hmmm its not like i have anything better to do with my time here hmm *looks around* nope i have not life but im comfortable enough to admit that lol yes i am ohhhhhh dudeeeeee wow i so watched dear god yes i did and zacky omg its like i fell in love all over again, *shakes head* mmhhmm mmhhmm ah gotta love them and yesss *eye twitch* ha ha to kidnap hmm that idea is one that constantly crosses my mind along with taco bell and cheesecake ohhh dude i gots coco tis my comfort drink yep yep it is it is blah me and my peeps dive to fast food places too when we gets bored come to think of it we always do things that gets us in trouble hmm i almost got kicked out of walmart....not proud but oh well hmm my family always looks at me funny...but then again so does everyone else hmm yay im eating wheat thins and they are yummy i wanna get another tat and put pink highlights in my hair but i can't do that until i give up my title or mommie will be very upset with me...but then again she always is lol ahhhhh hmmm randomness i love it esp when it has food in it food is my life gum is my best friend hmm it is really hot over here i loves me so sour worms not the real worms the candy of course the sky is blue and so is the refresh button lol haaaaaa on and the Asian rocker miyavi is hotttt yep i love our long comments yay for us! oh and i messaged you
    with what i need for my story....cuz i like need it now lol haaaa yay
    August 10th, 2008 at 10:59pm
  • popcandy777

    popcandy777 (100)

    United States
    yay I is on your tops now this is cause for celebration *happy dance* oookies mmm yes yes you get Jimmy lol and yes we must message each other with details lol goody goody gumdrops cheesecake is my life the cake never lies I shall parish at the very thought of its extinction *violently shakes head and twitches eye* ahem I wish I had some now but sadly I don't dude your so lucky you got t o see a7x in concert on stage hell I would drink with them lol and Bullet for my Valentine rocksss dude hmmm sadly I don't get the joke either hmmm yeps i love me some taco's lol hmmm ya we have a taco bell, a Micky D's a sonic a burger king, a wendies, a popeyes and a bunch of other things hmm i love the lollie pop song and the candy yay and yes yes his tatts a very frightening mmhhhmmm *shakes head* yay for fun hmm I love it when ppl correct me that way im not a little screw up lol dude my dad sooo does not mind it i get tattos and pericings as long as i don't drink or smoke or do drugs or anything of that nature my mommie on the other hand raised me to be a prim proper southern bell.....or at least she tried haaaaaa lol dude its soooooo hot over here i mean we have our air conditioners on during winter and i never gets to see no snow *sigh* tis sad really dude its like smothering hot right now hmm i gots milk just no coffee hmmm so no coffee for me as well so not right lol
    August 10th, 2008 at 03:38am
  • popcandy777

    popcandy777 (100)

    United States
    hellzzzzzzz yeah ur going on my top and *shakes head* and mmmmmmmm cheese cake i can eat it like 24/7 365 its boss and yeppers your so gunna be with jimmy in my story yes u are we must message each other with details like names and appearances and such yay *excitedly claps hands* ahem anyways omg dude u got to see them in concert d(>_<)b dudeeeeee you are soo lucky omg Zacky he is the best i worship him *twitches eye* ha ha hmmm the only person i got to see in concert was lil wayne dudeeee but i was txting (cuz my friends like just had to bug me that night with major drama) but anyways yeah he saw me and was looking dead at me and i looked up from my cell and he got on his mike and he was like whats your cell phone number it wasssssss awesome lol yayyyyyyyy lol haaaa omg dude I love ocd ppl lol i have a friend who is ocd her and i have hours of funnnnnnnn yay but any way hmmm yeah i want an a7x tat too lol yep my tattoo is a bitten strawberry ha ha my parents werent to happy about it and dudeeee omg i live in the south and yeah ppl look at me funny all the time but i just flip then off yes i do lol my parents arnt to happy with my rocker style but what evessss i entered in a pageant and won it so my mommie would quite nagging me about it but *sighs* sadly that didn't help ah oh well i think our style rockssss and other ppl are haterss lol dude i soooo had tacos tonite yes i did lol haaaaa so whats up
    August 9th, 2008 at 01:12am
  • popcandy777

    popcandy777 (100)

    United States
    ohhhhh dude you so got Jimmy and yay chocolate for all but omg cheese cake dude now ur speaking my language lol yummmm dude were gunna be like the best of friends like noooo joke lol and I'm so jealous u got to see them perform i havent....sadly but i will one day via *ahem* kidnapping lol ha ha you didn't read that lol anyways hmm def roomieeeeee yay it sounds funner that way and hellz yeah being the odd ball out rocks like no lie its so funny to see peoples reactions and omg wow your drew ur design wow that totally awesome wow thats great and i hopes u get it on ur b-day too
    August 8th, 2008 at 04:48am
  • popcandy777

    popcandy777 (100)

    United States
    dudeeeeeeeeeeeee omg ur awesome and yay i put u in my story and omg really would u really put me in ur new story *blinks eyes looks around* me yay and with Zacky omg ur so rocking my sockz lol and oh dude tell me about it my mom raised me like to be this little annoying southern bella and idk care for that I gots a tattoo and working on the pericing lol and yes i am the odd girl out as well and as for choclate YESSSS ALL OF ITS EATERS SHALL RULE THE WORLD lol umm *ahem clears throat* so umm yeah ur wanna be im my story awesome hmm now pick Matt, Jimmy, or Johnny and ugh kidnapping ehh...not gunna lie that so crossed my game for it if u are
    August 8th, 2008 at 03:45am
  • popcandy777

    popcandy777 (100)

    United States
    yessssssssssss finally someone as ADD and ADHA and hyper and random as mee hellz yeah zacky is sexy ohhhhh and def can't forget Syn (omg hes like do me now fine) and Matt mmmm and the rev what i wouldn't do to him lol haaaaa yes gotta love em and dude i just had a biggg chocolate bar yay for me the fun will never end *eye twitch* ha ha so yeah dude u should so def check out my story and i will check out urssssss omg i have an idea yes yes yes i just popped in my head hmm i wanna put u in my new story im writing yayyyyyy its the arms around u one lol hmmm there is details at the bottom of the chapters that say what i need to put ppl in and if you don't mind ur so going in my storyyyyyy
    August 8th, 2008 at 03:21am
  • popcandy777

    popcandy777 (100)

    United States
    lmao haaaa dude i so love ur randomness i have a feeling you and i are gunna like so get along masterly lol and omg dude i sooooo love Avenged sevenfold im so in love with Zacky Vengeance omg the dude is hott and hmm me i just finished my first story on hear lol yayyz for me lol so how is ur day coming along oh and i so love the second way you said hi it rockeddd!!! on and by the way as u can hyper
    August 8th, 2008 at 02:55am
  • popcandy777

    popcandy777 (100)

    United States
    heyyyyyy darlin how are you I'm candy nice to meet you love ur name by the way thanks for the add so how are u wuts up blah im so bored on my end lol
    August 8th, 2008 at 02:28am
  • Desert Moon

    Desert Moon (100)

    United States
    I, once again, agree with ma-self! :D
    August 7th, 2008 at 02:20am
  • no room no room.

    no room no room. (100)

    I haven't been close enough to the front to be able to mosh XD
    but it looks fun.

    hahah I love that episode.
    Freaking great.
    August 3rd, 2008 at 06:22am
  • Desert Moon

    Desert Moon (100)

    United States
    I agree with ma-self! :D
    August 3rd, 2008 at 06:09am
  • Desert Moon

    Desert Moon (100)

    United States
    I agree with ma-self! xD haha :D :)
    August 2nd, 2008 at 11:09pm
  • Desert Moon

    Desert Moon (100)

    United States
    Update ROCKED. :D
    August 1st, 2008 at 11:09am
  • no room no room.

    no room no room. (100)

    They shall bow down to our greatness =D
    And then go mosh.

    Soulja boy's glasses.
    oh man.
    August 1st, 2008 at 06:46am
  • Lonewolf

    Lonewolf (100)

    United States
    aw thanks so much :D
    means alot!
    August 1st, 2008 at 06:36am
  • Lonewolf

    Lonewolf (100)

    United States
    Thanks for the add :D
    August 1st, 2008 at 06:20am
  • no room no room.

    no room no room. (100)

    I want to make one =D
    It's be freaking sweet =D
    August 1st, 2008 at 06:17am