*Sigh* Rejection

ok,so there is this guy i really like, i love even. he knew i liked him and still flirted with me, and we became really good friends. One or two of his friends even said they thought he liked me. He is in a really good band, and ive always supported them and gone to all theirs show even when no one else did. He has supported me and always would stare at me in class. well one day he stopped...
June 26th, 2008 at 02:45pm

Bears and whatnot

Have you ever been camping? i have. last night as a matter of fact. I braved a terriable storm, bears, a vicious cat, the cold air, and lack of toletries......well acutally......i slept in a tent in my backyard, with my cousin and brother. And that bear? well....it was George, my brothers little stuffed animal. that terraible, terible cat? my fat cat, sammy, who sat on my pillow the whole time. it...
June 26th, 2008 at 02:24pm