
Ok so let me lay this down for you. My best friend's name is Tuan. He's vietnamese and seriously the coolest computer geek ever. Well, he's really not a geek but he's very technology-orientated. (is orientated a word? i've always wondered that...)So anyway, he had a huge crush on my friend Ashley, my bestie in my first hour. He told me he liked her and flirted with her.She told me that she knew he...
July 17th, 2008 at 05:52am

What's Shakin' Bacon?

Haha. That title is funny...speaking of bacon, Joe Jonas can shoot it out of his eyes. Well, he wishes he could...So there isn't really any point to this entry is there. Hhhmmmmmm. Let's see what i did, oh yea! I went to the mall today, and i think for the first time in my WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE i came back empty handed. That sucks. I just couldn't find the right shoes...it was so depressing...maybe...
July 13th, 2008 at 02:58am

Sooooooo......I'm lonely on Mibba!

Heyy! In case you didn't see already my name is Emma Olivia! I am a newbie around here, and I love you so much if you are reading this! I just finished posting the first chapter of my Joe Jonas story. It is a little slow but i just drafted some ideas for my next couple chapters and i am way excited. I have no friends on Mibba yet, and it would mean the world to me if someone actually checked me...
July 12th, 2008 at 04:24am