Darkest / Comments

  • Lol, he is most definetly on my Too Cool For ANY Rules hot list. Smokin' baby, lol
    October 4th, 2008 at 04:49am
  • Woah, cute guy. What show was he on, again? I know I've seen him before...hmmm....
    October 1st, 2008 at 12:11pm
  • Thanks Bearah for the comment. You always know what to say...even if you didn't tell me to beat him up, jk. Thanks Bearah, I feel better, I do.
    September 30th, 2008 at 02:45am
  • heyy
    lol s'ok
    hope everything get better for you,
    keep me updated on how it goes :)
    September 24th, 2008 at 12:23pm
  • Yeah, dentists [i]are[/i] the worst. >.< Especially when a drill is involved...
    September 23rd, 2008 at 01:06am
  • Naww well there's always next time ay...And yea like you said, at least now he might know you like him, which is always an improvement...Bet you're looking forward to the next time you go in there lol...
    September 19th, 2008 at 12:28pm
  • yeah the girl i told with... well... she's getting beatup and she told them i tried to talk her out of it

    so yeah i'm in no pain... he's having to be escorted to classes... its bull shit
    September 17th, 2008 at 01:23am
  • Yeah, I'd wait until they all came in before I'd worry too much. My dentist made the mistake of scaring me half to death when he did the whole "ZOMG WTF, you're only the SECOND case we've seen where a FOURTEEN YEAR OLD has had a WISDOM TOOTH to come in!" This explains my anxiety on the matter. xP

    But good luck with yours. =)
    September 16th, 2008 at 07:18pm
  • thanks...

    i got on hour til i see him... i hope he's not mad at me for not telling him yesterday.
    September 16th, 2008 at 12:27pm
  • thanks i got an hour til i see him....
    i hope he doesn't get mad at me for not telling him yesterday...
    September 16th, 2008 at 12:27pm
  • No kidding...-_-. Which wisdom tooth is coming in for you? The one on the bottom left side of my mouth is coming in, but the one on the top left is already in. I don't know how, but it came in absolutely perfectly STRAIGHT. They don't have to extract it or anything; it's just like another molar. They say the other three look good so far, so I'll keep my fingers crossed.

    Will you have to get yours extracted?
    September 13th, 2008 at 09:52pm
  • Yeah, I hear you about the dentist thing...the last dentist I went to didn't know what the crap he was doing. He was sued I don't even know how many times. But since I live in Hooterville, USA, he was the only one around. My dentist now is 30+ miles away. x[ Good thing my teeth aren't hurting...yet. *crosses fingers* All four of my wisdom teeth are coming in -- one's already here and two more are already poking through. And I'm not even 16 yet. o_o
    September 13th, 2008 at 03:04am
  • See what I mean?! All the talented kids are homeschooled. The chick that plays Strawberry Shortcake's voice is homeschooled through my school :file: . Thought you'd find that amusing :P xD.

    That's great that your brother looks up to you, though. It sounds like you have your priorities in order and would be a great role-model. =)

    Dang...at least you get to SEE your guy often. I wish guys wore tags that read "GAY" or "NOT GAY." Wouldn't that come in handy?!

    Actually, the last time I was at the dentist was the first time I've ever been numbed. They're not supposed to numb you for regular cleanings; they numbed me because I had to get that stupid cavity filled. They were in the right not to numb you. I wonder why they numbed your dad for a regular cleaning, though?
    September 12th, 2008 at 02:07am
  • Definitely. Especially if you are one of those very devious kids. Lmao, they could just go and have sex and keep wearing the ring and their parents would never know. It's "wrong," but the kids won't care.
    September 11th, 2008 at 08:52pm
  • Ew, I know. I feel really bad. She said that her parents forced her just so that they feel better about her not doing anything and getting knocked up and stuff. Even though without it, she wouldn't do anything. ><
    September 11th, 2008 at 04:49am
  • Wow...are you kidding me? That is TERRIBLE. See, that's another thing about homeschoolers: they seem a LOT more focused on their education than public schoolers. Public schoolers would be more apt to go to a party at a friend's house so they can get high and "have a good time" while the homeschoolers I know would rather attend an event that could help them earn a scholarship for college. It's a shame. Maybe it's karma hitting your half-sister since she dissed and made up rumors about you? And some bad choices, of course.

    Eh...people have no right to diss homeschoolers. What really gets me, though, are the public schoolers that diss homeschooling and don't even know what it's about. They really should walk a mile in our shoes and THEN, we'll talk. But then again, homeschooling isn't for everyone -- not a lot of kids are disciplined and talented enough to handle the challenge. But, hey, to each his own...

    AW, YOU POOR BABY. You'd think with all the technology out there, they would have gotten rid of the teeth-scraping thing by now. I mean, the dentist was able to numb me before drilling for that piece of crap cavity with *LASERS*. Yeah, they can put man on the moon, numb people with lasers, and yet they still use a crappy piece of metal to literally scrape plaque off our teeth. :file:
    September 11th, 2008 at 02:50am
  • Lol. My friends and I don't wear one. This one girl I'm friends with wears one, but only because her parents make her. Lmao, that just sucks.
    September 10th, 2008 at 10:36pm
  • Yeah, homeschooling is really popular nowadays -- it's not like it used to be. Sadly, where I live, it's not popular at all and you're considered an alien being if you don't attend public school. However, I would rather die than go to our public high school. Girls have been RAPED in the bathrooms there. Why go through all that when you could get a BETTER education at home?

    Ugh, that hook thing sucks. And it also sucks when they take that little sharp thingy and go between and sometimes on your teeth to get the plaque. The sound of that thing scraping up against bone is just...*cringes*.

    Yes, I'd definitely switch dentists. I just switched dentists recently because my old one had no clue wtf he was doing. o_o
    September 10th, 2008 at 06:43pm
  • Jordan Sparks is a winner of American Idol. :eye roll:

    But yeah! i get what you mean. I'm probably not going to wait until marriage myself, but I definitely just don't want to be like *points to guy* "You're hot! Let's go!" Yeah, no thanks. Unless that guy was like... William Beckett or something.

    Lmao, not really.But seriously, that's just stupid.
    September 10th, 2008 at 04:15am
  • Mm. Yeah, definitely. I didn't really like Jordan Sparks anyway. Lol. But yeah, that was an extremely ignorant comment. I didn't watch the VMAs myself, but when I read that I was like... what?! >.<

    It's like Yeah, I'm sorry I don't wear a ring to flaunt my virginity. I don't need to. As long as I know where I stand, I'm fine, other people don't matter. (:
    September 10th, 2008 at 03:39am