Give me a second go

Hey there.

Katherine | 15 | Canada


I'm cleaning up my profile. Which means I'll be deleting all of my stories off of here that, to me, do not seem worthy of a place. I will, however, be saving them onto my laptop, so later on when I feel like I'm a good enough writer to improve them, I'll publish them again. So if you were a fan, I'm sorry, but just be patient, they'll be back someday. :)

bold | Italics | Underline

Dont let me go alone

Date: January 19, 2011
six twenty-four pm
Music: Crossfire - Brandon Flowers
Thoughts: How the hell am I going to get this story down into writing...

You saw me at the worst

Story title
The boy:
The Girl:

Story title
The boy:
The Girl:

You caught me falling first

This layout was made by April @ Rebellious Designs
Please leave credit on and don't try to steal.
Header: Second Go By Lights