I don't Understand My Generation

Seriously. I just don't get it.At my high school, it seems like the potheads and "drug-addicts" are the biggest, most popular clique. It's like drugs are the fall trend and everyone is wearing them. For some reason, it's cool to pop pills that could kill you and shoot toxins into your bloodstream. It's just the fucking coolest thing ever!At my high school, the people who walk around with holes the...
October 5th, 2010 at 11:49pm

Rant About Parents, Spoiled Kids, and Appreciation

"Ugh, my dad is being SO over protective! I had a date with Scott last night, and my dad stood on the porch like a creeper when he dropped me off! Ugh, he's so embarassing and annoying, I hate him!""Man, I know what you mean. My mom is being so unfair, she grounded me because I stayed out late and forgot to call her. I mean, it's not like I was doing anything bad and she still flips her shit. It's...
September 14th, 2010 at 09:19am

Lightning Storms and Time Machines

There's lightning flashing outside of my window.Every five seconds.I've been watching it for about an hour now with Never Shout Never, The Beatles, Secondhand Serenade and various soft songs playing on repeat softly in the background.And, honestly, it's the most beautiful thing in the world.Whether it be one huge clash, the kind that illuminates the whole damn sky and makes me blind for just a...
June 3rd, 2010 at 09:12am

Your tongue is not attractive. Keep it in your mouth.

Does this go through your mind when you're taking a picture?Hey, I know what will make me look hot! Let me stick my tongue out of my mouth like some kind of brain dead idiot and show people my uvela! What kind of guy could resist that?!.....What?How could anyone think that's attractive? IT'S DISGUSTING! I mean, what are people supposed to comment to that shit? "Hey, nice throat"? Ew!Seriously,...
May 24th, 2010 at 09:08am

Tattoo Opinions?

"I try to walk with the intent of spreading peace." -Christofer Drew IngleI've been begging my mom to let me get a tattoo on my foot ever since I heard him say this. It's what I'm all about, what I try to do, and what I stand for. I'm so tired of all the bullshit hate on this planet and I feel like getting a tattoo on my foot is the perfect way to express this.And guess what? She told me I could...
March 22nd, 2010 at 05:04am

Starving for 'Perfection'?

Okay, so everyone knows that today's society is royally fucked up. Pictures of skinny ass sticks litter the covers of our favorite magazines, the most successful movie stars are also the skinniest, most fit peoples I've ever seen in my life. The basic message is this:If you aren't skinny, you won't ever amount to anything.The publicity is poisining our minds and convincing us that we have to get...
March 16th, 2010 at 06:22am

She asked, "Why Do You Write?" I replied, "Why do you breathe?"

I get asked this question a lot:"Brooklyn, why do you like writing so much? It's so boring, I hate it!"I hear that from everyone. Teachers, friends, family, strangers, acquaintances...And it really bothers me becausea)Why does it matter to them? I like it. End of fucking story.b)Does there really have to be a specific reason? Can't I just like something for the hell of liking it? That's like...
March 16th, 2010 at 03:03am

Religious Rant

So I'm a Christian. But I'm not a very dedicated Christian. Is that bad?Lately the whole thought of religion has really been bothering me. My mom and I aren't religious people at all. Like, yeah, we believe in a higher power and all that, but we don't go to church and I couldn't tell you one thing about the bible. The only thing I have to say about the bible is that I think most of it just a bunch...
January 10th, 2010 at 12:36am