
Wow i am actually writing in here again.. i havent written on this journal since last year. I dont really have a whole lot to say lol. i mean i am pretty much posting right now to tell people that yes i am still on here. I wasnt on here a whole lot in the past few months and i want to apologize for that. That and the fact that i only have 2 stories and this is only my third journal entry....
June 2nd, 2009 at 03:26am


I am finally over the whole best friend lying and stabbing me in the back thing. Notice i said finally. Things have totally gone up hill and gotten better for me now that they are gone. I felt that when she would complain about her life i would also feel bad and then when i would like some guy she would always be like telling me lies about him which really sucked and never helped anything. Now i...
August 2nd, 2008 at 01:03am

Its actually kinda funny...

Its funny how you think about your past and who was your best friend and who you hated and who you didn't know and thought I'm never gonna be friends with them. Like my best friend I'm not going to mention her name, but her and i had been bff since 4th grade, and all of a sudden she keeps on lying to me all of the time and she never pays any sort of attention to me. It hurts. I know I'm not alone...
June 30th, 2008 at 09:25pm