paper heart

paper heart
Great Britain (UK)
Joined date
December 22nd, 2006


_________ dont let go dont let go.

The Basics
I LOVE life. I don't have any particular reason why. Infact there's been times I've hated it. But I figured why waste time hating something that won hate you back huh?
I used to dislike poetry until I had to read Sasson's and various other soliders' work for my war literature at A level. Now I can't get enough of it, I love reading about people's thoughts and feelings, seeing how one emotion can be expressed in many different ways. That said, I still loathe Dr. Suess.
So what do I like to read? I like fantasy, I like horror, I like supense. Big fan of the Point thriller and Point Crime books. Even bigger fan of the likes of The books of Pelinor, The Inheritance Cycle, The Posion Study Trilogy, Bitten etc. If you've read any of these I like you (:
My favourite book is one I read in my early teens, The Valley of Secrets. Its so unlike most books, you should try it. Its what sparked my interest in the amazon and the idea of becoming a travelling doctor. Oh yeah guilty secret time, I love science [/nerd] (:
I've not really spoken much about me, thats upto you to find out should we talk. Im a generally friendly person who loves chatting and helping people, Im always ready to lend an ear. I'm just rather busy so forgive me if I don't reply to pms and such, but I try my best (:
To give you an idea of what I'm like I'l talk instead about my top three people (;

Stephan. Partner in crime, partner in life. I love this boy more then words can say. Like any couple we argue and disagree, like any couple we drive each other crazy. We dont claim to have something no one else has, but to us its special. Words can't describe this kid; silly, fondness, cuddles, hoodies, rain, playgrounds, wacky warehouse, chuckycheese, vibrating chairs, pies, cream fights, star gazing, rooftops, so many fond memories I wouldn't give up for the world. He is so unbelieveable and I can't breath when he's around me. His picture came up stupidly big.
_____________________________15.06.2007 - who knows (:

. . . .

.Like walking into a dream, so unlike what you've seen.


Those two amazing people up there go by Helen and Chris. Aka Woody && Chrispy.
You wouldn't understand, or maybe you would. These two have stuck by my side through thick and thin. Best Friends doesn't even cut it with them, they're that awsome.

Woody is like my double act twin; long walks, sleepovers, book of shame, movie nights, music bashing, trees, taking photos in the middle of busy roads, books, elves, running into doors, daredevils, road trip, Ireland. You name, we've done it. I love this girly.

Christypher is a whole different kettle of fish; fights, tears, hugs, holding hands, screenkisses, prison time, teddies, pandas, forests, monkeys, midnight coffee trips, trains, driving to nowhere, giggles, laughs, late nights, pictionary, reassurance, safety net, secrets, whispers. We clash but we gel. <3
