Call it whatever you want but yet another random blog entry

Just a random blog entry cause well I'm bored lol. Derek left me a message on my Myspace yesterday about how he sent our picture and a message into the City paper for something their having for Valentines Day. He said that if the picture and message doesn't make it in the paper (which comes out on the 13th) that they said the entries that didn't make it in the paper will be on their website. I...
February 7th, 2008 at 07:25pm

Hello my beautiful friends

Director's Log: (LOL HA sorry I had a Paranormal State moment) Just a random entry here nothing really to say expect Panic At The Disco's (As you can see I didn't put the ! at the end of Panic cause well they got rid of the !) new song came out on their MySpace page last night. Nikki and me stayed up in her room till 9:00 waiting for it to come up on their page and when it did Nikki went freakin'...
January 29th, 2008 at 09:57pm

This is my first journal entry on here

Hey what's up? This is my first journal entry on Mibba and I have been a memeber on here for a few months I think since maybe sometime last summer don't really remember when I joined. Just want to post the entry that I posted on my other two blogs before I go on to other things. I had to go and read through it to change some things so it isn't written like I wrote it last week but rather just...
January 28th, 2008 at 07:47pm