Bah Humbug

So IM SORRY!I had to stop writing for a while to pull my grades back up to where I won't have to take finals. I had a major case of senior-itis and at my school if you (in your senior year) have an A average, you don't have to take finals. So I was working on that. Now it's AP test time and then I'm basically done. Well not really, but I'll completely check out (more so than I am now) and I'll...
May 7th, 2010 at 03:40am

By the time that we get through, the world will never ever be the same (And you're to blame)

Listening to Plain White T's "HEY THERE, DELILAH" (thus the title of this journal).Just got home from trip with the fammm. Pretty fun, traffic sucks. I got fruity gum and a large iced tea from Dunkin' Donuts (fave place ever? yes.) so 'twas all good.Eating fruity gum now.Awww song over. OK, um.... here we go: name that tuneok change of plans. check this...
April 3rd, 2010 at 03:46am

procrastination will be the death of me is nice, it's springy. I wore a new sweater today. It's pretty. My converse are black and scuffed up and I drew 3 little red hearts on the left shoe.I'm really hungry right now because lunch was forever ago. I had PB&J. And I studied during lunch for a super hard AP Chemistry test that I had and I'm actually pretty proud of myself because I think I did really well even though I...
March 24th, 2010 at 11:57pm

My, How Time Has Flown

Hello friend,I apologize for not updating rescently. I will tell you now, though, that my updates are rather infrequent. I have a lot going on right now, including four hours of practice each day. And don't even get me started about how much work I've got.So Winter Break is comming up, and I'm gonna try to get a few out then. I have tons of ideas. I write them down on scraps of papers while at...
December 4th, 2008 at 12:07am