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Hey everyone, the reason why I haven't been updating my stories is because my laptop isn't working right now. A friend is taking the computer to see if he can fix it. Hopfully in a week or so. I will try to update as soon as I possibly can. I mean frankly I'm horrificly bored right now because I don't have my stories to right and its annoying. Anyways keep on check my mibba for updates on how...
July 12th, 2010 at 10:16pm

New Story

Hey everyone, I am writing another story. Yeah I know why would I write 3 stories at once. Well writing more than one story keeps me interested in writing the others. I have ADD so when its comes to certain things, like writing, it helps me to keep going at it when I also do other stuff. Anyways the new story I am writing is just going to be a short story, and it's definitly different than any of...
June 21st, 2010 at 08:28pm