Octopus / Comments

  • Hi!
    August 14th, 2008 at 03:18am
  • if i say i love you on here,
    would it be enough to convince you that i never
    lie when it comes to lovin' kendra-dee.
    August 13th, 2008 at 05:49am
  • NOOO!!!!
    The pink is gone!!! lol,
    Dude you did that pink by yourself?
    That looked hella good for being your own creation!!! ^_^
    August 8th, 2008 at 09:09pm
  • Hahah Band camp is really... interesting. Band camp for me was like chilling in the band room over the summer. Haha, I never was fond of going to summer camp. Although my last time at "Band Camp" was very...strange. Everybody hooked up with somebody. I'll just put it that way. Haha.

    If I'm biased I'm biased... what can I do? :]
    Stabbed???? Um... I can't blame you for being homeschooled then. I'm not risking my life just so I can sit in a boring class six times a day. (an hour each class? Hellz to the no.)

    Um... I reccomend.. *Down Set Go. *Everyone Looks So Good From Here. And... the ever popular Writing on the walls. Oh! And a boy brushed red living in black and white. And... *It's dangerous business walking out your front door (the ones with stars are some of my personal favorites. Although I love all of them)

    I would write under a fake name...that's a good idea(r). I never actually thought about that. Haha... good thinking.
    August 8th, 2008 at 01:42am
  • hahaha,
    My momma woulda taken me back to the place
    and had it changed, lol...
    She a crazy mofo lol...^^

    But hey it looks hella good!!! :)
    August 6th, 2008 at 09:37pm
  • Underoath is a hardcore/christian/screamo band. Sometimes I really have to listen hard to hear the keyboards... but they're amazing. In my opinion. I've never really listened to japanese music... but I mught start if they have good keyboards.

    I've kinda wanted to be homeschooled. But I've never really actuallty considered it. I like going to public school and meeting new people and stuff. There are a decent amount of sane people at school. Or.. very little. Maybve like ten... and I hang out with them! Haha I guess that makes me biased?

    I love Sarah Dessen and Kevin Brooks. They are great authors. keven Brooks writes amazing, thriller/mystery/weirdo-kid books. It's hard to describe his style, but it's very different. Sarah Dessen writes those cliche love stories... but I like them. It's different somehow yet the same. I don't know. I'd love to bbe an author and be unknown yet known at the same time. It would be the perfect balance.

    Band Geeks Rule. End of story! Haha... they can dance too. Sometimes.
    August 6th, 2008 at 09:05pm
  • Holy shit!!! I was in middle school band! AND I PLAYED FLUTE!!!! haha this is like deja vu. I love it. Flute was amazing... I still play. I'm a total band geek. I'm thinking about joining highschool band.

    I'd want to be an author. People know you but not very well. It's like I'd get to do something I enjoy and be recognized for it, but not to thepoint where I can't walk down the street. It'd be perfect... or at least close.

    Keyboard players need to unite. I want to play like Christopher Dudley from Underoath. He's amazing. Guitar is overdone. People just want to play because it's "in" It's quite sad.
    August 4th, 2008 at 12:19am
  • Since 6th grade? Holy crap,
    My mom never let me do that,
    When I turned 16 that's when she allowed me to do my hair,
    August 3rd, 2008 at 08:56pm
  • Hey!!
    August 3rd, 2008 at 07:49am
  • Teehee,
    Thank you... ^_^

    Dude you're hair is so kick ass!
    I'm sorry,
    I just can't get over it,
    My friend tried something like that,
    But her hair didn't turn out that good...
    Like it's seriously kick ass... ^_^

    Sorry I couldn't refrain myself...
    July 31st, 2008 at 08:53pm
  • I like to people watch to. I go to the mall sometimes just to sit in the food court and watch everybody. It's really fun. I feel the same exact way. The only thing I would like about being famous would be playing shows and all that jazz. I would hate going out in public, just to be attacked by fans.

    Yep yep. I play keyboards :D! I love it. Mine isn't all that great. It doesn't have all 88 keys. I really want a full sized keyboard. I have to wait until I get my money together, though. I would ask my mom, but I'd rather buy it myself.

    I think I've heard of Mean Creek. It's that movie where they kill a bully and bury him out in the woods right? If it is, I love that movie. I thought it was pretty well known too. The again, hardly anybody watches movies that don't come out in theaters.
    July 31st, 2008 at 08:23pm
  • hey thanks for your comment on we can change the world!
    i posted the sequel: we couldnt change it if we tried =]
    July 30th, 2008 at 08:19pm
  • Are you serious? She got her name legally changed to Miley??? That's retarted. The only time I think it makes sense to change your name is when it truely sucks. Like if your full name was Harry Ball. That would suck. But, to change your name for no apparent reason? That's stupid. And if you meant she legally changed her name to Hannah Montanah... I have no response. I mean... who would want to be named Hannah Montanah. It's stupid.

    I would never want to be in a famous band either. I would hate roaming the streets and getting recognized and hassled for autographs and stuff. I love my privacy. I love being able to walk around and have nobody know a single thing about me. I think it would get annoying to have people come ip to me and already know my name, age, birthdate/place. Kids know everything about guys in bands. I love being anonymous. It's wonderful to me. However, I wouldn't mind being in a garage band. I'd love being in a band just for fun. That would be pretty cool. I can already play piano pretty well. I'm saving up to buy a keyboard, so my friends and I can write terrible songs and jam in the garage. haha, fun.

    I haven't rented any movies in the longest time. lately I've been mooching off my friends dvds. Right now, Donnie Darko is my obsession. I love that movie. Anyways, after you watch Lords of Dogtown tell me what you think. I'm pretty sure you'll like it. everybody else tha i've recommended it to did.
    July 29th, 2008 at 09:17pm
  • Omg you're the same way I am!
    The past is the past,
    This is the future,
    We weren't there,
    You weren't the one's being tortured...
    July 29th, 2008 at 08:29pm
  • lol,
    Did you know slavery started because people sold their own kind?
    Blacks sold Blacks,
    Mexicans Sold Mexicans,
    Whites sold whites...

    I always tell people it's not my fault that my ancestors were rich lol..
    But truth be known an african sold his own people for money and that's how it started... Some people just can't handle the truth, and if they had a History teacher like mine in their 11th/12th grade class that tells it how it is, then they'll find out lol...
    July 29th, 2008 at 07:38pm
  • Yeah, it is kinda like Hannah Montanah. I hate her too, you are definately not alone. (I like that song.You,re not alone by Saosin? I like it) But it's like the band's on stage persona is Hannah Montanah and they're off stange persona when they're just with family and friends is Miley. I never liked that name... Miley. It sounds like a horse name to me. Haha.

    Lords of Dogtown is a good movie. If and or when you watch it, you'll probably like it. nobody really even talked about it which made it that much better.
    July 29th, 2008 at 05:39pm
  • Heyy , I'm Kayla [:
    I love your hair , its wicked .
    & Your Femme Fatale story ! Keep up the good workk [:
    July 29th, 2008 at 06:25am
  • oh my god. you are HOT. i love your hair girl! your outfit is cute, the striped one on the bottom of the page. and your welcome! your story is really good <3
    July 29th, 2008 at 12:55am
  • IMDB is pretty cool. I love the actor John Robinson. I think he's really cool. The only movie that comes to mind that he was in that ended up semi-popular is Lords of Dogtown. I love that movie. Heath Ledger was in it too. John Robinson was in Elephant to. Although nobody really speaks in Elephant, which is one of the main reasons why I love that movie.

    She was THIRTEEN? Why??? that's stupid, if your parents don't like your boyfriend it's whatever. Although they must not like him for a reason. Thirteen year olds don't need to be pregnant at all. It's sad.

    I think guys in bands have alter egos. They're on stage and interview personalities I think are very different. Even in the dvds I think they must be acting different. I know I would. It's like being in play. You're becoming that character. It's hard to understand that sometimes. It took me a while, but in time I think everybody will figure it out.
    July 28th, 2008 at 10:00pm
  • lol wanted to say you have AWESOME HAIR!
    Thank you about the rascism article thing,
    I'm just so sick and tired of it and even posted a journal of how I felt,
    I know I'm an annoying bitch who can't let things go lol...

    So feel free to read and then post a comment... ^_^
    Thank you so much for the comment on my profile,
    and I must say you're hair is kick ass!!!
    Also love the cheetah prints...
    July 28th, 2008 at 09:44pm