Worthwhile Journal????

Okay I just don't understand. How can a journal entry be worthwhile???? What do you say to make it that?Whatever.Okay you have entered my insane mind.A very scary place to be when I'm asleep.Ever had one of those dreams that you know you are sleeping because something happens that would never ever ever happen in the real world?Yeah I had a dream that 2 of my friends who hate eachother got married...
July 11th, 2008 at 10:07pm

New here

Well I have arrived. I heard about this from one of my friends who is also an amatuer author. I love writing and I really just wnt honest opinions from people who don't know me.If you know me I don't want to be babied or mocked. I want to be taken seriously. This is sooo not my writing style. I actually put some life into that. :)I have had some INSANE aspirations,(singer,soccer player,actor) and...
July 4th, 2008 at 08:17am